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Before sending a bug report, please do two things. First, verify that you have the latest version of gawk. Many bugs (usually subtle ones) are fixed at each release, and if yours is out of date, the problem may already have been solved. Second, please read this man page and the reference manual carefully to be sure that what you think is a bug really is, instead of just a quirk in the language.


Brian Kernighan of Bell Labs provided valuable assistance during testing and debugging.

We thank him.

Free Software Foundation, 24 November 1994


gcal—Displays month/year calendar sheets, eternal holiday lists for Julian and Gregorian years, and fixed date warning lists—all in a variety of ways.


gcal [[ Option... ][%Date ][@File... ]] [ Command ]


gcal is a program similar the standard calendar programs BSD_'cal' and calendar.

gcal displays Gregorian calendars, Julian calendars (before September 1752).

If gcal is started without any options or commands, a calendar of the current month is displayed.

If the calendar of a definite year is wanted, the year must be fully specified. For example, gcal 94 displays a year calendar of the year 94, not of the year 1994.

If two arguments are given in the command part, the first argument denotes the month and the second argument denotes the year. In case any illegal commands are given running gcal, the program will use internal defaults.

The Gregorian Reformation is assumed to have occurred in 1752 on the 3rd of September. Ten days following that date were eliminated by the reformation, so the calendar for that month is a bit unusual.


You get more program information if you start gcal as follows:

gcal -h gcal -? gcal _help


gcal -hh gcal -?? gcal _long-help[=ARG]j[=?] gcal _usage[=ARG]j[=?]

A hypertext file gcal.info containing detailed online information should be available, which you can inspect using your GNU Infobrowser.


gcal copyright " 1994, 1995, 1996 by Thomas Esken. This software doesn't claim completeness, correctness, or usability. On principle, I will not be liable for any damages or losses (implicit or explicit), which result from using or handling my software. If you use this software, you agree without any exception to this agreement, which binds you legally.

gcal is free software and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License; published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 or (at your option) any later version.

Any suggestions, improvements, extensions, bug reports, donations, proposals for contract work, and so forth are welcome!
If you like this tool, I'd appreciate a postcard from you!

Enjoy it =8^)

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Thomas Esken (esken@uni-muenster.de)

Im Hagenfeld 84

D-48147 Muenster; Germany

Phone : +49 251 232585


cal(1), calendar(1)

16 July 1996

gcc, g++

gcc, g++—GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2.7)


gcc [ option j filename ]. . .

g++ [ option j filename ]...


The information in this man page is an extract from the full documentation of the GNU C compiler and is limited to the meaning of the options.

This man page is not kept up-to-date except when volunteers want to maintain it. If you find a discrepancy between the man page and the software, please check the info file, which is the authoritative documentation.

If we find that the things in this man page that are out of date cause significant confusion or complaints, we will stop distributing the man page. The alternative, updating the man page when we update the info file, is impossible because the rest of the work of maintaining GNU CC leaves us no time for that. The GNU project regards man pages as obsolete and should not let them take time away from other things.

For complete and current documentation, refer to the info file gcc or the manual Using and Porting GNU CC (for version 2.0). Both are made from the Texinfo source file gcc.texinfo.


The C and C++ compilers are integrated. Both process input files through one or more of four stages: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, and linking. Source filename suffixes identify the source language, but which name you use for the compiler governs default assumptions:

gcc Assumes preprocessed (.i) files are C and assumes C-style linking.
g++ Assumes preprocessed (.i) files are C++ and assumes C++-style linking.

Suffixes of source filenames indicate the language and kind of processing to be done:

.c C source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.C C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.cc C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.cxx C++ source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.m Objective-C source; preprocess, compile, assemble
.i Preprocessed C; compile, assemble
.ii Preprocessed C++; compile, assemble
.s Assembler source; assemble

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.S Assembler source; preprocess, assemble
.h Preprocessor file; not usually named on command line

Files with other suffixes are passed to the linker. Common cases include

.o Object file

.a Archive file

Linking is always the last stage unless you use one of the _c, _S, or _E options to avoid it (or unless compilation errors stop the whole process). For the link stage, all .o files corresponding to source files, _l libraries, unrecognized filenames (including named .o object files, and .a archives) are passed to the linker in command-line order.


Options must be separate: _dr is quite different from_d _r.

Most _f and _W options have two contrary forms: _fname and _fno-name (or _Wname and _Wno_name). Only the nondefault forms are shown here.

Here is a summary of all the options, grouped by type. Explanations are in the following sections.

Overall Options

_c _S _E _o file _pipe _v _x language

Language Options

_ansi                     _fall_virtual        _fcond_mismatch

_fdollars_in_identifiers  _fenum_int_equiv     _fexternal_templates

_fno_asm                  _fno_builtin         _fno_strict_prototype

_fsigned_bitfields        _fsigned_char        _fthis_is_variable

_funsigned_bitfields      _funsigned_char      _fwritable_strings

_traditional              _traditional_cpp     _trigraphs

Warning Options

_fsyntax_only        _pedantic              _pedantic_errors

_w _W _Wall          _Waggregate_return     _Wcast_align

_Wcast_qual          _Wchar_subscript       _Wcomment

_Wconversion         _Wenum_clash           _Werror

_Wformat             _Wid_clash_len         _Wimplicit

_Winline             _Wmissing_prototypes   _Wmissing_declarations

_Wnested_externs     _Wno_import            _Wparentheses

_Wpointer_arith      _Wredundant_decls      _Wreturn_type

_Wshadow             _Wstrict_prototypes    _Wswitch

_Wtemplate_debugging _Wtraditional          _Wtrigraphs

_Wuninitialized      _Wunused               _Wwrite_strings

Debugging Options

_a _dletters _fpretend_float _g _glevel _gcoff _gxcoff _gxcoff+ _gdwarf _gdwarf+ _gstabs _gstabs+ _ggdb _p _pg

_save_ temps _print_file_name=library _print_libgcc_file_name _ print_prog_name=program

Optimization Options

_fcaller_saves         _fcse_follow_jumps       _fcse_skip_blocks

_fdelayed_branch       _felide_constructors     _fexpensive_optimizations

_ffast_math            _ffloat_store            _fforce_addr

_fforce_mem            _finline_functions       _fkeep_inline_functions

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