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Files in working directories:

CVS A directory of cvs administrative files. Do not delete.
CVS/Entries List and status of files in your working directory.
CVS/Entries.Backup A backup of CVS/Entries.
CVS/Entries.Static Flag: do not add more entries on cvs update.
CVS/Root Pathname to the repository (CVSROOT) location at the time of checkout. This file is used instead of the CVSROOT environment variable if the environment variable is not set. A warning message will be issued when the contents of this file and the CVSROOT environment variable differ. The file may be overridden by the presence of the CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT environment variable.
CVS/Repository Pathname to the corresponding directory in the source repository.
CVS/Tag Contains the per-directory sticky tag or date information. This file is created/updated when you specify -r or _D to the checkout or update commands, and no files are specified.
CVS/Checkin.prog Name of program to run on cvs commit.
CVS/Update.prog Name of program to run on cvs update.

Files in source repositories:

$CVSROOT/CVSROOT Directory of global administrative files for repository.
CVSROOT/commitinfo,v Records programs for filtering cvs commit requests.
CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v Records cvs wrapper commands to be used when checking files into and out of the repository. Wrappers allow the file or directory to be processed on the way in and out of CVS. The intended uses are many; one possible use would be to reformat a C file before the file is checked in, so all of the code in the repository looks the same.
CVSROOT/editinfo,v Records programs for editing/validating cvs commit log entries.
CVSROOT/history Log file of cvs transactions.
CVSROOT/loginfo,v Records programs for piping cvs commit log entries.
CVSROOT/modules,v Definitions for modules in this repository.
CVSROOT/rcsinfo,v Records pathnames to templates used during a cvs commit operation.
CVSROOT/taginfo,v Records programs for validating/logging cvs tag and cvs rtag operations.
MODULE/Attic Directory for removed source files.
#cvs.lock A lock directory created by cvs when doing sensitive changes to the RCS source repository.
#cvs.tfl.pid Temporary lock file for repository.
#cvs.rfl.pid A read lock.
#cvs.wfl.pid A write lock.


CVSROOT Should contain the full pathname to the root of the cvs source repository (where the RCS files are kept). This information must be available to cvs for most commands to execute; if CVSROOT is not set, or if you wish to override it for one invocation, you can supply it on the command line: cvs _d cvsroot cvs command.... You may not need to set CVSROOT if your cvs binary has the right path compiled in; use cvs _v to display all compiled-in paths.
CVSREAD If this is set, checkout and update will try hard to make the files in your working directory read-only. When this is not set, the default behavior is to permit modification of your working files.
RCSBIN Specifies the full pathname where to find RCS programs, such as co(1)and ci(1). If not set, a compiled-in value is used; see the display from cvs _v.
CVSEDITOR Specifies the program to use for recording log messages during commit. If not set, the EDITOR environment variable is used instead. If EDITOR is not set either, the default is /usr/ucb/vi.
CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT If this variable is set, then cvs will ignore all references to remote repositories in the CVS/Root file.

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CVS_RSH cvs uses the contents of this variable to determine the name of the remote shell command to use when starting a cvs server. If this variable is not set then rsh is used.
CVS_SERVER cvs uses the contents of this variable to determine the name of the cvs server command. If this variable is not set then cvs is used.
CVSWRAPPERS This variable is used by the cvswrappers script to determine the name of the wrapper file, in addition to the wrappers defaults contained in the repository (CVSROOT/cvswrappers) and the user's home directory (~/.cvswrappers).


Dick Grune Original author of the cvs shell script version posted to comp.sources.unix in the volume 6 release of December, 1986. Credited with much of the cvs conflict resolution algorithms.
Brian Berliner Coder and designer of the cvs program itself in April, 1989, based on the original work done by Dick.
Jeff Polk Helped Brian with the design of the cvs module and vendor branch support and author of the checkin(1) shell script (the ancestor of cvs import).


ci(1), co(1), cvs(5), cvsbug(8), diff(1), grep(1),

patch(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsmerge(1), rlogbug(8)

13 March 1996


date—Show and set date and time


date [ _u ][_c ][_n ][_d dsttype ] [ _t minutes-west ] [ _a [+|-]sss.fff ][+format ][



Date without arguments writes the date and time to the standard output in the form:

Wed Mar 8 14:54:40 EST 1989

with EST replaced by the local time zone's abbreviation (or by the abbreviation for the time zone specified in the TZ environment variable if set). The exact output format depends on the locale.

If a command-line argument starts with a plus sign (+), the rest of the argument is used as a format that controls what appears in the output. In the format, when a percent sign (%) appears, it and the character after it are not output, but rather identify part of the date or time to be output in a particular way (or identify a special character to output):

Argument Sample output Explanation
%a Wed %A
Wednesday Full weekday name* %b
Mar Abbreviated month name* %B
March Full month name* %c
Wed Mar 08 14:54:40 1989 Date and time* %C
19 Century %d
08 Day of month (always two digits) %D
03/08/89 Month/day/year (eight characters)

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