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Queries of a class other than IN can have interesting results since ordinarily a nameserver only has a list of root nameservers for class IN resource records.

Query uses a call to inet_addr() to determine if the argument for the -n option is a valid Internet address. Unfortunately, inet_addr() seems to cause a segmentation fault with some (bad) addresses (for example,


Bryan Beecher

10 March 1990


domainname—Set or print domain of current host


domainname [ name ]


domainname prints the domain name of the current host, from the getdomainname(3) library call. If an argument is present and the effective UID is 0, domainname changes the name of the host, with the setdomainname(2) system call. This is usually done at boot time in the /etc/rc.local script.




getdomainname(3), setdomainname(2), uname(1), uname(2)


Lars Wirzenius by substituting in hostname.c

Linux 0.98, 26 December 1992


dsplit—Split a large file into pieces


dsplit [ _size nnn ][input_file [ output_base ]]


dsplit splits binary files into smaller chunks so that they may be placed on floppy disks.


_size nnn Specifies the size of each output file, in bytes. The default is 1457000, which is enough to will a 1.44MB floppy disk.
input_file Specifies the name of the file to split up. A _ indicates standard input. The default is standard input.

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output_base Specifies the name of the output files to be written. dsplit will append 000, 001, ..., to the output_base. The default is dsplit.


Submitted by: David Arnstein
Posting number: Volume 40, Issue 51
Archive name: dsplit/part01
Environment: MS-DOS, UNIX

Here is a portable binary file splitting program. It reads a binary file and splits it into pieces. I use this program to put large binary files on floppy disks. For this reason, the default size of the output files is 1,457,000 bytes, which just about fills up a 1.44MB floppy disk.

Unlike other binary split programs I have seen, dsplit does not malloc a huge block of memory. dsplit is suitable for use under MS-DOS and other primitive operating systems.

(The program came from gatekeeper.dec.com:/pub/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume40/dsplit ).

Linux 1.1, 5 July 1994


du—Summarize disk usage


du [_abcklsxDLS] [—all] [—total] [—count-links] [—summarize] [—bytes]

[—kilobytes] [—one-file-system] [—separate-dirs] [—dereference]

[—dereference-args] [—help] [—-version] [filename...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of du. du displays the amount of disk space used by each argument and for each subdirectory of directory arguments. The space is measured in 1K blocks by default, unless the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, in which case 512-byte blocks are used.


_a, —all Display counts for all files, not just directories.
_b, —bytes Print sizes in bytes.
_c, —total Write a grand total of all of the arguments after all arguments have been processed. This can be used to find out the disk usage of a directory, with some files excluded.
_k, —kilobytes Print sizes in kilobytes. This overrides the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT.
_l, —count-links Count the size of all files, even if they have appeared already in another hard link.
_s, —summarize Display only a total for each argument.
_x, —one-file-system Skip directories that are on different filesystems from the one that the argument being processed is on.
_D, —dereference-args Dereference symbolic links that are command-line arguments. Does not affect other symbolic links. This is helpful for finding out the disk usage of directories like /usr/tmp where they are symbolic links.
_L, —dereference Dereference symbolic links (show the disk space used by the file or directory that the link points to instead of the space used by the link).
_S, —separate-dirs Count the size of each directory separately, not including the sizes of subdirectories.
—help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
—version Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.

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On BSD systems, du reports sizes that are half the correct values for files that are NFS-mounted from HP-UX systems. On HP-UX systems, it reports sizes that are twice the correct values for files that are NFS-mounted from BSD systems. This is due to a flaw in HP-UX; it also affects the HP-UX du program.

GNU File Utilities


editres—A dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications


editres [ _toolkitoption ... ]


editres accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command-line options (see X(1)). The order of the command-line options is not important.


editres is a tool that allows users and application developers to view the full widget hierarchy of any X Toolkit application that speaks the editres protocol. In addition, editres will help the user construct resource specifications, allow the user to apply the resource to the application and view the results dynamically. Once the user is happy with a resource specification, editres will append the resource string to the user's X Resources file.

USING editres

editres provides a window consisting of the following four areas:

Menu Bar A set of pop-up menus that allow you full access to editres's features.
Panner The panner provides a more intuitive way to scroll the application tree display.
Message Area Displays information to the user about the action that editres expects.
Application Widget Tree This area is used to display the selected application's widget tree.

To begin an editres session, select the Get Widget Tree menu item from the Command menu. This will change the pointer cursor to crosshair. You should now select the application you wish look at by clicking on any of its windows. If this application understands the editres protocol, editres will display the application's widget tree in its tree window. If the application does not understand the editres protocol, editres will inform you of this fact in the message area after a few seconds delay.

After you have a widget tree, you may select any of the other menu options. The effect of each of these is described in "Commands," next.


Get Widget Tree Allows the user to click on any application that speaks the editres protocol and receive its widget tree.
Refresh Current Widget Tree editres only knows about the widgets that exist at the present time. Many applications create and destroy widgets on the fly. Selecting this menu item will cause editres to ask the application to resend its widget tree, thus updating its information to the new state of the application.
For example, xman only creates the widgets for its topbox when it starts up. None of the widgets for the manual page window are created until the user actually clicks on the Manual Page button. If you retrieved xman's widget tree before the manual page is active, you may wish to refresh the widget tree after the manual page has been displayed. This will allow you to also edit the manual page's resources.

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