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Page 1077

PIO_UNIMAPCLR Clear table, possibly advise hash algorithm. argp points to a

struct unimapinit {

u short advised hashsize; /* 0 if no opinion */

u short advised hashstep; /* 0 if no opinion */

u short advised hashlevel; /* 0 if no opinion */


(Since 1.1.92.)

KDGKBMODE Gets current keyboard mode. argp points to a long, which is set to one of these:

K_RAW           0x00

K_XLATE         0x01

K_MEDIUMRAW     0x02

K_UNICODE       0x03

KDSKBMODE Sets current keyboard mode. argp is a long equal to one of the above values.
KDGKBMETA Gets meta key handling mode. argp points to a long which is set to one of these:

K_METABIT       0x03     Set high order bit

K_ESCPREFIX     0x04     Escape prefix

KDSKBMETA Sets meta key handling mode. argp is a long equal to one of the preceding values.
KDGKBENT Gets one entry in key translation table (keycode to action code). argp points to a

struct kbentry {

u_char kb_table;

u_char kb_index;

u_short kb_value;


with the first two members filled in: kb_table selects the key table (0 <= kb_table <MAX_NR_KEYMAPS), and kb_index is the keycode (0 <= kb index <NR_KEYS). kb_value is set to the corresponding action code, or K_HOLE if there is no such key, or K_NOSUCHMAP if kb_table is invalid.
KDSKBENT Sets one entry in translation table. argp points to a struct kbentry.
KDGKBSENT Gets one function key string. argp points to a

struct kbsentry {

u_char kb_func;

u_char kb_string[512];


kb_string is set to the (NULL-terminated) string corresponding to the kb_functh function key action code.
KDSKBSENT Sets one function key string entry. argp points to a struct kbsentry.
KDGKBDIACR Read kernel accent table. argp points to a

struct kbdiacrs {

unsigned int kb_cnt;

struct kbdiacr kbdiacr[256];


where kb_cnt is the number of entries in the array, each of which is a struct kbdiacr { u_char diacr, base, result ;};
KDGETKEYCODE Read kernel keycode table entry (scan code to keycode). argp points to a struct kbkeycode { unsigned int scancode, keycode; };

keycode is set to correspond to the given scancode.(89<=scancode <= 255 only. For 1 <= scancode <= 88, keycode==scancode.) (Since 1.1.63.)
KDSETKEYCODE Write kernel keycode table entry. argp points to struct kbkeycode. (Since 1.1.63.)

Page 1078

KDSIGACCEPT The calling process indicates its willingness to accept the signal argp when it is generated by pressing an appropriate key combination. (1 <= argp <=NSIG). (See spawn_console() in linux/drivers/char/keyboard.c.)
VT_OPENQRY Returns the first available (nonopened) console. argp points to an int that is set to the number of the vt (1 <= *argp <=MAX_NR_CONSOLES).
VT_GETMODE Get mode of active vt. argp points to a

struct vt mode {

char mode;/*vtmode*/

char waitv; /* if set, hang on writes if not active */

short relsig; /* signal to raise on release req */

short acqsig; /* signal to raise on acquisition */

short frsig; /* unused (set to 0) */


mode is set to one of these values:

VT_AUTO        Auto vt switching

VT_PROCESS     Process controls switching

VT_ACKACQ      Acknowledge switch

VT_SETMODE Set mode of active vt. argp points to a struct vt_mode.
VT_GETSTATE Get global vt state info. argp points to a

struct vt_stat {

ushort v_active; /* active vt */

ushort v_signal;/*signalto send*/

ushort v_state;/*vtbitmask*/


For each vt in use, the corresponding bit in the v state member is set. (Kernels 1.0 through 1.1.92.)
VT_RELDISP Release a display.
VT_ACTIVATE Switch to vt argp (1 <= argp <=MAX_NR_CONSOLES).
VT_WAITACTIVE Wait until vt argp has been activated.
VT_DISALLOCATE Deallocate the memory associated with vt argp. (Since 1.1.54.)
VT_RESIZE Set the kernel's idea of screensize. argp points to a

struct vt_sizes {

ushort v_rows;/*#rows*/

ushort v_cols;/*#columns */

ushort v_scrollsize; /* no longer used */


Note that this does not change the video mode. See resizecons(8). (Since 1.1.54.)
VT_RESIZEX Set the kernel's idea of various screen parameters. argp points to a
struct vt_consize {
ushort v_rows; /* number of rows */
ushort v_cols; /* number of columns */
ushort v_vlin; /* number of pixel rows on screen */
ushort v_clin; /* number of pixel rows per character */
ushort v_vcol; /* number of pixel columns on screen */
ushort v_ccol; /* number of pixel columns per character */
}; Any parameter may be set to zero, indicating no change, but if multiple parameters are set, they must be self-consistent. Note that this does not change the video mode. See resizecons(8). (Since 1.3.3.)

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