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Page 335

_S, --suffix backup-suffix The suffix used for making simple backup FILES can be set with the SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX ENVIRONMENT variable, which can be overridden by this option. If neither of those is given, the default is ~, as it is in Emacs.
_V, --version-control {numbered,existing,simple} The type of backups made can be set with the VERSION_CONTROL ENVIRONMENT variable, which can be overridden by this option. If VERSION_CONTROL is not set and this option is not given, the default backup type is existing. The value of the VERSION_CONTROL ENVIRONMENT variable and the argument to this option are like the GNU Emacs version-control variable; they also recognize synonyms that are more descriptive.
The valid values are the following (unique abbreviations are accepted):
t or numbered--Always make numbered backups.
nil or existing--Make numbered backups of FILES that already have them, simple backups of the others.
never or simple—Always make simple backups.

GNU File Utilities


mwrite—Low-level write (copy) a UNIX file to MS-DOS


mwrite [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] unixfile msdosfile

mwrite [ -tnvmoOsSrRA ] unixfile [ unixFILES... ] msdosdirectory


This command is obsolete and only supplied for backward compatibility reasons with old scripts. Use mcopy instead.


mcopy(1), mtools(1)



namei—Follow a pathname until a terminal point is found


namei [-mx] pathname [ pathname ... ]


namei uses its arguments as pathnames to any type of UNIX file (symlinks, FILES, directories, and so forth). namei then follows each pathname until a terminal point is found (a file, directory, char device, and so on). If it finds a symbolic link, the user shows the link, and starts following it, indenting the output to show the context.

This program is useful for finding too many levels of symbolic links problems.

For each line output, namei outputs the following characters to identify the file types found:

f: The pathname the user is currently trying to resolve
d Directory
l Symbolic link (both the link and its contents are output)
s Socket

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b Block device
c Character device
- Regular file
? An error of some kind

Namei prints an informative message when the maximum number of symbolic links this system can have has been exceeded.


-x Show mount point directories with a D rather than a d.
-m Show the mode bits of each file type in the style of ls(1), for example, rwxr-xr-x.


Roger Southwick (rogers@amadeus.wr.tek.com)


To be discovered


namei will follow an infinite loop of symbolic links forever. To escape, use SIGINT (usually ^C).


ls(1), stat(1)



newaliases—Rebuild the database for the mail aliases file




newaliases rebuilds the random access database for the mail aliases file. It must be run each time it is changed in order for the change to take effect.


aliases(5), sendmail(8)


The newaliases command appeared in BSD 4.0.

BSD 4, 30 July 1991


newgrp—Log in to a new group


newgrp [ group ]

Page 337


newgrp changes the group identification of its caller, analogously to login(1). The same person remains logged in, and
the current directory is unchanged, but calculations of access permissions to FILES are performed with respect to the new group ID.

If no group is specified, the GID is changed to the login GID.





login(1), group(5)

Linux 0.99, 9 October 1993


nl—Number lines of FILES


nl [_h header-style] [_b body-style] [_f footer-style] [_p] [_d cc]

[_v start-number] [_i increment] [_l lines] [_s line-separator]

[_w line-no-width] [_n {ln,rn,rz}] [--header-numbering=style]

[--body-numbering=style] [--footer-numbering=style]

[--first-page=number] [--page-increment=number] [--no-renumber]

[--join-blank-lines=number] [--number-separator=string]

[--number-width=number] [--number-format={ln,rn,rz}]

[--section-delimiter=cc] [--help] [--version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of nl. nl copies each given file, or the standard input if none are given or when a file named _ is given, to the standard output, with line numbers added to some or all of the lines.

nl considers its input to be composed of logical pages; by default, the line number is reset to 1 at the top of each logical page. nl treats all of the input FILES as a single document; it does not reset line numbers or logical pages between FILES.

A logical page consists of three sections: header, body, and footer. Any of the sections can be empty. Each can be numbered in a different style from the others.

The beginnings of the sections of logical pages are indicated in the input file by a line containing nothing except one of the following delimiter strings:

\:\:\: start of header

\:\: start of body

\: start of footer

The two characters from which these strings are made can be changed with an option (see the next subsection), but the pattern and length of each string cannot be changed.

The section delimiter strings are replaced by an empty line on output. Any text that comes before the first section delimiter string in the input file is considered to be part of a body section, so a file that does not contain any section delimiter strings is considered to consist of a single body section.


_h, --header-numbering=style See--footer-numbering.
_b, --body-numbering=style See--footer-numbering.

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