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ppmtoicr ppmfile > filename

cat filename

To display a GIF file using the protocol in a window titled after the input file, zoom the displayed image by a factor of 2, and run-length encode the data:

giftoppm giffile | ppmtoicr -w giffile -r -e 2


The protocol uses frequent fflush calls to speed up display. If the output is saved to a file for later display via cat, drawing will be much slower. In either case, increasing the Blocksize limit on the display will speed up transmission substantially.



NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1989)


Copyright" 1990 by Kanthan Pillay (svpillay@Princeton.EDU), Princeton University Computing and Information Technology

30 July 1990


ppmtoilbm—Convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file


ppmtoilbm [-maxplanes|-mp N][-fixplanes|-fp N][-ham6|-ham8][-dcbits-dcplanesrgb]

[-normal|-hamif|-hamforce|-24if|-24force| -dcif|-dcforce|-cmaponly] [-ecs|-aga]

[- compress|-nocompress][-cmethod type][-mapppmfile] [-savemem][ppmfile]


ppmtoilbm reads a portable pixmap as input and produces an ILBM file as output. Supported ILBM types are the following:

Normal ILBMs with 1_16 planes

Amiga HAM with 3_16 planes


Colormap (BMHD and CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0)

Unofficial direct color 1_16 planes for each color component

Chunks written: BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only for HAM), BODY (not for colormap files) unofficial DCOL chunk for direct color ILBM



marked with (*) can be prefixed with no, for example, -nohamif. All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

-maxplanes | -mp n (default 5, minimum 1, maximum 16) Maximum planes to write in a normal ILBM. If the pixmap does not fit into n planes, ppmtoilbm writes a HAM file (if -hamif is used), a 24-bit file (if -24if is used), a direct color file (if -dcif is used). or aborts with an error.
-fixplanes | -fp n (min 1, max 16) If a normal ILBM is written, it will have exactly n planes.
-hambits | -hamplanes n (default 6, min 3, max 16) Select number of planes for HAM picture. The current Amiga hardware supports 6 and 8 planes, so for now you should only use this values.

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-normal (default) Turns off -hamif/-24if/-dcif, -hamforce/-24force/-dcforce and -cmaponly. Also sets compression type to byterun1.
-hamif (*), -24if (*), Write a HAM/24-bit/direct color file if the pixmap does not fit into maxplanes planes.
-dcif (*) -hamforce (*), -24force (*), Write a HAM/24-bit/direct color file.
-dcforce (*)
-dcbits | -dcplanes r g b (default 5, min 1, max 16). Select number of bits for red, green, and blue in a direct color ILBM.
-ecs (default) Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -maxplanes 5
-aga Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -maxplanes 8
-ham6 Shortcut for: -hamplanes 6 -hamforce
-ham8 Shortcut for: -hamplanes 8 -hamforce
-compress (*) (default), Compress the BODY chunk. The default compression method is byterun1. Compression
-cmethod none|byterun1 requires building the ILBM image in memory; turning compression off allows stream-writing of the image, but the resulting file will usually be 30 percent to 50 percent larger. Another alternative is the -savemem option; this will keep memory requirements for compression at a minimum, but is very slow.
-map ppmfile Write a normal ILBM using the colors in ppmfile as the colormap. The colormap file also determines the number of planes; a -maxplanes or -fixplanes option is ignored.
-cmaponly Write a colormap file: only BMHD and CMAP chunks, no BODY chunk, nPlanes = 0.
-savemem See the -compress option.


HAM pictures will always get a grayscale colormap; a real color selection algorithm might give better results. On the other hand, this allows row-by-row operation on HAM images, and all HAM images of the same depth (number of planes) share a common colormap, which is useful for building HAM animations.


Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual—Devices (Third Edition), Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X


ppm(5), ilbmtoppm(1)


Copyright" 1989 by Jef Poskanzer; modified October 1993 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de).

31 October 1993


ppmtomap—Extract all colors from a portable pixmap


ppmtomap [-sort][-square][ppmfile]


ppmtomap reads a portable pixmap as input and produces a portable pixmap as output, representing a colormap of the input file. All N different colors found are put in an NX1 portable pixmap. This colormap file can be used as a mapfile for ppmquant or ppmtogif.

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