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Page 154

macdef name Define a macro. This token functions like the ftp macdef command functions. A macro is defined with the specified name; its contents begin with the next line and continue until a null line (consecutive newline characters) is encountered. If a macro named init is defined, it is automatically executed as the last step in the auto-login process.


ftp utilizes the following environment variables:

HOME For default location of a file, if one exists
SHELL For default shell




The ftp command appeared in BSD 4.2.


Correct execution of many commands depends upon proper behavior by the remote server.

An error in the treatment of carriage returns in the BSD 4.2 ASCII-mode transfer code has been corrected. This correction may result in incorrect transfers of binary files to and from BSD 4.2 servers using the ASCII type. Avoid this problem by using the binary image type.

BSD 4.2, 30 July 1991


fuser—Identify processes using files


fuser [_a|_s][_signal][_kmuv] filename ... [_][_signal][_kmuv] filename ...

fuser [_l]


fuser displays the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems. In the default display mode, each filename is followed by a letter denoting the type of access:

c Current directory.
e Executable being run.
f Open file. f is omitted in default display mode.
r Root directory.
m mmap'ed file or shared library.

fuser returns a nonzero return code if none of the specified files is accessed or in case of a fatal error. If at least one access has been found, fuser returns zero.


_a Show all files specified on the command line. By default, only files that are accessed by at least one process are shown.
_k Kill processes accessing the file. Unless changed with -signal, SIGKILL is sent. A fuser process never kills itself, but may kill other fuser processes.

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u List all known signal names.
_m filename specifies a file on a mounted file system or a block device that is mounted. All processes accessing files on that file system are listed. If a directory file is specified, it is automatically changed to filename/. to use any file system that might be mounted on that directory.
_s Silent operation. _a, _u, and _v are ignored in this mode.
_signal Use the specified signal instead of SIGKILL when killing processes. Signals can be specified either by name (for example, _HUP) or by number (for example, _1).
_u Append the username of the process owner to each PID.
_v Verbose mode. Processes are shown in a ps-like style. The fields PID, USER, and COMMAND are similar to ps. ACCESS shows how the process accesses the file.
_ Reset all options and set the signal back to SIGKILL.


/proc Location of the proc file system


fuser -km /home kills all processes accessing the file system /home in any way.

In this example:

if fuser -s /dev/ttyS1; then :; else something

fi invokes something if no other process is using /dev/ttyS1.


Processes accessing the same file or filesystem several times in the same way are only shown once.


Werner Almesberger (<almesber@di.epfl.ch>U)


kill(1), killall(1), ps(1), kill(2)

Linux, 11 October 1994


g++—GNU project C++ Compiler


g++ [ option | filename ]. ..


The C and C++ compilers are integrated; g++ is a script to call gcc with options to recognize C++. gcc processes input files through one or more of four stages: preprocessing, compilation, assembly, and linking. This man page contains full descriptions for only C++ specific aspects of the compiler, though it also contains summaries of some general-purpose options. For a fuller explanation of the compiler, see gcc(1).

C++ source files use one of the suffixes .C, .cc, .cxx, .cpp, or .c++; preprocessed C++ files use the suffix .ii.


There are many command-line options, including options to control details of optimization, warnings, and code generation, which are common to both gcc and g++. For full information on all options, see gcc(1).

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