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Page 291

_Tbss org, _Tdata org, Use org as the starting address for—respectively—the bss, data, or the text segment of the
_Ttext org output file. textorg must be a hexadecimal integer.
_T commandfile, _Tcommandfile Equivalent to _c commandfile; supported for compatibility with other tools.
_t Prints names of input FILES as ld processes them.
_u sym Forces sym to be entered in the output file as an undefined symbol. This may, for example, trigger linking of additional modules from standard libraries. _u may be repeated with different option arguments to enter additional undefined symbols.
_Ur For anything other than C++ programs, this option is equivalent to _r : it generates relocatable output, that is, an output file that can in turn serve as input to ld. When linking C++ programs, _Ur will resolve references to constructors, unlike _r.
--verbose Display the version number for ld and list the supported emulations. Display which input FILES can and can not be opened.
_v, _V Display the version number for ld.
--version Display the version number for ld and exit.
_warn_common Warn when a common symbol is combined with another common symbol or with a symbol definition. UNIX linkers allow this somewhat sloppy practice, but linkers on some other operating systems do not. This option allows you to find potential problems from combining global symbols.
_warn_once Only warn once for each undefined symbol, rather than once per module that refers to it.
_X If _s or _S is also specified, delete only local symbols beginning with L.
_x If _s or _S is also specified, delete all local symbols, not just those beginning with L.


You can change the behavior of ld with the ENVIRONMENT variable

GNUTARGET determines the input-file object format if you don't use _b (or its synonym _format). Its value should be one of the BFD names for an input format. If there is no GNUTARGET in the ENVIRONMENT, ld uses the natural format of the host. If GNUTAR-GET is set to default, then BFD attempts to discover the input format by examining binary input FILES; this method often succeeds, but there are potential ambiguities, since there is no method of ensuring that the magic number used to flag object-file FORMATS is unique. However, the configuration procedure for BFD on each system places the conventional format for that system first in the search-list, so ambiguities are resolved in favor of convention.


objdump(1); ld and binutils entries in info

Ld: The GNU Linker, Steve Chamberlain and Roland Pesch; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland H. Pesch.


Copyright " 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.

Cygnus support, 17 August 1992

Page 292


lispmtopgm—Convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into PGM format


lispmtopgm [lispmfile]


lispmtopgm reads a Lisp machine bitmap as input and produces a portable graymap as output.

This is the file format written by the tv:write-bit-array-file function on TI Explorer and Symbolics Lisp machines.

Multiplane bitmaps on Lisp machines are color; but the lispm image file format does not include a colormap, so it must be treated as a graymap instead. This is unfortunate.


pgmtolispm(1), pgm(5)


The lispm bitmap file format is a bit quirky; Usually the image in the file has its width rounded up to the next higher multiple of 32, but not always. If the width is not a multiple of 32, we don't deal with it properly, but because of the lispm microcode, such arrays are probably not image data anyway.

Also, the lispm code for saving bitmaps has a bug, in that if you are writing a bitmap that is not mod32 across, the file may be up to seven bits too short. They round down instead of up, and we don't handle this bug gracefully.

No color.


Copyright" 1991 by Jamie Zawinski and Jef Poskanzer.

6 March 1990


lkbib—Search bibliographic databases


lkbib [ _v ][_ifields ][_pfilename ][_tn ] key ...


lkbib searches bibliographic databases for references that contain the keys key... and prints any references found on the standard output. lkbib will search any databases given by _p OPTIONS, and then a default database. The default database is taken from the REFER ENVIRONMENT variable if it is set, otherwise it is


For each database filename to be searched, if an index filename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases.


_v Print the version number.
_pfilename Search filename. Multiple _p OPTIONS can be used.
_istring When searching FILES for which no index exists, ignore the contents of fields whose names are in string.
_tn Only require the first n characters of keys to be given. Initially n is 6.

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