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ksyms shows information about all exported kernel symbols. The format is

address name [defining module]

The describing header can be turned off with the option -h.

Normally, only the symbols defined by the loaded modules are shown, but with the option -a, all exported symbols can be seen.

The information can also be seen in /proc/ksyms. A shell-script version ksyms.sh can be used to get the information from /proc/ksyms instead, but this program gets the symbol information directly from the kernel with a system call.

With the option -m (stands for memory map), you can also see the starting address and the size of the allocated memory for every loaded module.


insmod(1), modprobe(1), depmod(1), rmmod(1), lsmod(1), modules(2)


The ksyms command was first conceived by Bjorn Ekwall (bj0rn@blox.se). The -m option was inspired by David Hinds (dhinds@allegro.stanford.edu)


Ksyms might have some, but they are well hidden.…

Linux, 14 May 1995


last—Indicate last logins by user or terminal


last [_number][_f filename][_t tty][_h hostname][_i address][_l][_y][name...]


Last looks back in the wtmp file, which records all logins and logouts for information about a user, a teletype, or any group of users and teletypes. Arguments specify names of users or teletypes of interest. If multiple arguments are given, the information that applies to any of the arguments is printed. For example last root console would list all of root's sessions as well as all sessions on the console terminal. Last displays the sessions of the specified users and teletypes, most recent first, indicating the times at which the session began, the duration of the session, and the teletype that the session took place on. If the session is still continuing or was cut short by a reboot, last so indicates.

The pseudo-user reboot logs in at reboots of the system.

Last with no arguments displays a record of all logins and logouts, in reverse order.

If last is interrupted, it indicates how far the search has progressed in wtmp. If interrupted with a quit signal, last indicates how far the search has progressed so far, and the search continues.


_number Limit the number of entries displayed to that specified by number.
_f filename Use filename as the name of the accounting file instead of /var/log/wtmp.
_h hostname List only logins from hostname.
_i IP address List only logins from IP address.

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_l List IP addresses of remote hosts instead of truncated hostnames.
_t tty List only logins on tty.
_y Also report year of dates.


/var/log/wtmp     Login database

20 March 1992


lbxproxy—LBX proxy server for the X Window system


 lbxproxy [:displaynumber] [option ...]


This manual page is not definitive or "official." It is derived from information contained in the README file in the lbx source.


lbxproxy is the Low Bandwidth X pseudo-server. It runs on the remote side of low bandwidth, high-latency connections, such as serial lines and wide area networks. It accepts connections from X clients at the remote end and forwards them to an X server at the local end. The LBX protocol used for the low bandwidth connection includes compression and optimizations designed to make effective use of the bandwidth available. The current version of LBX is not a standard of the X Consortium, and will not be compatible with the final version. The current version should be treated as an "alpha" or "prototype" for people interested in experimenting with it.


lbxproxy accepts the following OPTIONS:

:displaynumber lbxproxy runs as the given displaynumber, which by default is 0. A value different from 0 should be used if the host running lbxproxy has a local X display. If multiple lbxproxy servers or other X servers are to run simultaneously on a host, each must have a unique display number. (See the "Display Names" section of the X(1) manual page to learn how to specify which display number clients should try to use.)
_ac Disables host-based access control mechanisms. Enables access by any host, and permits any host to modify the access control list. Use with extreme caution. This option exists primarily for running test suites remotely.
-display display-number Sets the name of the X server display that lbxproxy connects to.
_help Prints a usage message.
_I Causes all remaining command-line arguments to be ignored.
_to seconds Sets default connection time-out in seconds.

Network Connections

lbxproxy supports client connections via most of the connection types supported by the X servers. (Refer to the Xserver(1) manual page and hardware-specific X server manual pages for details.) Note that in the current implementation some of the connections types have not been implemented correctly. This mostly applies to System V.

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