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Page 143


The -image option is for FITS files with three axes. The assumption is that the third axis is for multiple images, and this option lets you select which one you want.

Flags -min and -max can be used to override the min and max values as read from the FITS header or the image data if no DATAMIN and DATAMAX keywords are found. Flag -scanmax can be used to force the program to scan the data even when DATAMIN and DATAMAX are found in the header. If -printmax is specified, the program will just print the min and max values and quit. Flag -noraw can be used to force the program to produce an ASCII portable anymap.

The program will tell what kind of anymap is writing. All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.


FITS stands for Flexible Image Transport System. A full description can be found in Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series 44 (1981), page 363.


pnmtofits(1), pgm(5), pnmflip(1)


Copyright " 1989 by Jef Poskanzer, with modifications by Daniel Briggs (dbriggs@nrao.edu) and Alberto Accomazzi (alberto@cfa.harvard.edu)

20 September 1989


fmt—Adjust line-length for paragraphs of text


fmt [_width][files]...


fmt is a simple text formatter. It inserts or deletes newlines, as necessary, to make all lines in a paragraph be approximately the same width. It preserves indentation and word spacing.

The default line width is 72 characters. You can override this with the _width flag. If you don't name any files on the command line, then fmt will read from stdin.

It is typically used from within vi to adjust the line breaks in a single paragraph. To do this, move the cursor to the top of the paragraph, type !gfmt, and press Return.


Steve Kirkendall (kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu)


fold—Wrap each input line to fit in specified width


fold [_bs] [_w width] [—bytes] [—spaces] [—width=width] [—help]

[—version] [file...]

Page 144


This manual page documents the GNU version of fold. fold prints the specified files, or the standard input when no files are given or the filename _ is encountered, on the standard output. It breaks long lines into multiple shorter lines by inserting a newline at column 80. It counts screen columns, so tab characters usually take more than one column, backspace characters decrease the column count, and carriage return characters set the column count back to zero.


_b, —bytes Count bytes rather than columns, so that tabs, backspaces, and carriage returns are each counted as taking up one column, just like other characters.
_s, —spaces Break at word boundaries. If the line contains any blanks, the line is broken after the last blank that falls within the maximum line length. If there are no blanks, the line is broken at the maximum line length, as usual.
_w, —width width Use a maximum line length of width columns instead of 80.
—help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
—version Print version information on standard output then exit.

GNU Text Utilities


free—Display amount of free and used memory in the system


free [-b | -k | -m] [-o] [-s delay] [-t]


free displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, as well as the shared memory and buffers used by the kernel.


The -b switch displays the amount of memory in bytes; the -k switch (set by default) displays it in kilobytes; the -m switch displays it in megabytes.

The -t switch displays a line containing the totals.

The -o switch disables the display of a "buffer adjusted" line. Unless specified free subtracts/adds buffer memory from/to the used/free memory reports (respectively!).

The -s switch activates continuous polling delay seconds apart. You may actually specify any floating point number for delay, usleep(3) is used for microsecond resolution delay times.


/proc/meminfo Memory information


ps(1), top(1)



Cohesive Systems, 20 March 1993

Page 145


fsinfo—X font server information utility


fsinfo [_server servername]


fsinfo is a utility for displaying information about an X font server. It is used to examine the capabilities of a server, the predefined values for various parameters used in communicating between clients and the server, and the font catalogues and alternate servers that are available.


The following is a sample produced by fsinfo.

name of server: hansen:7100

version number: 1

vendor string: Font Server Prototype

vendor release number: 17

maximum request size: 16384 longwords (65536 bytes)

number of catalogues: 1


Number of alternate servers: 2

#0 hansen:7101

#1 hansen:7102

number of extensions: 0


FONTSERVER To get the default fontserver


xfs(1), fslsfonts(1)


Dave Lemke (Network Computing Devices, Inc.)

X Version 11 Release 6


fslsfonts—List fonts served by X font server


fslsfonts [_options ...] [_fn pattern]


fslsfonts lists the fonts that match the given pattern. The wildcard character * may be used to match any sequence of characters (including none), and ? to match any single character. If no pattern is given, * is assumed.

The * and ? characters must be quoted to prevent them from being expanded by the shell.


_server host:port This option specifies the X font server to contact.
_l Lists some attributes of the font on one line in addition to its name.

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