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Page 1141

4:234:respawn:/etc/getty 9600 tty4

s2:3:respawn:/etc/mgetty ttys2 19200

b:4:respawn:/etc/getty 19200L ttyb

ca::ctrlaltdel:/etc/shutdown -t3 -rf now




init was written by Miquel van Smoorenburg (miquels@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org). The manual page was written by Sebastian Lederer (lederer@francium.informatik.uni-bonn.de) and modified by Michael Haardt (u31b3hs@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de).


init(8), telinit(8)

13 May 1993


inn.conf—Configuration data for InterNetNews programs.


The file /news/lib/inn.conf is used to determine various parameters. Blank lines and lines starting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other lines specify parameters that may be read and should be of the following form:

name : [optional whitespace] value

Everything after the whitespace and up to the end of the line is taken as the value; multi-word values should not be put in quotes. The case of names is significant; server is not the same as Server or SERVER.

Some parameters specified in the file may be overridden by environment variables, and some file parameters may be used to mask real data, such as when hiding a cluster of hosts behind a single electronic mail hostname. The current set of parameters is as follows:

fromhost This is the name of the host to use when building the From header line. The default is the fully qualified domain name of the local host. The value of the FROMHOST environment variable, if it exists, overrides this.
moderatormailer This names the default machine that contains forwarding aliases for all moderated groups. It is only used if the moderators(5) file doesn't exist or if the group is not matched by that file. The value is interpreted as a pattern match; see moderators(5).
organization This specifies what to put in the Organization header if it is blank. The value of the ORGANIZATION environment variable, if it exists, overrides this.
pathhost This specifies how to name the local site when building the Path header line. The default is the fully qualified domain name of the local host.
server This specifies the name of the NNTP server to which an article should be posted. The value of the NNTPSERVER environment variable, if it exists, overrides this.
domain This should be the domain name of the local host. It should not have a leading period, and it should not be a full host address. It is used only if the GetFQDN routine in libinn(3) cannot get the fully qualified domain name by using either the gethostname(2) or gethostbyname(3) calls. The check is very simple; if either routine returns a name with a period in it, then it is assumed to have the full domain name.

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Three parameters are used only by nnrpd when accepting postings from clients:

mime-version If this parameter is present, then nnrpd will add the necessary MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) headers to all any articles that do not have a Mime-Version header. This parameter specifies the MIME version and should normally be 1.0.
mime-contenttype If MIME headers are being added, this parameter specifies the value of the Content-Type header. The default value is text/plain; charset=US-ASCII.
mime-encoding If MIME headers are being added, this parameter specifies the value of the Content-Transfer-Encoding header. The default value is 7bit.

Note that this file can be identical on all machines in an organization.


fromhost: foo.com
moderatormailer: %s@uunet.uu.net
organization: Foo, Incorporated
#pathhost: Use FQDN.
server: news.foo.com
domain: foo.com

This file is intended to be fairly static; any changes made to it are typically not reflected until a program restarts.


Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.


libinn(3), moderators(5)


innwatch.ctl—Control Usenet supervision by innwatch.


The file /news/lib/innwatch.ctl is used to determine what actions are taken during the periodic supervisions by innwatch.

The file consists of a series of lines; blank lines and lines beginning with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other lines consist of seven fields, each preceded by a delimiting character:


The delimiter can be any one of several non-alphanumeric characters that does not appear elsewhere in the line; there is no way to quote it to include it in any of the fields. Any of !, ,, :, @, ;, or ? is a good choice. Each line can have a different delimiter; the first character on each line is the delimiter for that line. Whitespace surrounding delimiters, except before the first, is ignored and does not form part of the fields; whitespace within fields is permitted. All delimiters must be present.

The first field is a label for the control line. It is used as an internal state indicator and in ctlinnd messages to control the server. If omitted, the line number is used.

The second field specifies when this control line should be used. It consists of a list of labels and special indicators separated by whitespace. If the current state matches against any of the labels in this field, this line will be used as described below. The values that may be used are

_ This line matches if the current state is the same as the label on this line, or if the current state is run, the initial state. This is also the default state if this field is empty.

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+ This line matches if the current state is run.
* This line always matches.
label This line matches if the current state is the specified label.
_label This line matches if the current state is not the specified label.

The third field specifies a shell command that is invoked if this line matches. Do not use any shell filename expansion characters such as *, ?, or [ (even quoted, they're not likely to work as intended). If the command succeeds, as indicated by its exit status, it is expected to have printed a single integer to standard output. This gives the value of this control line, to be used below. If the command fails, the line is ignored. The command is executed with its current directory set to the newsspool directory, /news/spool.

The fourth field specifies the operator to use to test the value returned above. It should be one of the two-letter numeric test operators defined in test(1) such as eq, lt, and the like. The leading dash (_) should not be included.

The fifth field specifies a constant with which to compare the value using the operator just defined. This is done by invoking the command

test value -operator constant

The line is said to "succeed" if it returns true.

The sixth field specifies what should be done if the line succeeds and in some cases if it fails. Any of the following words may be used:

throttle Causes innwatch to throttle the server if this line succeeds. It also sets the state to the value of the line's label. If the line fails and the state was previously equal to the label on this line (that is, this line had previously succeeded), then a go command will be sent to the server, and innwatch will return to the run state. The throttle is only performed if the current state is run or a state other than the label of this line, regardless of whether the command succeeds.
pause Is identical to throttle except that the server is paused.
shutdown Sends a shutdown command to the server. It is for emergency use only.
flush Sends a flush command to the server.
go Causes innwatch to send a go command to the server and to set the state to run.
exit Causes innwatch to exit.
skip The result of the control file is skipped for the current pass.

The last field specifies the reason that is used in those ctlinnd commands that require one. More strictly, it is part of the reason; innwatch appends some information to it. In order to enable other sites to recognize the state of the local innd server, this field should usually be set to one of several standard values. Use No space if the server is rejecting articles because of a lack of filesystem resources. Use loadav if the server is rejecting articles because of a lack of CPU resources.

Once innwatch has taken some action as a consequence of its control line, it skips the rest of the control file for this pass. If the action was to restart the server (that is, issue a go command), then the next pass will commence almost immediately so that innwatch can discover any other condition that may mean that the server should be suspended again.


@@@df .|awk `NR==2 {print $4}'@lt@10000@throttle@No space

@@@df -i .|awk `NR==2 {print $4}'@lt@1000@throttle@No space (inodes)

The first line causes the server to be throttled if the free space drops below 10000 units (using whatever units df uses) and restarted again when free space increases above the threshold.

The second line does the same for inodes.

The next three lines act as a group and should appear in the following order. It is easier to explain them, however, if they are described from the last up.

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