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G count If this flag is specified, an article will only be sent to the site if it is posted to no more than count newsgroups.
H count If this flag is specified, an article will only be sent to the site if it has count or fewer sites in its Path line. This flag should only be used as a rough guide because of the loose interpretation of the Path header; some sites put the poster's name in the header, and some sites that might logically be considered to be one hop become two because they put the posting workstation's name in the header. The default value for count is one.
I size The flag specifies the size of the internal buffer for a file feed. If there are more file feeds than allowed by the system, they will be buffered internally in least recently used order. If the internal buffer grows bigger than size bytes, however, the data will be written out to the appropriate file.
N modifiers The newsgroups that a site receives are modified according to the modifiers, which should be chosen from the following set:

m     Only moderated groups

u     Only unmoderated groups

S size If the amount of data queued for the site gets to be larger than size bytes, then the server will switch to spooling, appending to a file specified by the F flag or /news/spool/out.going/sitename if the F flag is not specified. Spooling usually happens only for channel or exploder feeds.
T type This flag specifies the type of feed for the site. type should be a letter chosen from the following set:

c     Channel

f     File

l     Log entry only

m     Funnel (multiple entries feed into one)

p     Program

x     Exploder. Each feed is described in the section on feed types.

The default is Tf.

W items If a site is fed by file, channel, or exploder, this flag controls what information is written. If a site is fed by a program, only the asterisk (*) has any effect. The items should be chosen from the following set:

b     Size of the article in bytes.

f     Article's full pathname.

g     The newsgroup the article is in; if cross-posted, then the first of the groups this  site gets.

m     Article's Message-ID.

n     Article's pathname relative to the spool directory.

p     The site that fed the article to the server; from the Path header.

s     The IP address of the site that sent the article.

t     Time article was received as seconds since epoch.

*     Names of the appropriate funnel entries; or all sites that get the article.

D     Value of the Distribution header; ? if none present.

H     All headers.

N     Value of the Newsgroups header.

O     Overview data.

R     Information needed for replication. More than one letter can be used;

      the entries will be separated by a space and written in the order in which they

      are specified. The default is Wn.

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