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bdftopcf—Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format


bdftopcf [ _pn ][_un ][_m ][_l ][_M ][_L ][_t ][_i ][_o outputfile ] fontfile.bdf


bdftopcf is a font compiler for the X server and font server. Fonts in Portable Compiled Format can be read by any architecture, although the file is structured to allow one particular architecture to read them directly without reformatting. This allows fast reading on the appropriate machine, but the files are still portable (but read more slowly) on other machines.


_pn Sets the font glyph padding. Each glyph in the font will have each scanline padded in to a multiple of n bytes, where n is 1, 2, 4, or 8.
_un Sets the font scanline unit. When the font bit order is different from the font byte order, the scanline unit n describes what unit of data (in bytes) are to be swapped; the unit i can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes.
_m Sets the font bit order to MSB (most significant bit) first. Bits for each glyph will be placed in this order; that is, the leftmost bit on the screen will be in the highest valued bit in each unit.
_l Sets the font bit order to LSB (least significant bit) first. The leftmost bit on the screen will be in the lowest valued bit in each unit.
_M Sets the font byte order to MSB first. All multibyte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and everything else) will be written most significant byte first.
_L Sets the font byte order to LSB first. All multibyte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and everything else) will be written least significant byte first.
_t When this option is specified, bdftopcf will convert fonts into terminal fonts when possible. A terminal font has each glyph image padded to the same size; the X server can usually render these types of fonts more quickly.
_i This option inhibits the normal computation of ink metrics. When a font has glyph images that do not fill the bitmap image (that is, the "on" pixels don't extend to the edges of the metrics), bdftopcf computes the actual ink metrics and places them in the PCF file; the _t option inhibits this behavior.
_o output-file-name By default bdftopcf writes the PCF file to standard output; this option gives the name of a file to be used instead.



Author Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium

X Version 11 Release 6


beforelight—Screen saver


beforelight [ _toolkitoption ... ]

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The beforelight program is a sample implementation of a screen saver for X servers supporting the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.


Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)

X Version 11 Release 6


biff—Be notified if mail arrives and who it is from


biff [ny]


biff informs the system whether you want to be notified when mail arrives during the current terminal session. Options supported by biff:

n Disables notification
y Enables notification

When mail notification is enabled, the header and first few lines of the message will be printed on your screen whenever mail arrives. A

biff y

command is often included in the file .login or .profile to be executed at each login.

Biff operates asynchronously. For synchronous notification use the MAIL variable of sh(1) or the mail variable of csh(1).


csh(1), mail(1), sh(1), comsat(8)


The biff command appeared in BSD 4.0.

BSD 4, 14 March 1991


bioradtopgm—Convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap SYNOPSIS

bioradtopgm [-image#][imagedata]


Reads a Biorad confocal file as input. Produces a portable graymap as output. If the resulting image is upside down, run it through pnmflip -tb.

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-image# A Biorad image file may contain more than one image. With this flag, you can specify which image to extract (only one at a time). The first image in the file has number zero. If no image number is supplied, only information about the image size and the number of images in the input is printed out. No output is produced.

A Biorad image may be in word format. If PbmPlus is not compiled with the BIGGRAYS flag, word files cannot be converted. See the makefile.


pgm(5), pnmflip(1)


Copyright " 1993 by Oliver Trepte

28 June 1993

bitmap, bmtoa, atobm

bitmap, bmtoa, atobm—Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System


bitmap [ _options ...][filename ][basename ]

bmtoa [ _chars ...][filename ]

atobm [ _chars cc ][_name variable ][_xhot number ][_yhot number ][filename ]


The bitmap program is a rudimentary tool for creating or editing rectangular images made up of 1s and 0s. Bitmaps are used in X for defining clipping regions, cursor shapes, icon shapes, and tile and stipple patterns.

The bmtoa and atobm filters convert bitmap files (FILE FORMAT) to and from ASCII strings. They are most commonly used to quickly print out bitmaps and to generate versions for including in text.


Bitmap supports the standard X Toolkit command-line arguments; see X(1). The following additional arguments are supported as well:

_size WIDTHxHEIGHT Specifies size of the grid in squares.
_sw dimension Specifies the width of squares in pixels.
_sh dimension Specifies the height of squares in pixels.
_gt dimension Grid tolerance. If the square dimensions fall below the specified value, grid will be automatically turned off.
_grid, +grid Turns on or off the grid lines.
_axes, +axes Turns on or off the major axes.
_dashed, +dashed Turns on or off dashing for the frame and grid lines.
_stippled, +stippled Turns on or off stippling of highlighted squares.

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_proportional, +proportional Turns proportional mode on or off. If proportional mode is on, square width is equal to square height. If proportional mode is off, bitmap will use the smaller square dimension, if they were initially different.
_dashes filename Specifies the bitmap to be used as a stipple for dashing.
_stipple filename Specifies the bitmap to be used as a stipple for highlighting.
_hl color Specifies the color used for highlighting.
_fr color Specifies the color used for the frame and grid lines.
filename Specifies the bitmap to be initially loaded into the program. If the file does not exist, bitmap will assume it is a new file.
basename Specifies the basename to be used in the C code output file. If it is different than the basename in the working file, bitmap will change it when saving the file.

bmtoa accepts the following option:

_chars cc This option specifies the pair of characters to use in the string version of the bitmap. The first character is used for 0 bits and the second character is used for 1 bits. The default is to use dashes (-) for 0s and number signs (#) for 1s.

atobm accepts the following options:

_chars cc This option specifies the pair of characters to use when converting string bitmaps into arrays of numbers. The first character represents a 0 bit and the second character represents a 1 bit. The default is to use dashes (_) for 0s and number signs (#) for 1s.
_name variable This option specifies the variable name to be used when writing out the bitmap file. The default is to use the basename of the filename command-line argument or leave it blank if the standard input is read.
_xhot number This option specifies the X coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive values are allowed. By default, no hot spot information is included.
_yhot number This option specifies the Y coordinate of the hot spot. Only positive values are allowed. By default, no hot spot information is included.


bitmap displays grid in which each square represents a single bit in the picture being edited. Actual size of the bitmap image, as it would appear normally and inverted, can be obtained by pressing Meta-I. You are free to move the image pop-up out of the way to continue editing. Pressing the left mouse button in the pop-up window or Meta-I again will remove the real size bitmap image.

If the bitmap is to be used for defining a cursor, one of the squares in the images may be designated as the hot spot. This determines where the cursor is actually pointing. For cursors with sharp tips (such as arrows or fingers), this is usually at the end of the tip; for symmetric cursors (such as crosses or bulls-eyes), this is usually at the center.

Bitmaps are stored as small C code fragments suitable for including in applications. They provide an array of bits as well as symbolic constants giving the width, height, and hot spot (if specified) that may be used in creating cursors, icons, and tiles.


To edit a bitmap image, simply click on one of the buttons with drawing commands (Point, Curve, Line, Rectangle, and so on) and move the pointer into the bitmap grid window. Press one of the buttons on your mouse and the appropriate action will take place. You can either set, clear, or invert the grid squares. Setting a grid square corresponds to setting a bit in the bitmap image to 1. Clearing a grid square corresponds to setting a bit in the bitmap image to 0. Inverting a grid square corresponds to changing a bit in the bitmap image from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, depending what its previous state was. The default behavior of mouse buttons is as follows:

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