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ppmtoyuvsplit reads a portable pixmap as input and produces three raw files—basename.Y, basename.U, and basename.V—as output. These files are the subsampled raw YUV representation of the input pixmap, as required by the Stanford MPEG code. The subsampling is done by arithmetic mean of 4 pixels colors into one. The YUV values are scaled according to CCIR.601, as assumed by MPEG.


mpeg(1), ppm(5)


Copyright" 1993 by Andre Beck (AndreBeck@IRS.Inf.TU-Dresden.de). Based on ppmtoyuv.c.

9 September 1993


pr—Convert text files for printing


pr [+PAGE] [_COLUMN] [_abcdfFmrtv] [_e[in-tab-char[in-tab-width]]] [_h header]

[_i[out-tab-char[out-tab-width]]] [_l page-length] [_n[number-separator[digits]]]

[_o left-margin] [_s[column-separator]] [_w page-width] [--help] [-- version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of pr. pr prints on the standard output a paginated and optionally multicolumn copy of the text files given on the command line, or of the standard input if no files are given or when the filename _ is encountered. Form feeds in the input cause page breaks in the output.


PAGE Begin printing with page PAGE.
_COLUMN Produce COLUMN-column output and print columns down. The column width is automatically decreased as COLUMN increases; unless you use the _w option to increase the page width as well, this option might cause some columns to be truncated.
_a Print columns across rather than down.
_b Balance columns on the last page.
_c Print control characters using hat notation (for example, ^G); print other unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
_d Double-space the output.
_e[in-tab-char Expand tabs to spaces on input. Optional argument in-tab-char is the input tab character, default
[in-tab-width]] tab. Optional argument in-tab-width is the input tab character's width, default 8.
_F, _f Use a form feed instead of newlines to separate output pages.
_h header Replace the filename in the header with the string header.
--help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
_i[out-tab-char Replace spaces with tabs on output. Optional argument out-tab-char is the output tab character,
[out-tab-width]] default tab. Optional argument out-tab-width is the output tab character's width, default 8.
_l page-length Set the page length to page-length lines. The default is 66. If page-length is less than 10, the headers and footers are omitted, as if the _t option had been given.
_m Print all files in parallel, one in each column.

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_n[number-separator Precede each column with a line number; with parallel files, precede each line with a line number.
[digits]] Optional argument number-separator is the character to print after each number, default tab. Optional argument digits is the number of digits per line number, default 5.
_o left-margin Offset each line with a margin left-margin spaces wide. The total page width is this offset plus the width set with the _w option.
_r Do not print a warning message when an argument file cannot be opened. Failure to open a file still makes the exit status nonzero, however.
_s[column-separator] Separate columns by the single character column-separator, default tab, instead of spaces.
_t Do not print the 5-line header and the 5-line trailer that are normally on each page, and do not fill out the bottoms of pages (with blank lines or form feeds).
_v Print unprintable characters in octal backslash notation.
--version Print version information on standard output then exit.
_w page-width Set the page width to page-width columns. The default is 72.

GNU Text Utilities


ps—Report process status


ps [_][lujsvmaxScewhrnu][txx][O[+|-]k1[[+|-]k2...]] [pids]

There are also two long options:



More long options are on the way…


ps gives a snapshot of the current processes. If you want a repetitive update of this status, use top. This man page documents the /proc-based version of ps, or tries to.


Command-line arguments may optionally be preceded by a _, but there is no need for it. There are also some long options in GNU style; see the following subsection for those.

l Long format.
u User format: gives username and start time.
j Jobs format: pgid sid.
s Signal format.
v vm format.
m Displays memory information (combine with p flag to get number of pages).
f Forest family tree format for command line.
a Show processes of other users too.
x Show processes without controlling terminal.
S Add child cpu time and page faults.
c Command name from task struct.
e Show environment after command line and +.

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w Wide output: don't truncate command lines to fit on one line.
h No header.
r Running procs only.
n Numeric output for USER and WCHAN.
txx Only procs with controlling tty xx; use for xx the same letters as shown in the TT field. The tty name must be given immediately after the option, with no intervening space, for example, ps -tv1.
O[+|-]k1[,[+|-]k2[,...]] Order the process listing according to the multilevel sort specified by the sequence of short keys from SORT KEYS, k1, k2, …. Default order specifications exist for each of the various formats of ps. These are overridden by a user-specified ordering. The + is quite optional, merely reiterating the default direction on a key. - reverses direction only on the key it precedes. As with t and pids, the O option must be the last option in a single command argument, but specifications in successive arguments are catenated.
pids List only the specified processes; they are comma-delimited. The list must be given immediately after the last option in a single command-line argument, with no intervening space, for example, ps -j1,4,5. Lists specified in subsequent arguments are catenated, for example, ps -l1,23,4 5 6 will list all of the processes 1-6 in long format.


These options are preceded by a double hyphen.

--sortX[+|-]key[, Choose a multiletter key from the SORTKEYS section. X may be any convenient separator
[+|-]key[,...]] character. To be GNU-ish, use =. The + is really optional because default direction is increasing numerical or lexicographic order. Example:
ps -jax _sort=uid,-ppid,+pid
--help Get a help message that summarizes the usage and gives a list of supported sort keys. This list may be more up-to-date than this man page.


Note that the values used in sorting are the internal values ps uses and not the "cooked" values used in some of the output format fields. If someone wants to volunteer to write special comparison functions for the cooked values,…;-)

Short Long Description
c cmd Simple name of executable
C cmdline Full command line
f flags Flags as in long format F field
g pgrp Process group ID
G tpgid Controlling tty process group ID
j cutime Cumulative user time
J cstime Cumulative system time
k utime User time
K stime System time
m min_flt Number of minor page faults
M maj_flt Number of major page faults
n cmin_flt Cumulative minor page faults
N cmaj_flt Cumulative major page faults
o session Session ID
p pid Process ID


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