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In the following description, each argument must be a single word; field is used for a single uppercase or lowercase letter naming a field; fields is used for a sequence of such letters; m and n are used for a nonnegative numbers; string is used for an arbitrary string; filename is used for the name of a file.

abbreviate*fieldsstring1 Abbreviate the first names of fields. An initial letter will be separated from another
string2string3string4 initial letter by string1, from the last name by string2, and from anything else (such as a von or de) by string3. These default to a period followed by a space. In a hyphenated first name, the initial of the first part of the name will be separated from the hyphen by string4; this defaults to a period. No attempt is made to handle any ambiguities that might result from abbreviation. Names are abbreviated before sorting and before label construction.
abbreviate-label-ranges*string Three or more adjacent labels that refer to consecutive references will be abbreviated to a label consisting of the first label, followed by string, followed by the last label. This is mainly useful with numeric labels. If string is omitted it defaults to _.
accumulate* Accumulate references instead of writing out each reference as it is encountered. Accumulated references will be written out whenever a reference of the form:




is encountered, after all input files have been processed, and whenever an .R1 line is recognized.
annotate*fieldstring field is an annotation; print it at the end of the reference as a paragraph preceded by the line
If macro is omitted, it will default to AP;if field is also omitted, it will default to X. Only one field can be an annotation.
articlesstring ... These are definite or indefinite articles, and should be ignored at the beginning of T
string ... fields when sorting. Initially, the, a, and an are recognized as articles.
bibliographyfilename ... Write out all the references contained in the bibliographic databases filename ...
bracket-labelstring In the text, bracket each label with string1 and string2. An occurrence of string2
1string2string3 immediately followed by string1 will be turned into string3. The default behavior is bracket-label \*([. \*(.] ", "
capitalizefields Convert fields to caps and small caps.
compatible* Recognize .R1 and .R2 even when followed by a character other than space or newline.
databasefilename... Search the bibliographic databases filename... For each filename if an index filename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases.
date-as-label*string string is a label expression that specifies a string with which to replace the D field after constructing the label. See "Label Expressions," later in this manual page, for a description of label expressions. This command is useful if you do not want explicit labels in the reference list, but instead want to handle any necessary disambiguation by qualifying the date in some way. The label used in the text would typically be some combination of the author and date. In most cases, you should also use the no-label-in-reference command. For example,
date-as-label D.+yD.y%a*D.-y would attach a disambiguating letter to the year part of the D field in the reference.
default-database* The default database should be searched. This is the default behavior, so the negative version of this command is more useful. refer determines whether the default database should be searched on the first occasion that it needs to do a search. Thus, a no-default-database command must be given before then, in order to be effective.

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