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Page 224

space); the resulting label will also be a two-part label with the same first part as before merging, and so additional labels can be merged into it. Note that it is permissible for the first part to be empty; this may be desirable for expressions used in the short-label command.
(expr) The same as expr. Used for grouping.

The preceding expressions are listed in order of precedence (highest first); & and | have the same precedence.


Each reference starts with a call to the macro ]-. The string [F will be defined to be the label for this reference, unless the no-label-in-reference command has been given. There then follows a series of string definitions, one for each field: string [X corresponds to field X. The number register [P is set to 1 if the P field contains a range of pages. The [T, [A, and [O number registers are set to 1 according as the T, A, and O fields end with one of the characters .?!. The [E number register will be set to 1 if the [E string contains more than one name. The reference is followed by a call to the ][ macro. The first argument to this macro gives a number representing the type of the reference. If a reference contains a J field, it will be classified as type 1; otherwise, if it contains a B field, it will be type 3; otherwise, if it contains a G or R field it will be type 4, otherwise if it contains an I field, it will be type 2; otherwise, it will be type 0. The second argument is a symbolic name for the type: other, journal-article, book, article-in-book, or tech-report. Groups of references that have been accumulated or are produced by the bibliography command are preceded by a call to the ]< macro and followed by a call to the ]> macro.


/usr/dict/papers/Ind     Default database

file.i     Index files


gindxbib(1), glookbib(1), lkbib(1)


In label expressions, <> expressions are ignored inside .char expressions.

Groff Version 1.09

grep, egrep, fgrep

grep, egrep, fgrep—Print lines matching a pattern


grep [ _[[AB]]num ][_[CEFGVBchilnsvwx]][_e ] pattern j _ffile ][files... ]


grep searches the named input files (or standard input if no files are named, or the filename _ is given) for lines containing a match to the given pattern. By default, grep prints the matching lines.

There are three major variants of grep, controlled by the following options:

_G Interpret pattern as a basic regular expression (see the list following this one). This is the default.
_E Interpret pattern as an extended regular expression.
_F Interpret pattern as a list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.

In addition, two variant programs, egrep and fgrep, are available. egrep is similar (but not identical) to grepn_E, and is compatible with the historical UNIX egrep. Fgrep is the same as grepn_F.

All variants of grep understand the following options:

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