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filename.i Index Ind.i Default index name /usr/lib/groff/eign List of common words indxbibXXXXXX Temporary file


grefer(1), lkbib(1), glookbib(1)

Groff Version 1.09, 16 April 1993


glookbib—Search bibliographic databases


glookbib [ _v ][_istring ][_tn ] filename ...


glookbib prints a prompt on the standard error (unless the standard input is not a terminal), reads from the standard input a line containing a set of keywords, searches the bibliographic databases filename ... for references containing those keywords, prints any references found on the standard output, and repeats this process until the end of input. For each database filename to be searched, if an index filename.i created by gindxbib(1) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases.


_v Print the version number.
_istring When searching files for which no index exists, ignore the contents of fields whose names are in string.
_tn Only require the first n characters of keys to be given. Initially, n is 6.


filename.i Index files


grefer(1), lkbib(1), gindxbib(1)


gnroff—Emulate nroff command with groff


gnroff [ _h ][_i ][_mname ][_nnum ][_olist ][_rcn ][_Tname ][file...]


The gnroff script emulates the nroff command using groff. The _T option with an argument other than ascii and latin1 will be ignored. The _h option is equivalent to the grotty _h option. The _i, _n, _m, _o, and _r options have the effect described in gtroff(1). In addition, gnroff silently ignores options of _e, _q, or _s.

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groff(1), gtroff(1), grotty(1)

Groff Version 1.09, 17 May 1993


gouldtoppm—Convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap




Reads a file produced by the Gould scanner as input. Produces a portable pixmap as output.




Copyright" 1990 by Stephen Paul Lesniewski

20 May 1990


gpic—Compile pictures for troff or TeX


gpic [ _nvC ][filename ... ] gpic _t [ _cvzC ][filename ... ]


This manual page describes the GNU version of pic, which is part of the groff document formatting system. pic compiles descriptions of pictures embedded within troff or TeX input files into commands that are understood by TeX or troff. Each picture starts with a line beginning with .PS and ends with a line beginning with .PE. Anything outside of .PS and .PE is passed through without change.

It is the user's responsibility to provide appropriate definitions of the PS and PE macros. When the macro package being used does not supply such definitions (for example, old versions of _ms), appropriate definitions can be obtained with _mpic: These will center each picture.


Options that do not take arguments may be grouped behind a single _. The special option __ can be used to mark the end of the options. A filename of _ refers to the standard input.

_C Recognize .PS and .PE even when followed by a character other than space or newline.
_n Don't use the groff extensions to the troff drawing commands. You should use this if you are using a postprocessor that doesn't support these extensions. The extensions are described in groff_out(5). The _n option also causes pic not to use zero-length lines to draw dots in troff mode.
_t TeX mode.
_c Be more compatible with tpic. Implies _t. Lines beginning with n are not passed through transparently. Lines beginning with . are passed through with the initial . changed to \. A line beginning with .ps is given special

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treatment: It takes an optional integer argument specifying the line thickness (pen size) in milli-inches; a missing argument restores the previous line thickness; the default line thickness is 8 milli-inches. The line thickness thus specified takes effect only when a nonnegative line thickness has not been specified by use of the thickness attribute or by setting the linethick variable.
_v Print the version number.
_z In TeX mode draw dots using zero-length lines.

The following options supported by other versions of pic are ignored:

_D Draw all lines using the \D escape sequence. pic always does this.
_Tdev Generate output for the troff device dev. This is unnecessary because the troff output generated by pic is device-independent.


This section describes only the differences between GNU pic and the original version of pic. Many of these differences also apply to newer versions of UNIX pic.


mode is enabled by the _t option. In mode, pic will define a vbox called ngraph for each picture. You must yourself print that vbox using, for example, the command:


Actually, since the vbox has a height of zero, this will produce slightly more vertical space above the picture than below it, the line

\centerline{\raise 1em\box\graph}

would avoid this.

You must use a driver that supports the tpic specials, version 2.

Lines beginning with \are passed through transparently; a % is added to the end of the line to avoid unwanted spaces. You can safely use this feature to change fonts or to change the value of \baselineskip. Anything else may well produce undesirable results; use at your own risk. Lines beginning with a period are not given any special treatment.


for variable = expr1 to expr2 While the value of variable is less than or equal to expr2, do body and increment
by [*]expr3] do X body X variable by expr3; if by is not given, increment variable by 1. If expr3 is prefixed
[Set variable to expr1 by * then variable will instead be multiplied by expr3. X can be any character not occurring in body.
if expr then X if-true X Evaluate expr; if it is nonzero,do if-true; otherwise, do if-false. u can be any
[else Y if-false Y] character not occurring in if-true. Y can be any character not occurring in if-false.
print arg ... Concatenate the arguments and print as a line on stderr. Each arg must be an expression, a position, or text. This is useful for debugging.
command arg ... Concatenate the arguments and pass them through as a line to troff or TeX. Each arg must be an expression, a position, or text. This has a similar effect to a line beginning with . or \, but allows the values of variables to be passed through.
sh X command X Pass command to a shell. X can be any character not occurring in command.
copy "filename" Include filename at this point in the file.
copy ["filename"] thru X body X This construct does body once for each line of filename; the line is split into blank-
[until "word"] delimited words, and occurrences of $ i in body, for i between 1 and 9, are replaced
copy ["filename"] thru macro by the i-th word of the line. If filename is not given, lines are taken from the current
[until "word"] input up to .PE. If an until clause is specified, lines will be read only until a line the first word of which is word; that line will then be discarded. X can be any character not occurring in body. For example,

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