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Page 215

can also be used; this will produce the arguments formatted according to format, which should be a string as described in printf(3), appropriate for the number of arguments supplied, using only the e, f, g, or % format characters.

The thickness of the lines used to draw objects is controlled by the linethick variable. This gives the thickness of lines in points. A negative value means use the default thickness: in output mode, this means use a thickness of 8 milli-inches; in output mode with the -c option, this means use the line thickness specified by .ps lines; in troff output mode, this means use a thickness proportional to the point size. A zero value means draw the thinnest possible line supported by the output device. Initially, it has a value of -1. There is also a thick[ness] attribute. For example,

circle thickness 1.5

would draw a circle using a line with a thickness of 1.5 points. The thickness of lines is not affected by the value of the scale variable, nor by the width or height given in the .PS line.

Boxes (including boxes with rounded corners), circles, and ellipses can be filled by giving then an attribute of fill[ed]. This takes an optional argument of an expression with a value between 0 and 1; 0 will fill it with white, 1 with black, values in between with a proportionally gray shade. A value greater than 1 can also be used: this means fill with the shade of gray that is currently being used for text and lines. Normally this will be black, but output devices may provide a mechanism for changing this. Without an argument, then the value of the variable fillval will be used. Initially, this has a value of 0.5. The invisible attribute does not affect the filling of objects. Any text associated with a filled object will be added after the object has been filled, so that the text will not be obscured by the filling.

Arrowheads will be drawn as solid triangles if the variable arrowhead is nonzero and either mode is enabled or the _x option has been given. Initially, arrowhead has a value of 1.

The troff output of pic is device-independent. The _T option is therefore redundant. All numbers are taken to be in inches; numbers are never interpreted to be in troff machine units.

Objects can have an aligned attribute. This will only work when the postprocessor is grops. Any text associated with an object having the aligned attribute will be rotated about the center of the object so that it is aligned in the direction from the start point to the end point of the object. Note that this attribute will have no effect for objects whose start and end points are coincident.

In places where nth is allowed, expr'th is also allowed. Note that `th is a single token: no space is allowed between the ` and the th. For example,

fori =1 to 4 do{

line from `i'th box.nw to `i+1'th box.se



/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.pic Sample definitions of the PS and PE macros.


gtroff(1), groff_out(5), tex(1)

TPIC: PIC for AT&T Bell Laboratories, Computing Science Technical Report No. 116, PIC—A Graphics Language for Typesetting. (This can be obtained by sending an e-mail message to netlib@research.att.com with a body of "send 116 from research/cstr.")


Input characters that are illegal for groff (those with ASCII code 0 or between 013 and 037 octal or between 0200 and 0237 octal) are rejected even in mode.

The interpretation of fillval is incompatible with the pic in 10th edition UNIX, which interprets 0 as black and 1 as white.

Page 216


gprof—Display call graph profile data


gprof [ _abcsz ] [ _ej_E name ] [_fj_F name ][_k fromname toname ] [ objfile [ gmon.out ]]


gprof produces an execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs. The effect of called routines is incorporated in the profile of each caller. The profile data is taken from the call graph profile file (gmon.out default), which is created by programs that are compiled with the _pg option of cc(1), pc(1),and f77(1). The _pg option also links in versions of the library routines that are compiled for profiling. gprof reads the given object file (the default is a.out) and establishes the relation between its symbol table and the call graph profile from gmon.out. If more than one profile file is specified, the gprof output shows the sum of the profile information in the given profile files.

gprof calculates the amount of time spent in each routine. Next, these times are propagated along the edges of the call graph. Cycles are discovered, and calls into a cycle are made to share the time of the cycle. The first listing shows the functions sorted according to the time they represent, including the time of their call graph descendants. Below each function entry is shown its (direct) call graph children, and how their times are propagated to this function. A similar display above the function shows how this function's time and the time of its descendants is propagated to its (direct) call graph parents.

Cycles are also shown, with an entry for the cycle as a whole and a listing of the members of the cycle and their contributions to the time and call counts of the cycle.

Second, a flat profile is given, similar to that provided by prof(1). This listing gives the total execution times, the call counts, the time in milliseconds, the call spent in the routine itself, and the time in milliseconds the call spent in the routine itself, including its descendants.

Finally, an index of the function names is provided.


The following options are available:

_a Suppresses the printing of statically declared functions. If this option is given, all relevant information about the static function (for example, time samples, calls to other functions, calls from other functions) belongs to the function loaded just before the static function in the objfile file.
_b Suppresses the printing of a description of each field in the profile.
_c The static call graph of the program is discovered by a heuristic that examines the text space of the object file. Static-only parents or children are shown with call counts of 0.
_e name Suppresses the printing of the graph profile entry for routine name and all its descendants (unless they have other ancestors that aren't suppressed). More than one _e option may be given. Only one name may be given with each _e option.
_E name Suppresses the printing of the graph profile entry for routine name (and its descendants) as _e, previously and also excludes the time spent in name (and its descendants) from the total and percentage time computations. (For example, _E mcount _E mcleanup is the default.)
_f name Prints the graph profile entry of only the specified routine name and its descendants. More than one _f option may be given. Only one name may be given with each _f option.
_F name Prints the graph profile entry of only the routine name and its descendants (as _f, previously) and also uses only the times of the printed routines in total time and percentage computations. More than one
_F option may be given. Only one name may be given with each _F option. The _F option overrides the _E option.
_k fromname toname Will delete any arcs from routine fromname to routine toname. This can be used to break undesired cycles. More than one _k option may be given. Only one pair of routine names may be given with each _k option.

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