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Page 340

_p, --no_sort Don't bother to sort the symbols in any order; just print them in the order encountered.
_P, --portability Use the POSIX.2 standard output format instead of the default format. Equivalent to _f posix.
_s, --print_armap When listing symbols from archive members, include the index, a mapping (stored in the archive by ar or ranlib) of which modules contain definitions for what names.
_r, --reverse_sort Reverse the sense of the sort (whether numeric or alphabetic); let the last come first.
--size_sort Sort symbols by size. The size is computed as the difference between the value of the symbol and the value of the symbol with the next higher value. The size of the symbol is printed, rather than the value.
_t radix, --radix=radix Use radix as the radix for printing the symbol values. It must be d for decimal, o for octal, or x for hexadecimal.
--target=bfdname Specify an object code format other than your system's default format. See objdump(1) for information on listing available FORMATS.
_u, --undefined_only Display only undefined symbols (those external to each object file).
_V, --version Show the version number of nm and exit.
--help Show a summary of the OPTIONS to nm and exit.


binutils entry in info; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1), objdump(1), ranlib(1).


Copyright " 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.

Cygnus support, 5 November 1991


nntpget—Get Usenet articles from a remote NNTP server


nntpget [ _d dist ][_f file ][_n newsgroups ][_t timestring ][_o ][_u file ][_v ] host


nntpget connects to the NNTP server at the specified host and retrieves articles from it. The articles are sent to standard output.

The _o flag may be used only if the command is executed on the host where the innd(8) server is running. If this flag is used, nntpget connects to the specified remote host to retrieve articles. Any article not present in the local HISTORY database is then fetched from the remote site and offered to the local server.

If the _v flag is used with the _o flag, then the Message-ID of each article will be sent to standard output as it is processed.

The list of article Message-IDs is normally read from standard input. If the _f flag is used, then a newnews command is used to retrieve all articles newer than the modification date of the specified file. The _u flag is the same except that if the transfer succeeded, the file will be updated with a statistics line, modifying its timestamp so that it can be used in later invocations. If the _t flag is used, then the specified timestring is used as the time and date parameter to the newnews command.

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If either the _t or _f flags are used, then the _n flag may be used to specify a newsgroup list and the _d flag may be used to specify a distribution list. The default is * for all newsgroups, and no distribution list.


Truncates articles at 512 lines.


Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.




objcopy—Copy and translate object FILES


objcopy [ _Fbfdname|--target=bfdname ]

[ _Ibfdname| --input_target=bfdname ] [ _Obfdname|

--output_target=bfdname ] [ _Rsectionname|

--remove_section=sectionname ] [ _S| --strip_all ][_g|

--strip_debug ][_x|--discard_all ][_X|

--discard_locals][_bbyte|--byte=byte ] [ _iinterleave|

--interleave=interleave ] [ _v|--verbose][_V|

--version ][--help ] infile [ outfile ]


The GNU objcopy utility copies the contents of an object file to another. objcopy uses the GNU BFD library to read and write the object FILES. It can write the destination object file in a format different from that of the source object file. The exact behavior of objcopy is controlled by command-line OPTIONS.

objcopy creates temporary FILES to do its translations and deletes them afterward. objcopy uses BFD to do all its translation work; it knows about all the FORMATS BFD knows about, and thus is able to recognize most FORMATS without being told explicitly.

infile and outfile are the source and output FILES, respectively. If you do not specify outfile, objcopy creates a temporary file and destructively renames the result with the name of the input file.


_I bfdname, Consider the source file's object format to be bfdname, rather than attempting to deduce it.
_O bfdname, Write the output file using the object format bfdname.
_F bfdname, Use bfdname as the object format for both the input and the output file; that is, simply
--target=bfdname transfer data from source to destination with no translation.
_R sectionname, Remove the named section from the file. This option may be given more than once. Note
--remove-section, =sectionname that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable.
_S, --strip_all Do not copy relocation and symbol information from the source file.
_g, --strip_debug Do not copy debugging symbols from the source file.
_x, --discard_all Do not copy nonglobal symbols from the source file.
_X, --discard_locals Do not copy compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with L or .).

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