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dev The dev pseudo-file contains network device status information. This gives the number of received and sent packets, the number of errors and collisions, and other basic statistics. These are used by the ifconfig(8) program to report device status. The format is

Inter-| Receive                    | Transmit

face  |packets errs drop fifo frame|packets errs drop fifo colls carrier

lo:     0       0    0    0    0     2353    0    0    0    0     0

eth0:   644324  1    0    0    1     563770  0    0    0    581   0

ipx No information.
ipx_route No information.
rarp This file uses the same format as the ARP file and contains the current reverse mapping database used to provide rarp(8) reverse address lookup services. If rarp is not configured into the kernel, this file will not be present.
raw Holds a dump of the RAW socket table. Much of the information is not of use apart from debugging. The sl value is the kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address is the local address and protocol number pair. St is the internal status of the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the outgoing and incoming data queue in terms of kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits fields are not used by RAW. The uid field holds the creator euid of the socket.
route No information but looks similar to route(8).
snmp This file holds the ASCII data needed for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP management information bases for an snmp agent. As of writing, the TCP mib is incomplete. It should be completed by 1.2.0.
tcp Holds a dump of the TCP socket table. Much of the information is not of use apart from debugging. The sl value is the kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address is the local address and port number pair. The remote_address is the remote address and port number pair (if connected). St is the internal status of the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the outgoing and incoming data queue in terms of kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits fields hold internal information of the kernel socket state and are only useful for debugging. The uid field holds the creator euid of the socket.
udp Holds a dump of the UDP socket table. Much of the information is not of use apart from debugging. The sl value is the kernel hash slot for the socket; the local_address is the local address and port number pair. The remote_address is the remote address and port number pair (if connected). St is the internal status of the socket. The tx_queue and rx_queue are the outgoing and incoming data queue in terms of kernel memory usage. The tr, tm->when, and rexmits fields are not used by UDP. The uid field holds the creator euid of the socket. The format is

sl local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr rexmits tm->when uid

1: 01642C89:0201 0C642C89:03FF 01 00000000:00000001 01:000071BA 00000000 0

1: 00000000:0801 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 6F000100 0

1: 00000000:0201 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0

unix Lists the UNIX domain sockets present within the system and their status. The format is

Num RefCount Protocol Flags    Type St Path

0:  00000002 00000000 00000000 0001 03

1:  00000001 00000000 00010000 0001 01 /dev/printer

Num is the kernel table slot number, RefCount is the number of users of the socket, Protocol is currently always 0, and Flags represents the internal kernel flags holding the status of the socket. Type is currently always 1 (UNIX domain datagram sockets are not yet supported in the kernel). St is the internal state of the socket and Path is the bound path (if any) of the socket.

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