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Macros can take arguments. In a macro body, $ n where n is between 1 and 9, will be replaced by the nth argument if the macro is called with arguments; if there are fewer than n arguments, it will be replaced by nothing. A word containing a left parenthesis where the part of the word before the left parenthesis has been defined using the define command will be recognized as a macro call with arguments; characters following the left parenthesis up to a matching right parenthesis will be treated as comma-separated arguments; commas inside nested parentheses do not terminate an argument.

sdefinenameXanythingX This is like the define command, but name will not be recognized if called with arguments.
includefile Include the contents of file. Lines of file beginning with .EQ or .EN will be ignored.
ifdefnameXanythingX If name has been defined by define (or has been automatically defined because name is the output device), process anything; otherwise ignore anything. X can be any character not appearing in anything.


eqn normally uses at least two fonts to set an equation: an italic font for letters, and a Roman font for everything else. The existing gfont command changes the font that is used as the italic font. By default this is I. The font that is used as the Roman font can be changed by using the new grfont command.

grfontf Set the Roman font to f.

The italic primitive uses the current italic font set by gfont; the Roman primitive uses the current Roman font set by grfont. There is also a new gbfont command, which changes the font used by the bold primitive. If you only use the Roman, italic, and bold primitives to change fonts within an equation, you can change all the fonts used by your equations just by using gfont, grfont, and gbfont commands.

You can control which characters are treated as letters (and therefore set in italic) by using the chartype command described earlier. A type of letter will cause a character to be set in italic type. A type of digit will cause a character to be set in Roman type.


/usr/lib/groff/tmac/eqnrc     Initialization file


Inline equations will be set at the pointsize that is current at the beginning of the input line.


groff(1), gtroff(1), groff_font(5), The TeXbook


getlist—Get a list from an NNTP server


getlist [ _h host ][list [ pattern [ types ]]]


The getlist program obtains a list from an NNTP server and sends it to standard output.

The list may be one of active, active.times, distributions, or newsgroups. These values request the active(5), active.times, /news/lib/distributions, or /news/lib/newsgroups files, respectively.

If the _h flag is used, then the program connects to the server on the specified host. The default is to connect to the server specified in the inn.conf(5) file.

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If the list parameter is active, then the pattern and types parameters may be used to limit the output. When pattern is used, only active lines with groups that match according to wildmat(3) are printed. When types is also given, only active lines that have a fourth field starting with a character found in types are printed.

For example, the following command will obtain the one-line descriptions of all newsgroups found on UUNET:

getlist -h news.uu.net newsgroups

The following line lists all groups where local postings are permitted, moderated, or aliased:

getlist active `*' ym=

Note that the listing files other than the active file is a common extension to the NNTP protocol and may not be available on all servers.


Written by Landon Curt Noll (<chongo@toad.com>) for InterNetNews.


active(5), nnrpd(8), wildmat(3)


getopt—Parse command options


set _ `getopt optstring $*'


getopt is used to break up options in command lines for easy parsing by shell procedures, and to check for legal options. optstring is a string of recognized option letters; see getopt(3). If a letter is followed by a colon, the option is expected to have an argument that may or may not be separated from it by whitespace. The special option —- is used to delimit the end of the options. getopt will place —- in the arguments at the end of the options, or recognize it if used explicitly. The shell arguments ($1 $2 ...) are reset so that each option is preceded by a _ and in its own shell argument; each option argument is also in its own shell argument.


The following code fragment shows how one might process the arguments for a command that can take the options a and b, and the option o, which requires an argument:

set — `getopt abo: $*`

           if test $? != 0


                   echo `Usage: ...'

                   exit 2


           for i


                   case "$i"



                                   flag=$i; shift;;


                                   oarg=$2; shift; shift;;


                                   shift; break;;



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