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Page 132

cursorColor (class Foreground) For color displays, sets the color of the window's text cursor.
pointerColor (class Foreground) For color displays, sets the color of the window's mouse cursor.
geometry (class Geometry) Sets the geometry of the emacs window.
title (class Title) Sets the title of the emacs window.
iconName (class Title) Sets the icon name for the emacs window icon.

If you try to set color values while using a black-and-white display, the window's characteristics will default as follows: The foreground color will be set to black, the background color will be set to white, the border color will be set to gray, and the text and mouse cursors will be set to black.


The following lists the mouse button bindings for the emacs window under X11.

Mouse Button Function
left Set point.
middle Paste text.
right Cut text into X cut buffer.
Shift+middle Cut text into X cut buffer.
Shift+right Paste text.
Ctrl+middle Cut text into X cut buffer and kill it.
Ctrl+right Select this window, then split it into two windows. Same as typing Ctrl+x 2.
Ctrl+Shift+left X buffer menu; hold the buttons and keys down, wait for menu to appear, select buffer, and release. Move mouse out of menu and release to cancel.
Ctrl+Shift+middle X help menu; pop up index card menu for emacs help.
Ctrl+Shift+right Select window with mouse, and delete all other windows. Same as typing Ctrl+x 1.


You can order printed copies of the GNU Emacs Manual from the Free Software Foundation, which develops GNU software. See the file ORDERS for ordering information.

Your local emacs maintainer might also have copies available. As with all software and publications from FSF, everyone is permitted to make and distribute copies of the emacs manual. The TeX source to the manual is also included in the emacs source distribution.


/usr/local/info Files for the info documentation browser (a subsystem of emacs) to refer to. Currently not much of UNIX is documented here, but the complete text of the emacs reference manual is included in a convenient tree structured form.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/src C source files and object files.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/lisp Lisp source files and compiled files that define most editing commands. Some are preloaded; others are autoloaded from this directory when used.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc Various programs that are used with GNU emacs, and some files of information.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/DOC.* Contains the documentation strings for the Lisp primitives and preloaded Lisp functions of GNU emacs. They are stored here to reduce the size of emacs proper.

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/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/DIFF Discusses GNU emacs versus Twenex emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/CCADIFF Discusses GNU emacs versus CCA emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/GOSDIFF Discusses GNU emacs versus Gosling emacs.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/etc/SERVICE Lists people offering various services to assist users of GNU emacs, including education, troubleshooting, porting, and customization.
These files also have information useful to anyone wanting to write programs in the emacs Lisp extension language, which has not yet been fully documented.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/lock Holds lock files that are made for all files being modified in emacs, to prevent simultaneous modification of one file by two users.
/usr/local/lib/emacs/$VERSION/$ARCHITECTURE/cpp The GNU cpp, needed for building emacs on certain versions of UNIX where the standard cpp cannot handle long names for macros.
/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt List of valid X color names.


There is a mailing list, bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu on the Internet (ucbvax!prep.ai.mit.edu!bug-gnu-emacs on UUCPnet), for reporting emacs bugs and fixes. But before reporting something as a bug, please try to be sure that it really is a bug, not a misunderstanding or a deliberate feature. We ask you to read the section "Reporting emacs Bugs" near the end of the reference manual (or info system) for hints on how and when to report bugs. Also, include the version number of the emacs you are running in every bug report that you send in.

Do not expect a personal answer to a bug report. The purpose of reporting bugs is to get them fixed for everyone in the next release, if possible. For personal assistance, look in the SERVICE file for a list of people who offer it.

Please do not send anything but bug reports to this mailing list. Send requests to be added to mailing lists to the special list info-gnu-emacs-request@prep.ai.mit.edu (or the corresponding UUCP address). For more information about emacs mailing lists, see the file /usr/local/emacs/etc/MAILINGLISTS. Bugs tend actually to be fixed if they can be isolated, so it is in your interest to report them in such a way that they can be easily reproduced.

One bug that I know about: Shell will not work with programs running in Raw mode on some UNIX versions.


emacs is free; anyone may redistribute copies of emacs to anyone under the terms stated in the emacs General Public License, a copy of which accompanies each copy of emacs and which also appears in the reference manual.

Copies of emacs may sometimes be received packaged with distributions of UNIX systems, but it is never included in the scope of any license covering those systems. Such inclusion violates the terms on which distribution is permitted. In fact, the primary purpose of the General Public License is to prohibit anyone from attaching any other restrictions to redistribution
of emacs.

Richard Stallman encourages you to improve and extend emacs, and urges that you contribute your extensions to the GNU library. Eventually GNU (GNU's Not UNIX) will be a complete replacement for Berkeley UNIX. Everyone will be free to use, copy, study, and change the GNU system.


X(1), xlsfonts(1), xterm(1), xrdb(1)


emacs was written by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation. Joachim Martillo and Robert Krawitz added the X features.

19 April 1994

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emacstool—Run emacs under Sun windows with function key and mouse support.


emacstool [{window_args} {-rc run_command_path} args ... ]


In ~/.suntools or ~/.rootmenu, include a line like this:

"Emacstool" emacstool -WI emacs.icon -f emacstool-init


emacstool creates a SunView frame and a tty subwindow within which mouse events and function keys are translated to ASCII sequences that emacs can parse. The translated input events are sent to the process running in the tty subwindow, which is typically GNU emacs. emacstool thereby allows GNU emacs users to make full use of the mouse and function keys. GNU emacs can be loaded with functions to interpret the mouse and function-key events to make a truly fine screen-oriented editor for the Sun Workstation.

GNU emacs has a special interface to the X Window System as well. The X Window System has many technical advantages, it is an industry standard, and it is also free software. The Free Software Foundation urges you to try X Windows, and distributes a free copy of X on emacs distribution tapes.

Function keys are translated to a sequence of the form ^X*[a-o][lrt]. The last character is l, r, or t, corresponding to whether the key is among the Left, Right, or Top function keys. The third character indicates which button of the group was pressed. Thus, the function key in the lower-right corner will transmit the sequence ^X*or. In addition, the [lrt] is affected by the Control, Meta, and Shift keys. Unshifted Ctrl keys will be nonalphabetic: C-l is [,], C-r is [2], C-t is [4].

Mouse buttons are encoded as ^X^@([124] x y)\n. ^X^@ is the standard GNU emacs mouse event prefix; it is followed by a list indicating the button pressed and the character row and column of the point in the window where the mouse cursor is, and followed by a newline character. In GNU emacs, the ^X^@ dispatches to a mouse event handler which then reads the following list.


emacstool supports all the standard window arguments, including font and icon specifiers.

By default, emacstool runs the program emacs in the created subwindow. The value of the environment variable EMACSTOOL can be used to override this if your version of emacs is not accessible on your search path by the name emacs. In addition, the run command can be set by the pathname following the last occurrence of the _rc flag. This is convenient for using emacstool to run on remote machines.

All other command-line arguments not used by the window system are passed as arguments to the program that runs in the emacstool window.

For example,

local% (emacstool -rc rlogin remote -8 &)&

will create an emacstool window logged in to a machine named remote. If emacs is run from this window, emacstool will encode mouse and function keys, and send them to rlogin. If emacs is run from this shell on the remote machine, it will see the mouse and function keys properly. However, since the remote host does not have access to the screen, the cursor cannot be changed, menus will not appear, and the selection buffer (STUFF) is limited.

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