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debug [debug-value] Toggle debugging mode. If an optional debug-value is specified, it is used to set the debugging level. When debugging is on, ftp prints each command sent to the remote machine, preceded by the string —>.
dir [remote-directory] [local-file] Print a listing of the directory contents in the directory, remote-directory, and, optionally, placing the output in local-file. If interactive prompting is on, ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last argument is indeed the target local file for receiving dir output. If no directory is specified, the current working directory on the remote machine is used. If no local file is specified, or local-file is -, output comes to the terminal.
disconnect A synonym for close.
form format Set the file transfer form to format. The default format is file.
get remote-file [local-file] Retrieve the remote-file and store it on the local machine. If the local filename is not specified, it is given the same name it has on the remote machine, subject to alteration by the current case, ntrans, and nmap settings. The current settings for type, form, mode, and structure are used while transferring the file.
glob Toggle filename expansion for mdelete, mget, and mput. If globbing is turned off with glob, the filename arguments are taken literally and not expanded. Globbing for mput is done as in csh 1. For mdelete and mget, each remote filename is expanded separately on the remote machine and the lists are not merged. Expansion of a directory name is likely to be different from expansion of the name of an ordinary file: the exact result depends on the foreign operating system and FTP server, and can be previewed by doing mls remote-files Note: mget and mput are not meant to transfer entire directory subtrees of files. That can be done by transferring a tar 1 archive of the subtree (in binary mode).
hash Toggle hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a data block is 1024 bytes.
help [command] Print an informative message about the meaning of command. If no argument is given, ftp prints a list of the known commands.
idle [seconds] Set the inactivity timer on the remote server to seconds seconds. If seconds is omitted, the current inactivity timer is printed.
lcd [directory] Change the working directory on the local machine. If no directory is specified, the user's home directory is used.
ls [remote-directory] [local-file] Print a listing of the contents of a directory on the remote machine. The listing includes any system-dependent information that the server chooses to include; for example, most systems will produce output from the command ls l. (See also nlist.) If remote-directory is left unspecified, the current working directory is used. If interactive prompting is on, ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last argument is indeed the target local file for receiving ls output. If no local file is specified, or if local-file is -, the output is sent to the terminal.
macdef macro-name Define a macro. Subsequent lines are stored as the macro macro-name; a null line (consecutive newline characters in a file or carriage returns from the terminal) terminates macro input mode. There is a limit of 16 macros and 4096 total characters in all defined macros. Macros remain defined until a close command is executed. The macro processor interprets $ and \ as special characters. A $ followed by a number (or numbers) is replaced by the corresponding argument on the macro invocation command line. A $ followed by an i signals that macro processor that the executing macro is to be looped. On the first pass $i is replaced by the first argument on the macro invocation command line, on the second pass it is replaced by the second argument, and so on. A \ followed by any character is replaced by that character. Use the \to prevent special treatment of the $.
mdelete [remote-files] Delete the remote-files on the remote machine.

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