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This command is recursive by default, scheduling all physically removed files that it finds for removal by the next commit. Use the _l option to avoid this recursion, or just specify that actual files that you wish remove to consider.

rtag [_f alnRQq][_b][_d][_r tag | _D

date] symbolic_tag modules...

Requires: Repository
Changes: Repository
Synonym: rfreeze

You can use this command to assign symbolic tags to particular, explicitly specified source versions in the repository. cvs rtag works directly on the repository contents (and requires no prior checkout). Use cvs tag instead, to base the selection of versions to tag on the contents of your working directory.

In general, tags (often the symbolic names of software distributions) should not be removed, but the _d option is available as a means to remove completely obsolete symbolic names if necessary (as might be the case for an Alpha release, say).

cvs rtag will not move a tag that already exists. With the _F option, however, cvs rtag will relocate any instance of symbolic_tag that already exists on that file to the new repository versions. Without the _F option, attempting to use cvs rtag to apply a tag that already exists on that file will produce an error message.

The -b option makes the tag a branch tag, allowing concurrent, isolated development. This is most useful for creating a patch to a previously released software distribution.

You can use the standard -r and _D options to tag only those files that already contain a certain tag. This method would be used to rename a tag: tag only the files identified by the old tag, then delete the old tag, leaving the new tag on exactly the same files as the old tag.

rtag executes recursively by default, tagging all subdirectories of modules you specify in the argument. You can restrict its operation to top-level directories with the standard _l option; or you can explicitly request recursion with _R.

The modules database can specify a program to execute whenever a tag is specified; a typical use is to send electronic mail to a group of interested parties. If you want to bypass that program, use the standard _n option.

Use the _a option to have rtag look in the Attic for removed files that contain the specified tag. The tag is removed from these files, which makes it convenient to reuse a symbolic tag as development continues (and files get removed from the upcoming distribution).

status [_lRqQ][_v][files ...]

Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Nothing

Display a brief report on the current status of files with respect to the source repository, including any sticky tags, dates, or _k options. (Sticky options will restrict how cvs update operates until you reset them; see the description of cvs update _A....

You can also use this command to anticipate the potential impact of a cvs update on your working source directory. If you do not specify any files explicitly, reports are shown for all files that cvs has placed in your working directory. You can limit the scope of this search to the current directory itself (not its subdirectories) with the standard _l option flag; or you can explicitly request recursive status reports with the _R option.

The _v option causes the symbolic tags for the RCS file to be displayed as well.

tag [_lQqR][_F][_b][_d][_r tag | _D date][_f] symbolic_tag [files ...]

Requires: Working directory, repository
Changes: Repository
Synonym: freeze

Use this command to assign symbolic tags to the nearest repository versions to your working sources. The tags are applied immediately to the repository, as with rtag. One use for tags is to record a "snapshot" of the current sources when the software freeze date of a project arrives. As bugs are fixed after the freeze date, only those changed sources that are to be part of the release need be retagged.

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