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Page 247

el16 Use of the el request with no matching ie request.
scale32 Meaningless scaling indicators.
range64 Out of range arguments.
syntax128 Dubious syntax in numeric expressions.
di256 Use of di or da without an argument when there is no current diversion.
mac512 Use of undefined strings, macros, and diversions. When an undefined string, macro, or diversion is used, that string is automatically defined as empty. So, in most cases, at most one warning will be given for each name.
reg1024 Use of undefined number registers. When an undefined number register is used, that register is automatically defined to have a value of 0. A definition is automatically made with a value of 0. So, in most cases, at most one warning will be given for use of a particular name.
tab2048 Inappropriate use of a tab character. Either use of a tab character where a number was expected, or use of tab character in an unquoted macro argument.
right-brace4096 Use of \g where a number was expected.
missing8192 Requests that are missing nonoptional arguments.
input16384 Illegal input characters.
escape32768 Unrecognized escape sequences. When an unrecognized escape sequence is encountered, the escape character is ignored.
space65536 Missing space between a request or macro and its argument. This warning will be given when an undefined name longer than two characters is encountered, and the first two characters of the name make a defined name. The request or macro will not be invoked. When this warning is given, no macro is automatically defined. This is enabled by default. This warning will never occur in compatibility mode.
font131072 Nonexistent fonts. This is enabled by default.
ig262144 Illegal escapes in text ignored with the ig request. These are conditions that are errors when they do not occur in ignored text.

There are also names that can be used to refer to groups of WARNINGS:

all All WARNINGS except di, mac, and reg. It is intended that this covers all WARNINGS that are useful with traditional macro packages.


Long names cause some INCOMPATIBILITIES. UNIX troff will interpret


as defining a string ab with contents cd. Normally, GNU troff will interpret this as a call of a macro named dsabcd. Also UNIX troff will interpret \*[ or \n[ as references to a string or number register called [. In GNU troff, however, this will normally be interpreted as the start of a long name. In compatibility mode GNU troff will interpret these things in the traditional way. In compatibility mode, however, long names are not recognized. Compatibility mode can be turned on with the _C command-line option, and turned on or off with the cp request. The number register \n(.C is 1 if compatibility mode is on, 0 otherwise.

GNU troff does not allow the use of the escape sequences in names of strings, macros, diversions, number registers, fonts, or ENVIRONMENTs; UNIX troff does. The \A escape sequence may be helpful in avoiding use of these escape sequences in names.

Fractional point sizes cause one noteworthy incompatibility. In UNIX troff the ps request ignores scale indicators and so

.ps 10u

will set the pointsize to 10 points, whereas in GNU troff it will set the pointsize to 10 scaled points.

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In GNU troff there is a fundamental difference between unformatted, input characters, and formatted, output characters. Everything that affects how an output character will be output is stored with the character; after an output character has been constructed, it is unaffected by any subsequent requests that are executed, including bd, cs, tkf, tr, or fp requests. Normally output characters are constructed from input characters at the moment immediately before the character is added to the current output line. Macros, diversions, and strings are all, in fact, the same type of object; they contain lists of input characters and output characters in any combination. An output character does not behave like an input character for the purposes of macro processing; it does not inherit any of the special properties that the input character from which it was constructed might have had. For example, this:

.di x





will print \\ in GNU troff; each pair of input \s is turned into one output \ and the resulting output \s are not interpreted as escape characters when they are reread. UNIX troff would interpret them as escape characters when they were reread and would end up printing one \. The correct way to obtain a printable \ is to use the \e escape sequence: this will always print a single instance of the current escape character, regardless of whether or not it is used in a diversion; it will also work in both GNU troff and UNIX troff. If you wish for some reason to store in a diversion an escape sequence that will be interpreted when the diversion is reread, you can either use the traditional \! transparent output facility, or, if this is unsuitable, the new \? escape sequence.


GROFF_TMAC_PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for macro FILES.
GROFF_TYPESETTER Default device.
GROFF_FONT_PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for the devname directory. troff will search in directories given in the _F option before these, and in standard directories (:/usr/lib/groff/font, :/usr/lib/font, and :/usr/lib/font) after these.


/usr/lib/groff/tmac/troffrc Initialization file
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.name Macro FILES
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/DESC Device DESCRIPTION file for device name
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/F Font file for font F of device name


groff(1) gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), grops(1), grodvi(1), grotty(1), groff_font(5), groff_out(5), groff_char(7)

Groff Version 1.09, 14 February 1994

gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat

gzip, gunzip, zcatgzip, gunzip, zcat—Compress or expand FILES


gzip [ _acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ][_Ssuffix] [ name ... ]

gunzip [ _acfhlLnNrtvV ][_Ssuffix] [ name ... ]

zcat [ _fhLV ][name ... ]

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