by Joe Weber
When learning to program, it is often useful to jump in head first, learn how to write a short application, and then step back and learn the rest of the fundamentals. In this chapter, you do just that, and by the end you should be able to write your own Java programs.
You have already seen the simplest Java program, HelloWorld, in Chapter 3, "Installing Java and Getting Started: JDK, Netscape, Explorer, HotJava Features." Now, take a closer look at each of the components. Listing 6.1 shows the HelloWorld application.
public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello World!!"); } }
As you can see, there really isn't a lot to this program, which, I suppose, is why we call it the easiest Java application. Nevertheless, take a close look at the program from the inside out. Before you do that, though, let's compile the program and run it.
The first step to create the HelloWorld application is to copy the text from Listing 6.1 into a file called using your favorite text editor (by choosing Windows, NotePad, or SimpleText on the Macintosh). It is very important to call the file, because the compiler expects the file name to match the class identifier (see "Declaring a Class" later in this chapter).
If you use a program such as Microsoft Word to type the code, make sure that you save the file as text only. If you save it as a Word document, Word adds a lot of information about formatting the text that simply doesn't apply to your situation, and only causes you grief.
To compile the program, you need to first install the JDK. Then, use the program javac included with the JDK to convert the text in Listing 6.1 to code which the computer can run. To run javac, on a Macintosh drag the source file over the javac icon. On any other computer, type the line:
at a command prompt. The javac program creates a file called HelloWorld.class from the file. Inside this file (HelloWorld.class) is text known as bytecodes which can be run by the Java interpreter.
See "Installing a Downloaded JDK," Chapter 5
Now that you have compiled the program, you can run it by typing at the command prompt:
java HelloWorld
NOTE: The HelloWorld is not HelloWorld.class or, just the name of the class.
Hello World!!
That may not seem very interesting, but then it's a simple program. If you don't see Hello World!! on the screen, go back and make sure you have typed in the file exactly as shown in Listing 6.1, and make sure that you called the file
Now that you have seen the results of the HelloWorld program, let's go back to the original source code and see if we can understand how it works. As you should begin to see, there are a lot of parts to the HelloWorld program. Once you understand all of them, you're a long way to being able to write any program.
The first task when creating any Java program is to create a class. Take a look at the first line of the HelloWorld application:
public class HelloWorld {
This declares a class called HelloWorld.
See "Classes in Java," Chapter 11
To create any class, simply write a line that looks like:
public class ClassName
Here, ClassName is the name of the program you are writing. In addition, ClassName must correspond to the file name. It's a good idea to make all your class names descriptive so that it's easier to remember what they are used for.
NOTE: It is an accepted practice that class names should always begin with a capital letter. This is not required, but considered good style. There are also a number of limitations on the names you can assign to a class, but you learn more about that later in Chapter 12, "Interfaces."
Don't be confused. Braces are used for a number of things called blocks which are covered in more detail in Chapter 8, "Methods." The braces are matched in a LIFO (Last In, First Out) format. That means that the next closing brace closes the open brace which was closest to it. In the case of the HelloWorld program, there are two open braces so the one that closes the class is the very last one.
The next line in the HelloWorld program reads:
public static void main(String args[]){
This line declares what is known as the main method. Methods are essentially mini- programs. Each method performs some of the tasks of a complete program. The main method is the most important one with respect to applications, because it is the place that all Java applications start. For instance, when you run java HelloWorld, the Java interpreter starts at the first line of the main method.
When creating any Java application, you need to create a main method as just shown. Later in Chapter 8, "Methods," you learn more about declaring and using methods.
So how does the text Hello World!! appear when you run the HelloWorld program? The answer (as you have probably already guessed) lies in the next line of the program:
System.out.println("Hello World!!");
You can replace any of the text within the quotation marks ("") with any text that you would like.
The System.out line is run because, when the application starts up, the interpreter looks at the first line of code (namely the printout) and executes it. If you place any other code there, it runs that code instead.
You have just seen how System.out.println was used to print text to the screen. In fact, System.out.println can be used at any time to print text to what is known as Standard Out. In almost all cases, Standard Out is the screen.
The system.out.println serves approximately the same purpose as the writeln
in Pascal. In C, the function is printf, and in C++, count. To run the program, type: java HelloWorld2
You should see output that looks like: Notice that each phrase appears on its own line. Now, try the program again using
print instead of println. Copy Listing 6.3 into a file called HelloWorld3,
compile, and run it.
Notice that the output you get looks like this: What caused the change? When you use print, the program does not add
the extra carriage return. When you compile and then run HelloWorld4, you should see exactly the same output
that was produced from HelloWorld3. This may not seem too interesting, so let's take
a look at one more extension of the ability to add to strings--you can also add numbers.
For instance, say you want to add the number 43 to the string. Listing 6.5 shows
an example of just such a situation.
Listing 6.5 produces the line: Getting Information from the User with Requesting Input from the User You've probably already noticed that there is a lot more to this code than there
was to the last one. Before I go into why, first compile the program, and prove to
yourself that it works. OK, now first things first. The code we are most interested in is the line which
reads: is a method that takes a look at the character that
the user enters. It then performs what is known as a return on the value.
A value that is returned by a method is then able to be used in an expression. In
the case of ReadHello, a variable called inChar is set to the value
which is returned by the method. In the next line, the value of the inChar variable is added to the System.out
string just as you did in Listing 6.5. By adding the variable into the string, you
can see the results of your work. It's not actually necessary to use a variable.
If you prefer, you can print it out directly in the second System.out line,
by changing it to Now, notice that the program displays a number instead of a character for what
you entered. This is because the read() method of returns
an integer, not an actual character. The number corresponds to what is known as the
ASCII character set. Notice the characters before (char) causes the integer
to be changed into a character. See "Java's Exceptions," Chapter 19 See "Java's Events," Chapter 19 When a method states that it will throw an exception, it is your responsibility
to only try to perform that method, and if it throws the exception, you need
to catch it. Do you see the line of code right after the catch phase?
If there is an error while reading, an exception called an IOException is
thrown. When that happens, the code in the catch block is called.
If you are reading this book, odds are you are most interested in using Java to
write programs which are called applets. Applets can be run in a browser
such as Netscape Navigator. Several differences exist between applets and applications. The most important
of these is that Java applet classes extend an existing class. This class
is called java.applet.Applet. For now, it's enough just to say that you
have to extend Applet in order for a class to be usable as such. See "Applets versus Applications," Chapter
One of the simplest applets is the HelloWorld applet, the source code
for which is shown in Listing 6.8. Right away you should see that the applet HelloWorld
is quite different from the HelloWorld application in Listing 6.1. In a few sections,
you break down the source code in order to understand it. For now, copy Listing 6.8
into a file called and compile it.
When you created the HelloWorld application in Listings 6.1-6.5, you ran them
using the Java interpreter. Applets, however, don't run from the command line; they
are executed within a browser. But, how do you tell the browser to open the applet? If you have already written Web pages, you are familiar with HTML or Web pages.
HTML pages are what a browser such as Netscape is used to dealing with. To
get the applet into the browser, you need to embed what are known as HTML tags
into an HTML file. The HTML file can then be read into a browser. The simplest HTML file for the HelloApplet class is shown in Listing
6.9. Copy this text into a file called HelloApplet.html. See "Including a Java Applet in an HTML Page," Chapter
14 Take a look at the third line of Listing 6.9. Notice the <APPLET>
tag? The <APPLET> tag is a new HTML tag that is used to include Java
applets. When creating your own HTML files, don't forget to include the closing </APPLET>
tag as well, or your applets won't appear.
NOTE: With Java files, it is necessary that the file name be the same as
the class file. This is not necessary with the HTML file. In fact, a single
HTML file can contain several <APPLET> tags.
Now, to run the applet, the JDK includes a very simplified version of a browser
called Appletviewer. Appletviewer looks for <APPLET> tags in
any given HTML file and opens a new window for each of them. When you run the HTML file in Appletviewer, you see output such as Figure 6.1.
To run the HelloApplet program using Appletviewer, on the command line type: appletviewer HelloApplet.html
Another option for running applets is with Netscape Navigator. You're probably
already familiar with using the Navigator. To open the HelloApplet program in Netscape,
choose File, Open File, then select the HelloApplet.html file, as shown
in Figure 6.2.
Now that you have seen how to run the HelloApplet program, let's go back and see
how the program works. The import statement is a new one. Often it is necessary or easier to
use the contents of a class file which have already been created, rather than try
to reproduce that work yourself. The import statement enables you to use
these other classes. If you are familiar with the C/C++ #include declaration,
the import statement works in somewhat the same way. In the case of the HelloApplet program, there are two classes that are used other
than HelloApplet. The first is the java.applet.Applet class. The Applet
class contains all the information that is specific to applets. In fact, in order
for any class to be run in a browser as an applet, it must extend java.applet.Applet. The second class that is imported into HelloApplet is the java.awt.Graphics
class. java.awt.Graphics contains all kinds of tools for drawing things
to the screen. In fact, the screen is treated as a Graphics object.
See "Super Classes--Extending Another Class," Chapter
11 You may think this is harping the issue, but it's important: all applets must
extend java.applet.Applet. However, because you imported the Applet
class, you can simply call it Applet. If you had not imported java.applet.Applet,
you could still have extended it using the full name: Applet Methods--paint The next item to notice about the HelloApplet
class versus HelloWorld is that HelloApplet doesn't have a main
method. Instead, this applet only has a paint method. How is this possible?
The answer lies in the fact that the applets don't start up themselves. They are
being added to an already running program (the browser). The browser has a predefined
means for getting each applet to do what it wants. It does this by calling methods
that it knows the Applet has. One of these is paint. The paint method is called any time the browser needs to display the
applet on the screen, so you can use the paint method to display anything.
The browser helps out by passing a Graphics object to the paint
method. This object gives the paint method a way to display items directly
to the screen. The next line shows an example of using the Graphics object to draw text
to the screen: The paint method is not the only method that the browser calls of the
applet. You can override any of these other methods just like you did for
the paint method in the HelloWorld example. When the applet is loaded, the browser calls the init() method. This
method is only called once no matter how many times you return to the same Web page. After the init() method, the browser first calls the paint()
method. This means that if you need to initialize some data before you get into
the paint() method, you should do so in the init() method. Next, the start() method is called. The start() method
is called every time an applet page is accessed. This means that if you leave a Web
page and then click the Back button, the start() method is called
again. However, the init() method is not. When you leave a Web page (say, by clicking a link), the stop() method
is called. Finally, when the browser exits all together the destroy() method is
NOTE: Notice that unlike the paint(Graphics g) method, the init(),
start(), stop(), and destroy() methods do not take any
parameters between the parentheses.
Before you set off on a more in-depth exploration of each of the topics discussed
in this chapter, there are a few other housekeeping matters you need to learn. The most important of these is the use of keywords in Java. There are certain
sequences of characters that have special meaning in Java; these sequences are called
keywords. Some of them are like verbs, some like adjectives, some like pronouns.
Some of them are tokens that are saved for later versions of the language, and one
(goto) is a vile oath from ancient procedural tongues that may never be
uttered in polite Java. The following is a list of the 56 keywords you can use in Java. When you know
the meanings of all these terms, you will be well on your way to being a Java programmer.
The tokens true and false are not on this list; technically,
they are literal values for Boolean variables or constants. The reason that you even care about keywords is that, because these terms have
specific meaning in Java, you can't use them as identifiers for something else. This
means that you can't create classes with any of these names. So if HelloApplet
had been on the list, the compiler never would have compiled that program for you.
In addition, they cannot be used as variables, constants, and so on. However, they
can be used as part of a longer token, for example:
NOTE: Because Java is case-sensitive, if you are bent on using one of these
words as an identifier of some sort, you can use an initial uppercase letter. While
this is possible, it is a very bad idea in terms of human readability, and it results
in wasted manhours when the code must be improved later to this: It can be done, but for the sake of clarity and mankind's future condition, please
don't do it.
In this chapter, you learned how to use several classes other than the one you
were writing. The most important of these was java.applet.Applet. How did I know to tell you what methods were in java.applet.Applet? The
answer is that all the classes in what is known as the Java API are well documented.
While it's unlikely that you will have great success understanding the API until
you have finished reading several more chapters, it's important to start looking
at it now. As you progress as a Java programmer, the API will probably become one of your
best friends. In fact, it may well be that Java's rich API is one of the reasons
for its success. You can access a hyperlink version of the API documentation on Sun's site at: When exploring the API, you should begin to notice how various classes inherit
from other ones using the extends keyword. Notice that Sun has done a great
deal of work making it so you don't have to write nearly as much code if you learn
to make good use of the classes.
println Versus printListing 6.2
public class HelloWorld2 {
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World!");
System.out.println("Hello World Again!");
Hello World!
Hello World Again!
Listing 6.3
public class HelloWorld3 {
public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.print ("Hello World!");
System.out.print ("Hello World Again!");
Hello World!Hello World Again!
Extending the String with +: Writing More Than HelloWorld Listing 6.4
public class HelloWorld4 {
public static void main (String Args[]){
System.out.print ("Hello World!" + "Hello World Again!");
Listing 6.5
public class HelloWorld5 {
public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.print ("Hello World! " + 43);
Hello World! 43
Listing 6.6
public class ReadHello {
public static void main (String args[]){
int inChar;
System.out.println("Enter a Character:");
try {
inChar =;
System.out.println("You entered " + inChar);
} catch (IOException e){
System.out.println("Error reading from user");
Enter a Character:
You entered 65
inChar =;
System.out.println("You entered "+;
Converting an Integer to a Character Listing 6.7
public class ReadHello {
public static void main (String args[]){
char inChar;
System.out.println("Enter a Character:");
try {
inChar =(char);
System.out.println("You entered " + inChar);
} catch (IOException e){
System.out.println("Error reading from user");
The Rest of the Extra Code--try, catch HelloWorld as an Applet--Running in Netscape
The New Source Code--Compiling It
Listing 6.8
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class HelloApplet extends Applet {
public void paint (Graphics g) {
g.drawString ("Hello World!",0,50);
Creating an HTML File
Listing 6.9
<APPLET CODE="HelloApplet.class" WIDTH = 200 HEIGHT=200> </APPLET>
Running the Program in Appletviewer
FIG. 6.1
Appletviewer opens a new window and runs HelloApplet in it.Running HelloWorld in Netscape
FIG. 6.2
HelloApplet can also be run by using Netscape Navigator.Understanding the Source Code
Importing Other Classes import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
Declaring an Applet Classpublic class HelloApplet extends Applet {
public class HelloApplet extends java.applet.Applet {
public void paint (Graphics g) {
g.drawString ("Hello World!",0,50);
The Brief Life of an Applet
The keywords byvalue, cast, const, future,
generic, goto, inner, operator, outer,
rest, and var are the reserved words that have no meaning in Java.
Programmers experienced with other languages such as C, C++, Pascal, or SQL may know
what these terms might eventually be used for. For the time being, you won't use
these terms, and Java is much simpler and easier to maintain without them.
public int abstract_int;
public short Long;
In addition, there are numerous Classes defined in the standard packages. While their
names are not keywords, the overuse of these names may make your meaning unclear
to future people working on your application or applet.
Using the API