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Page 1082

3.5-inch extra density device files:

Name Capac. Cyl. Sect. Heads Base minor #
fdnE2880 2880K 80 36 2 32
fdnCompaQ 2880K 80 36 2 36
fdnE3200 3200K 80 40 2 104
fdnE3520 3520K 80 44 2 108
fdnE3840 3840K 80 48 2 112


fd special files access the floppy disk drives in raw mode. The following ioctl(2) calls are supported by fd devices:

FDCLRPRM clears the media information of a drive (geometry of disk in drive).

FDSETPRM sets the media information of a drive. The media information will be lost when the media is changed.

FDDEFPRM sets the media information of a drive (geometry of disk in drive). The media information will not be lost when the media is changed. This will disable autodetection. In order to re-enable autodetection, you have to issue an FDCLRPRM.

FDGETDRVTYP displays the type of a drive (name parameter). For formats that work in several drive types, FDGETDRVTYP returns a name that is appropriate for the oldest drive type that supports this format.

FDFLUSH invalidates the buffer cache for the given drive.

FDFLUSH invalidates the buffer cache for the given drive.

FDSETMAXERRS sets the error thresholds for reporting errors, aborting the operation, recalibrating, resetting, and reading sector by sector.

FDSETMAXERRS gets the current error thresholds.

FDGETDRVTYP gets the internal name of the drive.

FDWERRORCLR clears the write error statistics.

FDWERRORGET reads the write error statistics. These include the total number of write errors, the location and disk of the first write error, and the location and disk of the last write error. Disks are identified by a generation number that is incremented at (almost) each disk change.

FDTWADDLE switches the drive motor off for a few microseconds. This might be needed in order to access a disk whose sectors are too close together.

FDSETDRVPRM sets various drive parameters.

FDGETDRVPRM reads these parameters back.

FDGETDRVSTAT gets the cached drive state (disk changed, write protected et al.)

FDPOLLDRVSTAT polls the drive and return its state.

FDGETFDCSTAT gets the floppy controller state.

FDRESET resets the floppy controller under certain conditions.

FDRAWCMD sends a raw command to the floppy controller.

For more precise information, consult also the <linux/fd.h> and <linux/fdreg.h> include files, as well as the manual page for floppy control.


The various formats allow you to read and write many types of disks. However, if a floppy is formatted with a too small intersector gap, performance may drop, up to needing a few seconds to access an entire track. To prevent this, use interleaved formats. It is not possible to read floppies that are formatted using GCR (group code recording), which is used by Apple II and Macintosh computers (800K disks). Reading floppies that are hard sectored (one hole per sector, with the index hole being a little skewed) is not supported. This used to be common with older 8-inch floppies.

Page 1083




Alain Knaff (Alain.Knaff@imag.fr), David Niemi (niemidc@clark.net), Bill Broadhurst (bbroad@netcom.com).


floppycontrol(1), mknod(1), chown(1), getfdprm(1),

superformat(1), mount(8), setfd-prm(8)

Linux, 29 January 1995


hd—MFM/IDE hard disk device


hd* are block devices to access MFM/IDE hard disk drives in raw mode. The master drive on the primary IDE controller (major device number 3) is hda; the slave drive is hdb. The master drive of the second controller (major device number 22) is hdc and the slave hdd.

General IDE block device names have the form hdX , or hdXP, where X is a letter denoting the physical drive, and P is a number denoting the partition on that physical drive. The first form, hdX, is used to address the whole drive. Partition numbers are assigned in the order the partitions are discovered, and only nonempty, nonextended partitions get a number. However, partition numbers 1_4 are given to the four partitions described in the MBR (the primary partitions), regardless of whether they are unused or extended. Thus, the first logical partition will be hdX5. Both DOS-type partitioning and BSD-disk label partitioning are supported. You can have at most 63 partitions on an IDE disk.

For example, /dev/hda refers to all of the first IDE drive in the system; and /dev/hdb3 refers to the third DOS primary partition on the second one.

They are typically created by the following:

mknod -m 660 /dev/hda b 3 0

mknod -m 660 /dev/hda1 b 3 1

mknod -m 660 /dev/hda2 b 3 2


mknod -m 660 /dev/hda8 b 3 8

mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb b 3 64

mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb1 b 3 65

mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb2 b 3 66


mknod -m 660 /dev/hdb8 b 3 72

chown root.disk /dev/hd*




mknod(1), chown(1), mount(8), sd(4)

Linux, 17 December 1992

Page 1084


ispell—Format of ispell dictionaries and affix files


ispell(1) requires two files to define the language that it is spell checking. The first file is a dictionary containing words for the language, and the second is an affix file that defines he meaning of special flags in the dictionary. The two files are combined by buildhash (see spell(1)) and written to a hash file that is not described here.

A raw ispell dictionary (either the main dictionary or your own personal dictionary) contains a list of words, one per line. Each word may optionally be followed by a slash (/) and one or more flags, which modify the root word as explained later. Depending on the options with which ispell was built, case may or may not be significant in either the root word or the flags, independently. Specifically, if the compile-time option CAPITALIZATION is defined, case is significant in the root word; if not, case is ignored in the root word. If the compile-time option MASKBITS is set to a value of 32, case is ignored in the flags; otherwise, case is significant in the flags. Contact your system administrator or ispell maintainer for more information (or use the _vv flag to find out). The dictionary should be sorted with the _f flag of sort(1) before the hash file is built; this is done automatically by unchlist(1), which is the normal way of building dictionaries.

If the dictionary contains words that have string characters (see the affix file documentation, following), they must be written in the format given by the defstringtype statement in the affix file. This will be the case for most non-English languages. Be careful to use this format, rather than that of your favorite formatter, when adding words to a dictionary. If you add words to your personal dictionary during an ispell session, they will automatically be converted to the correct format. This feature can be used to convert an entire dictionary if necessary:

echo qqqqq > dummy.dict

buildhash dummy.dict affix-file dummy.hash

awk `fprint "*"gENDfprint "#"g' old-dict-file \

| ispell -a -T old-dict-string-type \

-d ./dummy.hash -p ./new-dict-file \

> /dev/null

rm dummy.*

The case of the root word controls the case of words accepted by ispell, as follows:

  1. If the root word appears only in lowercase (for example, bob), it will be accepted in lowercase, capitalized, or all capitals.
  2. If the root word appears capitalized (for example, Robert), it will not be accepted in all lowercase, but will be accepted capitalized or all in capitals.
  3. If the root word appears all in capitals (for example, UNIX), it will only be accepted all in capitals.
  4. If the root word appears with a "funny" capitalization (for example, ITCorp), a word will be accepted only if it follows that capitalization, or if it appears all in capitals.
  5. More than one capitalization of a root word may appear in the dictionary. Flags from different capitalizations are combined using OR.

Redundant capitalizations (for example, bob and Bob) will be combined by buildhash and by ispell (for personal dictionaries), and can be removed from a raw dictionary by munchlist.

For example, the dictionary






will accept bob, Bob, BOB, Robert, ROBERT, UNIX, ITcorp, ITCorp, and ITCORP, and will reject all others. Some of the unacceptable forms are bOb, robert, Unix, and ItCorp.

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