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null and exit successfully. This can happen when an article has been canceled, or if it has been expired but its history is still retained. This is default behavior, which can be obtained by using the _n flag.

If the _q flag is used, then no message is displayed. The program will still exit with the appropriate exit status. If the _e flag is used, then grephistory will only print the filename of an existing article.

If the _l flag is used, then the entire line from the history file will be displayed.

If the _i flag is used, then grephistory will read a list of Message-IDs on standard input, one per line. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored, as are any malformed lines. It will print on standard output those Message-IDs that are not found in the history database. This flag is used in processing ihave control messages.

If the _s flag is used, then grephistory will read a similar list from its standard input. It will print on standard output a list of filenames for each article that is still available. This flag is used in processing sendme control messages.

To specify a different value for the history file and database, use the _f flag.


Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.


dbz(3), history(5)


grodvi—Convert groff output to TeX dvi format


grodvi [ _dv ][_wn ][_Fdir ][files ... ]


grodvi is a driver for groff that produces dvi format. Normally, it should be run by groff_Tdvi. This will run gtroff_Tdvi; it will also input the macros /usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.dvi; if the input is being preprocessed with geqn, it will also input /usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/eqnchar.

The dvi file generated by grodvi can be printed by any correctly written dvi driver. The troff drawing primitives are implemented using the tpic version 2 specials. If the driver does not support these, the \D commands will not produce any output.

There is an additional drawing command available:

\D'Rdhdv' Draw a rule (solid black rectangle), with one corner at the current position, and the diagonally opposite corner at the current position +(dh,dv). Afterwards, the current position will be at the opposite corner. This produces a rule in the dvi file and so can be printed even with a driver that does not support the tpic specials, unlike the other \D commands.

The groff command \X'anything' is translated into the same command in the dvi file as would be produced by \special{ anything } in TeX; anything may not contain a newline.

Font files for grodvi can be created from tfm files using tfmtodit(1). The font description file should contain the following additional commands:

internalname name The name of the tfm file (without the .tfm extension) is name.
checksum n The checksum in the tfm file is n.
designsize n The designsize in the tfm file is n.

These are automatically generated by tfmtodit.

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In troff, the \N escape sequence can be used to access characters by their position in the corresponding tfm file; all characters in the tfm file can be accessed this way.


_d Do not use tpic specials to implement drawing commands. Horizontal and vertical lines will be implemented by rules. Other drawing commands will be ignored.
_v Print the version number.
_wn Set the default line thickness to n thousandths of an em.
_Fdir Search directory dir/devdvi for font and device description files.


/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/DESC Device description file
/usr/lib/groff/font/devdvi/ F Font description file for font F
/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.dvi Macros for use with grodvi


dvi files produced by grodvi use a different resolution (57,816 units per inch) than those produced by TeX. Incorrectly written drivers that assume the resolution used by TeX, rather than using the resolution specified in the dvi file, will not work with grodvi.

When using the _d option with boxed tables, vertical and horizontal lines can sometimes protrude by one pixel. This is a consequence of the way TeX requires that the heights and widths of rules be rounded.


tfmtodit(1), groff(1), gtroff(1), geqn(1), groff_out(5), groff_font(5), groff_char(7)

Groff Version 1.09 14


groff—Front end for the groff document formatting system


groff [ _tpeszaivhblCENRVXZ][_wname ][_Wname ][_mname ][_Fdir ][_Tdev ] [ _ffam ][_Mdir ][_dcs ][_rcn ][_nnum ]

[_olist ][_Parg ][files ... ]


groff is a front-end to the groff document formatting system. Normally, it runs the gtroff program and a postprocessor appropriate for the selected device. Available devices are

ps For PostScript printers and previewers
dvi For TeX dvi format
X75 For a 75 dpi X11 previewer
X100 For a 100dpi X11 previewer
ascii For typewriter-like devices
latin1 For typewriter-like devices using the ISO Latin-1 character set.

The postprocessor to be used for a device is specified by the postpro command in the device description file. This can be overridden with the _X option.

The default device is ps. It can optionally preprocess with any of gpic, geqn, gtbl, grefer, or gsoelim.

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Options without an argument can be grouped behind a single _. A filename of _ denotes the standard input.

The grog command can be used to guess the correct groff command to use to format a file.


Print a help message.
_e Preprocess with geqn.
_t Preprocess with gtbl.
_p Preprocess with gpic.
_s Preprocess with gsoelim.
_R Preprocess with grefer. No mechanism is provided for passing arguments to grefer because most grefer options have equivalent commands that can be included in the file. See grefer(1) for more details.
_v Make programs run by groff print out their version number.
_V Print the pipeline on stdout instead of executing it.
_z Suppress output from gtroff. Only error messages will be printed.
_Z Do not postprocess the output of gtroff. Normally, groff will automatically run the appropriate postprocessor.
_Parg Pass arg to the postprocessor. Each argument should be passed with a separate _P option. Note that groff does not prepend _ to arg before passing it to the postprocessor.
_l Send the output to a printer. The command used for this is specified by the print command in the device description file.
_Larg Pass arg to the spooler. Each argument should be passed with a separate _L option. Note that groff does not prepend _ to arg before passing it to the postprocessor.
_Tdev Prepare output for device dev. The default device is ps.
_X Preview with gxditview instead of using the usual postprocessor. This is unlikely to produce good results except with _Tps.
_N Don't allow newlines with eqn delimiters. This is the same as the _N option in geqn.

The options _a, _b, _i, _C, _E, _wname, _Wname, _mname, _olist, _dcs, _rcn, _Fdir, _Mdir, _ffam, and _nnum are described in gtroff(1).


GROFF_COMMAND_PREFIX If this is set X, then groff will run Xtroff instead of gtroff. This also applies to tbl, pic, eqn, refer, and soelim. It does not apply to grops, grodvi, grotty, and gxditview.
GROFF_TMAC_PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for macro files.
GROFF_TYPESETTER Default device.
GROFF_FONT_PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to search for the devname directory.
PATH The search path for commands executed by groff.
GROFF_TMPDIR The directory in which temporary files will be created. If this is not set and TMPDIR is set, temporary files will be created in that directory. Otherwise, temporary files will be created in /tmp. The grops(1) and grefer(1) commands can create temporary files.


/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/DESC Device description file for device name.
/usr/lib/groff/font/devname/F Font file for font F of device name.


James Clark (jjc@jclark.com)

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Report bugs to bug-groff@prep.ai.mit.edu. Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to be reproduced, and say which version of groff you are using.


Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

groff is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


The most recent released version of groff is always available for anonymous ftp from prep.ai.mit.edu ( in the directory pub/gnu.


grog(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1),gsoelim(1), grefer(1), grops(1), grodvi(1), grotty(1), gxditview(1), groff_font(5), grof_out(5), groff_ms(7),groff_me(7), groff_char(7)

Groff Version 1.09, 29 October 1992


grog—Guess options for groff command


grog [ _option ...][files ... ]


grog reads files and guesses which of the groff(1) options _e, _man, _me, _mm, _ms, _p, _s,and _t are required for printing files, and prints the groff command including those options on the standard output. A filename of _ is taken to refer to the standard input. If no files are specified, the standard input will be read. Any specified options will be included in the printed command. No space is allowed between options and their arguments. For example,

`grog _Tdvi paper.ms'

will guess the appropriate command to print paper.ms and then run it after adding the _Tdvi option.


doctype(1), groff(1), gtroff(1), gtbl(1), gpic(1), geqn(1), gsoelim(1)

Groff Version 1.09 14


grops—PostScript driver for groff


grops [ _glv ][_bn ][_cn ][_wn ][_Fdir ][files ... ]

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grops translates the output of GNU troff to PostScript. Normally, grops should be invoked by using the groff command with a _Tps option. If no files are given, grops will read the standard input. A filename of _ will also cause grops to read the standard input. PostScript output is written to the standard output. When grops is run by groff, options can be passed to grops by using the groff _P option.


_bn Work around broken spoolers and previewers. Normally grops produces output that conforms the Document Structuring Conventions version 3.0. Unfortunately, some spoolers and previewers can't handle such output. The value of n controls what grops does to its output acceptable to such programs. A value of 0 will cause grops not to employ any workarounds. Add 1 if no %%BeginDocumentSetup and %%EndDocumentSetup comments should be generated; this is needed for early versions of TranScript that get confused by anything between the %%EndProlog comment and the first %%Page comment. Add 2 if lines in included files beginning with %! should be stripped out; this is needed for Sun's pageview previewer. Add 4 if %%Page, %%Trailer, and %%EndProlog comments should be stripped out of included files; this is needed for spoolers that don't understand the %%BeginDocument and %%EndDocument comments. Add 8 if the first line of the PostScript output should be %!PS-Adobe-2.0 rather than %!PS-Adobe-3.0; this is needed when using Sun's Newsprint with a printer that requires page reversal. The default value can be specified by a brokenn command in the DESC file. Otherwise, the default value is 0.
_cn Print n copies of each page.
_g Guess the page length. This generates PostScript code that guesses the page length. The guess will be correct only if the imageable area is vertically centered on the page. This option allows you to generate documents that can be printed both on letter (8.5¥11) paper and on A4 paper without change.
_l Print the document in landscape format.
_Fdir Search the directory dir/devname for font and device description files; name is the name of the device, usually ps.
_wn Lines should be drawn using a thickness of n thousandths of an em.
_v Print the version number.


There are styles called R, I, B, and BI mounted at font positions 1 to 4. The fonts are grouped into families A, BM, C, H, HN, N, P, and T having members in each of these styles:
AR AvantGarde-Book
AI AvantGarde-BookOblique
AB AvantGarde-Demi
ABI AvantGarde-DemiOblique
BMR Bookman-Light
BMI Bookman-LightItalic
BMB Bookman-Demi
BMBI Bookman-DemiItalic
CR Courier
CI Courier-Oblique
CB Courier-Bold
CBI Courier-BoldOblique
HR Helvetica
HI Helvetica-Oblique
HB Helvetica-Bold
HBI Helvetica-BoldOblique
HNR Helvetica-Narrow
HNI Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique

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