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Page 111

depfile=/lib/modules/'uname -r'/modules.dep


path[fs]=/lib/modules/'uname -r'/fs

path[misc]=/lib/modules/'uname -r'/misc

path[net]=/lib/modules/'uname -r'/net

path[scsi]=/lib/modules/'uname -r'/scsi









All option lines specify the default options that are needed for a module, as in

modprobe de620 bnc=1

These options will be overridden by any options given on the modprobe command line.

The alias lines can be used to give alias names to modules. A line in /etc/conf.modules that looks like this:

alias iso9660 isofs

makes it possible to write modprobe iso9660, although there is no such module available.


The idea is that modprobe will look first at the directory containing modules compiled for the current release of the kernel. If the module is not found there, modprobe will look in the directory containing modules for a default release.

When you install a new Linux, the modules should be moved to a directory related to the release (and version) of the kernel you are installing. Then you should do a symlink from this directory to the default directory.

Each time you compile a new kernel, the command make modules_install will create a new directory, but won't change the default.

When you get a module unrelated to the kernel distribution, you should place it in one of the version-independent directories under /lib/modules.

This is the default strategy, which can be overridden in /etc/conf.modules.


modprobe -t net Load one of the modules that are stored in the directory tagged net. Each module is tried until one succeeds. (Default: /lib/modules/net).
modprobe -a -t boot All modules that are stored in the directory tagged boot will be loaded. (Default: /lib/modules/boot).
modprobe slip.o This will attempt to load the module slhc.o if it was not previously loaded, since the slip module needs the functionality in the slhc module. This dependency will be described in the file modules.dep that was created automatically by depmod.
modprobe -r slip.o Will unload slip.o. It will also unload slhc.o automatically, unless it is used by some other module as well (such as ppp.o).





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lsmod(1), kerneld(8), ksyms(1), modules(2)


insmod(1), nm(1) rmmod(1)


The pattern supplied to modprobe will often be escaped to ensure that it is evaluated in the proper context.


Jacques Gelinas (jack@solucorp.qc.ca), Bjorn Ekwall (bj0rn@blox.se)



Linux, 14 May 1995


df—Summarize free disk space


df [_aikPv] [_t fstype] [_x fstype] [—all] [—inodes] [—type=fstype]

[—exclude_type=fstype] [—kilobytes] [—portability] [—print_type]

[—help] [—version] [filename...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of df. df displays the amount of disk space available on the filesystem containing each filename argument. If no filename is given, the space available on all currently mounted filesystems is shown. Disk space is shown in 1K blocks by default, unless the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, in which case 512-byte blocks are used.

If an argument is the absolute filename of a disk device node containing a mounted filesystem, df shows the space available on that filesystem rather than on the filesystem containing the device node (which is always the root filesystem). This version of df cannot show the space available on unmounted filesystems, because on most kinds of systems doing so requires very nonportable, intimate knowledge of filesystem structures.


_a, —all Include in the listing filesystems that have 0 blocks, which are omitted by default. Such filesystems are typically special-purpose pseudo-filesystems, such as automounter entries. On some systems, filesystems of type ignore or auto are also omitted by default and included in the listing by this option.
-i, —inodes List inode usage information instead of block usage. An inode (short for "index node") is a special kind of disk block that contains information about a file, such as its owner, permissions, timestamps, and location on the disk.
_k, —kilobytes Print sizes in 1K blocks instead of 512-byte blocks. This overrides the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT.
_P, —portability Use the POSIX output format. This is like the default format except that the information about each filesystem is always printed on exactly one line; a mount device is never put on a line by itself. This means that if the mount device name is more than 20 characters long (as for some network mounts), the columns are misaligned.

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_T, —print_type Print a type string for each filesystem. Any such printed filesystem type name may be used as an argument to either of the —type= or —exclude_type= options.
_t, —type=fstype Limit the listing to filesystems of type fstype. Multiple filesystem types can be shown by giving multiple _t options. By default, all filesystem types are listed.
_x, —exclude_type=fstype Limit the listing to filesystems not of type fstype. Multiple filesystem types can be eliminated by giving multiple _x options. By default, all filesystem types are listed.
_v Ignored; for compatibility with System V versions of df.
—help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
—version Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.

GNU File Utilities


dig—Send domain name query packets to name servers


dig [@server] domain [<query-type>][<query-class>][+<query-option>][_<dig-option>]



dig (domain information groper) is a flexible command-line tool that can be used to gather information from the Domain Name System servers. dig has two modes: simple interactive mode that makes a single query, and batch that executes a query for each in a list of several query lines. All query options are accessible from the command line.

The usual simple use of dig takes the form:

dig @server domain query-type query-class


server May be either a domain name or a dot-notation Internet address. If this optional field is omitted, dig will attempt to use the default name server for your machine.
If a domain name is specified, this will be resolved using the domain name system resolver (BIND). If your system does not support DNS, you may have to specify a dot-notation address. Alternatively, if there is a server at your disposal somewhere, all that is required is that /etc/resolv.conf be present and indicate where the default name servers reside, so that server itself can be resolved. See resolver(5) for information on /etc/resolv.conf.
Changing /etc/resolv.conf will affect the standard resolver library and potentially several programs that use it.) As an option, the user may set the environment variable LOCALRES to name a file which is to be used instead of /etc/resolv.conf (LOCALRES is specific to the dig resolver and not referenced by the standard resolver). If the LOCALRES variable is not set or the file is not readable, then /etc/resolv.conf will be used.
domain The domain name for which you are requesting information. See "Options" [-x] for a convenient way to specify inverse address query.

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