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Page 1103

Part V:

File Formats

Page 1104


intro—Introduction to file formats.


This chapter describes various file formats and protocols, and the used C structures, if any.


Look at the header of the manual page for the authors and copyright conditions. Note that these can be different from page to page!

Linux, 24 July 1993

active, active.times

active, active.times—List of active Usenet newsgroups.


The file /news/lib/active lists the newsgroups that the local site receives. Each newsgroup should be listed only once. Each line specifies one group; their order in the file does not matter. Within each newsgroup, articles are assigned unique names, which are monotonically increasing numbers.

If an article is posted to newsgroups not mentioned in this file, those newsgroups are ignored. If no valid newsgroups are specified, the article is filed into the newsgroup "junk" and only propagated to sites that receive the "junk" newsgroup.

Each line consists of four fields specified by a space:

name himark lomark flags

The first field is the name of the newsgroup. Newsgroups that start with the three characters to. are treated specially; see innd(8). The second field is the highest article number that has been used in that newsgroup. The third field is the lowest article number in the group; this number is not guaranteed to be accurate and should only be taken as a hint. Note that because of article cancellations, there may be gaps in the numbering sequence. If the lowest article number is greater than the highest article number, there are no articles in the newsgroup. To make it possible to update an entry in-place without rewriting the entire file, the second and third fields are padded with leading zeros to make them a fixed width.

The fourth field can contain one of the following flags:

y Local postings are allowed
n No local postings are allowed, only remote ones
m The group is moderated and all postings must be approved
j Articles in this group are not kept but only passed on
x Articles cannot be posted to this newsgroup
=foo.bar Articles are locally filed into the foo.bar group

If a newsgroup has the j flag, then no articles will be filed into that newsgroup and local postings to that group should not be generated. If an article for such a newsgroup is received from a remote site, it will be filed into the "junk" newsgroup if it is not cross-posted. This is different from not having a newsgroup listed in the file because sites can subscribe to j newsgroups and the article will be propagated to them.

If the fourth field of a newsgroup starts with an equal sign, then the newsgroup is an alias. Articles can be posted to the group but will be treated as if they were posted to the group named after the equal sign. The second and third fields are ignored. Note that the newsgroup header is not modified (Alias groups are typically used during a transition and are typically created with ctlinnd(8)). An alias newsgroup should not point to another alias.

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The file /news/lib/active.times provides a chronological record of when newsgroups are created. This file is normally updated by innd(8) whenever a ctlinnd newgroup command is done. Each line consist of three fields:

name time creator

The first field is the name of the newsgroup. The second field is the time it was created, expressed as the number of seconds since the epoch—a time_t; see gettimeofday(2). The third field is the electronic mail address of the person who created the group.


Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.


ctlinnd(8), innd(8)


adduser.conf—Configuration file for adduser(8) and add group(8).




The file adduser.conf contains defaults for the programs adduser(8) and addgroup(8). Each option takes the form option = value.

The valid configuration options are

DSHELL The login shell to be used for all new users. Defaults to /bin/bash. DHOME The directory in which new home directories should be created. Defaults to /home. SKEL The directory from which skeletal user configuration files should be copied. Defaults to /etc/skel. FIRST_UID Specifies the lowest valid UID for normal users on your system. IDs below FIRST_UID are reserved for administrative and system accounts. Defaults to 1000. USERGROUPS The USERGROUPS variable can be either yes or no. If yes, each created user will be given their own group to use as a default, and their setup will arrange to have them create files group-writable by default, thus allowing them to effectively use group-writeable filespace areas (such as /usr/local). If no, each created user will be placed in the group whose GID is USERS_GID, and they will create files not group-writeable by default. USERS_GID If USERGROUPS is no, then USERS_GID is the GID given to all newly created users. The default value is 100.





Debian GNU/Linux version 1.94

Page 1106


aliases—Aliases file for sendmail.




This file describes user ID aliases used by . The file resides in and is formatted as a series of lines of the form:

name: name_1, name_2, name_3, ...

The name is the name to alias, and the name_n are the aliases for that name. Lines beginning with whitespace are continuation lines. Lines beginning with # are comments.

Aliasing occurs only on local names. Loops cannot occur because no message will be sent to any person more than once.

After aliasing has been done, local and valid recipients who have a .forward file in their home directory have messages forwarded to the list of users defined in that file.

This is only the raw data file; the actual aliasing information is placed into a binary format in the files and using the program newaliases(1). A newaliases command should be executed each time the aliases file is changed for the change to take effect.


newaliases(1), dbm(3), sendmail(8), "Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide," "Sendmail: An Internetwork Mail Router."


Because of restrictions in dbm(3), a single alias cannot contain more than about 1000 bytes of information. You can get longer aliases by "chaining"—that is, making the last name in the alias a dummy name that is a continuation alias.


The aliases file format appeared in BSD 4.0.

BSD 4, 10 May 1991


cfingerd—Configurable finger daemon.


cfingerd [_c|_d|_e|_o|_v]

_c Check configuration _d Run as daemon, not inetd _e Emulate local finger without inetd _o Turn off all finger queries _v Request version information

_c checks your installed configuration. This makes sure there are no existing errors in the current cfingerd.conf file.

_d runs cfingerd as a daemon. Don't run cfingerd this way if you're using inetd.

_e allows you to emulate a local finger on a user that exists on your system. This makes it so that you can test cfingerd on your system before installing it. Using the _e directive is the same as installing the software, typing finger username@ and getting the output. Using _e username does the same.