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Page 781


0x00004B3D KDUNMAPDISP void // MORE
0x00004B40 GIO_SCRNMAP struct f char [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B41 PIO_SCRNMAP const struct f char [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B69 GIO_UNISCRNMAP struct f short [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B6A PIO_UNISCRNMAP const struct f short [E_TABSZ]; g *
0x00004B66 GIO_UNIMAP struct unimapdesc * // MORE // I-O
0x00004B67 PIO_UNIMAP const struct unimapdesc * // MORE
0x00004B68 PIO_UNIMAPCLR const struct unimapinit *
0x00004B44 KDGKBMODE int *
0x00004B45 KDSKBMODE int
0x00004B62 KDGKBMETA int *
0x00004B63 KDSKBMETA int
0x00004B64 KDGKBLED int *
0x00004B65 KDSKBLED int
0x00004B46 KDGKBENT struct kbentry * // I-O
0x00004B47 KDSKBENT const struct kbentry *
0x00004B48 KDGKBSENT struct kbsentry * // I-O
0x00004B49 KDSKBSENT const struct kbsentry *
0x00004B4A KDGKBDIACR struct kbdiacrs *
0x00004B4B KDSKBDIACR const struct kbdiacrs *
0x00004B4C KDGETKEYCODE struct kbkeycode * // I-O
0x00004B4D KDSETKEYCODE const struct kbkeycode *
0x00004B4E KDSIGACCEPT int
<include/linux/lp.h> 0x00000601 LPCHAR
int 0x00000602 LPTIME
int 0x00000604 LPABORT
int 0x00000605 LPSETIRQ
int 0x00000606 LPGETIRQ
int * 0x00000608 LPWAIT
int 0x00000609 LPCAREFUL
int 0x0000060A LPABORTOPEN
int 0x0000060B LPGETSTATUS
int * 0x0000060C LPRESET
void 0x0000060D LPGETSTATS
struct lp stats *


0x000089E0 SIOCGETVIFCNT struct sioc_vif_req * // I-O
0x000089E1 SIOCGETSGCNT struct sioc_sg_req * // I-O

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0x40086D01 MTIOCTOP const struct mtop *
0x801C6D02 MTIOCGET struct mtget *
0x80046D03 MTIOCPOS struct mtpos *
0x80206D04 MTIOCGETCONFIG struct mtconfiginfo *
0x40206D05 MTIOCSETCONFIG const struct mtconfiginfo *


0x000089E0 SIOCNRGETPARMS struct nr_parms_struct * // I-O
0x000089E1 SIOCNRSETPARMS const struct nr_parms_struct *
0x000089E2 SIOCNRDECOBS void
0x000089E3 SIOCNRRTCTL const int *


0x00009000 DDIOCSDBG const int *


0x00005470 TIOCSCCINI void
0x00005471 TIOCCHANINI const struct scc_modem *
0x00005472 TIOCGKISS struct ioctl_command * // I-O
0x00005473 TIOCSKISS const struct ioctl_command *
0x00005474 TIOCSCCSTAT struct scc_stat *


0x00005382 SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN struct f int [2]; g *
0x00005385 SCSI_IOCTL_PROBE_HOST const int * // MORE

<include/linux/smb fs.h>

0x80027501 SMB_IOC_GETMOUNTUID uid t *
<include/linux/sockios.h> 0x0000890B SIOCADDRT
const struct rtentry * // MORE 0x0000890C SIOCDELRT
const struct rtentry * // MORE 0x00008910 SIOCGIFNAME
char [] 0x00008911 SIOCSIFLINK
void 0x00008912 SIOCGIFCONF
struct ifconf * // MORE // I-O 0x00008913 SIOCGIFFLAGS
struct ifreq * // I-O 0x00008914 SIOCSIFFLAGS
const struct ifreq *

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0x00008915 SIOCGIFADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008916 SIOCSIFADDR const struct ifreq *
0x00008917 SIOCGIFDSTADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008918 SIOCSIFDSTADDR const struct ifreq *
0x00008919 SIOCGIFBRDADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891A SIOCSIFBRDADDR const struct ifreq *
0x0000891B SIOCGIFNETMASK struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891C SIOCSIFNETMASK const struct ifreq *
0x0000891D SIOCGIFMETRIC struct ifreq * // I-O
0x0000891E SIOCSIFMETRIC const struct ifreq *
0x0000891F SIOCGIFMEM struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008920 SIOCSIFMEM const struct ifreq *
0x00008921 SIOCGIFMTU struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008922 SIOCSIFMTU const struct ifreq *
0x00008923 OLD SIOCGIFHWADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008924 SIOCSIFHWADDR const struct ifreq * // MORE
0x00008925 SIOCGIFENCAP int *
0x00008926 SIOCSIFENCAP const int *
0x00008927 SIOCGIFHWADDR struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008929 SIOCGIFSLAVE void
0x00008930 SIOCSIFSLAVE void
0x00008931 SIOCADDMULTI const struct ifreq *
0x00008932 SIOCDELMULTI const struct ifreq *
0x00008940 SIOCADDRTOLD void
0x00008941 SIOCDELRTOLD void
0x00008950 SIOCDARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008951 SIOCGARP struct arpreq * // I-O
0x00008952 SIOCSARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008960 SIOCDRARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008961 SIOCGRARP struct arpreq * // I-O
0x00008962 SIOCSRARP const struct arpreq *
0x00008970 SIOCGIFMAP struct ifreq * // I-O
0x00008971 SIOCSIFMAP const struct ifreq *


0x00005100 SNDCTL_SEQ_RESET void
0x00005101 SNDCTL_SEQ_SYNC void
0xC08C5102 SNDCTL_SYNTH_INFO struct synth_info * // I-O
0xC0045103 SNDCTL_SEQ_CTRLRATE int * // I-O
0x80045105 SNDCTL_SEQ_GETINCOUNT int *
0x40045106 SNDCTL_SEQ_PERCMODE void

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0x40285107 SNDCTL FM LOAD INSTR const struct sbi_instrument *
0x40045108 SNDCTL_SEQ_TESTMIDI const int *
0x40045109 SNDCTL_SEQ_RESETSAMPLES const int *
0x8004510A SNDCTL_SEQ_NRSYNTHS int *
0x8004510B SNDCTL_SEQ_NRMIDIS int *
0xC074510C SNDCTL_MIDI_INFO struct midi_info * // I-O
0x4004510D SNDCTL_SEQ_THRESHOLD const int *
0xC004510E SNDCTL_SYNTH_MEMAVL int * // I-O
0x4004510F SNDCTL_FM_4OP_ENABLE const int *
0xCFB85110 SNDCTL_PMGR_ACCESS struct patmgr_info * // I-O
0x00005111 SNDCTL_SEQ_PANIC void
0x40085112 SNDCTL_SEQ_OUTOFBAND const struct seq_event_rec *
0xC0045401 SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE int * // I-O
0x00005402 SNDCTL_TMR_START void
0x00005403 SNDCTL_TMR_STOP void
0x00005404 SNDCTL_TMR_CONTINUE void
0xC0045405 SNDCTL_TMR_TEMPO int * // I-O
0xC0045406 SNDCTL_TMR_SOURCE int * // I-O
0x40045407 SNDCTL_TMR_METRONOME const int *
0x40045408 SNDCTL_TMR_SELECT int * // I-O
0xCFB85001 SNDCTL_PMGR_IFACE struct patmgr_info * // I-O
0xC0046D00 SNDCTL_MIDI_PRETIME int * // I-O
0xC0046D01 SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUMODE const int *
0xC0216D02 SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUCMD struct mpu_command_rec * // I-O
0x00005000 SNDCTL_DSP_RESET void
0x00005001 SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC void
0xC0045002 SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED int * // I-O
0xC0045003 SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO int * // I-O
0xC0045004 SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE int * // I-O
0xC0045006 SOUND_PCM_WRITE CHANNELS int * // I-O
0xC0045007 SOUND_PCM_WRITE FILTER int * // I-O
0x00005008 SNDCTL_DSP_POST void
0xC0045009 SNDCTL_DSP_SUBDIVIDE int * // I-O
0x8004500B SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS int *
0xC0045005 SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT int * // I-O
0x800C500C SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE struct audio-buf-info *
0x800C500D SNDCTL_DSP_GETISPACE struct audio-buf-info *
0x80045002 SOUND_PCM_READ RATE int *
0x80045006 SOUND_PCM_READ CHANNELS int *
0x80045005 SOUND_PCM_READ BITS int *

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