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Page 264

Amiga Extra Halfbrite (EHB)

Amiga HAM with 3_16 planes


Multiplatte (normal or HAM) pictures

Colormap (BMHD and CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0)

Unofficial direct color; 1_16 planes for each color component.

Chunks used: BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only HAM and EHB flags used), PCHG, BODY unofficial DCOL chunk to identify direct color ILBM
Other chunks (ignored but displayed in verbose mode): NAME, AUTH, (d), ANNO, DPI
Unknown chunks are skipped.


-verbose Give some information about the ILBM file.
-ignore <chunkID> Skip a chunk. <chunkID> is the 4-letter IFF chunk identifier of the chunk to be skipped.
-isham | -isehb Treat the input file as a HAM or Extra Halfbrite picture, even if these flags or not set in the CAMG chunk (or if there is no CAMG chunk).
-adjustcolors If all colors in the CMAP have a value of less then 16, ilbmtoppm assumes a 4-bit colormap and gives a warning. With this option, the colormap is scaled to 8 bits.


The multipalette PCHG BigLineChanges and Huffman decompression code are untested.


Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual—Devices (3rd Ed.). Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X.


ppm(5), ppmtoilbm(1)


Copyright" 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

Modified October 1993 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de)

4 October 1993


imake—C preprocessor interface to the make utility


imake [ _Ddefine ][_Idir ][_Ttemplate ][_f filename ][_C filename ][_s filename ]

[_e ][_v ]


imake is used to generate MakeFILES from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile. This allows machine dependencies (such as compiler OPTIONS, alternate command names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the DESCRIPTIONs of the various items to be built.

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The following command-line OPTIONS may be passed to imake:

_Ddefine This option is passed directly to cpp. It is typically used to set directory-specific variables. For example, the X Window System uses this flag to set TOPDIR to the name of the directory containing the top of the core distribution and CURDIR to the name of the current directory, relative to the top.
_Idirectory This option is passed directly to cpp. It is typically used to indicate the directory in which the imake template and configuration FILES may be found.
_Ttemplate This option specifies the name of the master template file (which is usually located in the directory specified with _I) used by cpp. The default is Imake.tmpl.
_f filename This option specifies the name of the per-directory input file. The default is Imakefile.
_C filename This option specifies the name of the .c file that is constructed in the current directory. The default is Imakefile.c.
_s filename This option specifies the name of the make DESCRIPTION file to be generated but make should not be invoked. If the filename is a hyphen (_), the output is written to stdout. The default is to generate, but not execute, a Makefile.
_e This option indicates the imake should execute the generated Makefile. The default is to leave this to the user.
_v This option indicates that imake should print the cpp command line that it is using to generate the Makefile.


Imake invokes cpp with any _I or _D flags passed on the command line and passes the name of a file containing the following three lines:

#define IMAKE_TEMPLATE "Imake.tmpl"

#define INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE <Imakefile>


where Imake.tmpl and Imakefile may be overridden by the _T and _f command OPTIONS, respectively.

The IMAKE_TEMPLATE typically reads in a file containing machine-dependent parameters (specified as cpp symbols), a site-specific parameters file, a file defining variables, a file containing cpp macro functions for generating make rules, and finally the Imakefile (specified by INCLUDE_IMAKEFILE) in the current directory. The Imakefile uses the macro functions to indicate what targets should be built; imake takes care of generating the appropriate rules.

Imake configuration FILES contain two types of variables, imake variables and make variables. The imake variables are interpreted by cpp when imake is run. By convention they are mixed case. The make variables are written into the Makefile for later interpretation by make. By convention make variables are uppercase.

The rules file (usually named Imake.rules in the configuration directory) contains a variety of cpp macro functions that are configured according to the current platform. Imake replaces any occurrences of the string @@ with a newline to allow macros that generate more than one line of make rules. For example, when called with program_target(foo, foo1.o foo2.o), the macro:

#define program_target(program, objlist) @@\

program: objlist @@\

$(CC) _o $@ objlist $(LDFLAGS)

will expand to

foo: foo1.o foo2.o

$(CC) _o $@ foo1.o foo2.o $(LDFLAGS)

imake also replaces any occurrences of the word XCOMM with the character # to permit placing comments in the Makefile without causing invalid directive errors from the preprocessor.

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