Chapter 2
Java Design

by Christopher Stone with Joe Weber

Before you write any applets or programs with Java, it is important to understand how Java works. This chapter introduces you to the actual language, the limitations of the language (intentional and unintentional), and how code can be made reusable.

Java Is Interpreted

Strictly speaking, Java is interpreted, although in reality Java is both interpreted and compiled. In fact, only about 20 percent of the Java code is interpreted by the browser--but this is a crucial 20 percent. Both Java's security and its ability to run on multiple platforms stem from the fact that the final steps of compilation are handled locally.

A programmer first compiles Java source into bytecode using the Java compiler. These bytecodes are binary and architecturally neutral (or platform-independent--both work equally well). However, the bytecode isn't complete until it's put together with a Java runtime environment--usually a browser. Because each Java runtime environment is for a specific platform, the bytecodes can be interpreted for the specific platform and the final product will work on that specific platform.

This platform-specific feature of Java is good news for developers. It means that Java code is Java code is Java code, no matter what platform you're developing for or on. You could write and compile a Java applet on your UNIX system and embed the applet into your Web page. Three different people on three different machines--each with different environments--can take a peek at your new applet. Provided that each of those people run a Java-capable browser, it wouldn't matter whether they are on an IBM, HP, or Macintosh. Using Java means that only one source of Java code needs to be maintained for the bytecode to run on a variety of platforms. One pass through a compiler for multiple platforms is good news for programmers.

The one drawback which comes with interpretation, however, is that there is a performance hit. This is caused by the fact that the browser has to do some work with the class files (interpret them) before they can be run. Under traditional programming (such as with C++) the code that is generated can be run directly by the computer. The performance hit that interpretation causes means that Java programs tend to run about 1/2 to 1/6th the speed of their native counterparts.

This deficiency is largely overcome using a tool called a Just-in-Time (JIT), compiler. A just-in-time compiler compiles Java methods to native code for the platform you're using. This compiler is embedded with the Java environment for a particular platform (such as Netscape). Without the JIT compiler, methods are not translated to native code, but remain in the original machine-independent bytecode. This bytecode is interpreted on any platform by the Java Virtual Machine. A Java application is portable, but the just-in-time compiler itself cannot be portable, because it generates native code specific to a platform, exactly as you need a different version of the virtual machine for each new platform. Generally you don't even need to concern yourself with JITs. Both the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer browsers have JIT compilers in them.

Why is this combination of compilation and interpretation a positive feature?

The fact that the final portion of compilation is being accomplished by a platform-specific device, which is maintained by the end user, relieves you of the responsibility of maintaining multiple sources for multiple platforms. Interpretation also allows data to be incorporated at runtime, which is the foundation of Java's dynamic behavior.

Java Is Object-Oriented

Java is an object-oriented language. Therefore, it's part of a family of languages that focuses on defining data as objects and the methods that may be applied to those objects. As I've explained, Java and C++ share many of the same underlying principles; they just differ in style and structure. Simply put, object-oriented programming languages (OOP, for short) describe interactions among data objects. To make an analogy using medicine, object-oriented doctors would be interested in holistic medicine--examining the body (or object) as a whole first and then determining the proper vaccines, diets, and medicine (the tools) to improve your health after that. Non object-oriented doctors would think primarily of their tools.

Many OOP languages support multiple inheritance, which can sometimes lead to confusion or unnecessary complications. Java doesn't. As part of its less-is-more philosophy, Java supports only single inheritance. That means each class can inherit from only one other class at any given time. This type of inheritance avoids the problem of a class inheriting classes whose behaviors are contradictory or mutually exclusive. Java allows you to create totally abstract classes known as interfaces. Interfaces allow you to define methods that you can share with several classes, without regard for how the other classes are handling the methods.

See Chapter 5, "Object-Oriented Programming," to learn more.

NOTE: Although Java does not support multiple inheritance, Java does allow a class to implement more than one interface.

Each class, abstract or not, defines the behavior of an object through a set of methods. All of the code used for Java is divided into classes. Methods can be inherited from one class to the next, and at the head of the class hierarchy is the class called Object. The Object class belongs to the java.lang package of the Java Core API. You were introduced in the last section of this chapter to the Java Core API.

See Chapter 11, "Classes," to learn more about classes and objects.

Objects can also implement any number of interfaces (or abstract classes). The Java interfaces are a lot like the Interface Definition Language (IDL) interfaces. This similarity means it's easy to build a compiler from IDL to Java.

That compiler could be used in the Common Object Request Broker Architecture, or CORBA, system of objects to build distributed object systems. Is this good? Yes. Both IDL interfaces and the CORBA system are used in a wide variety of computer systems, and this variety facilitates Java's platform independence.

See Chapter 37, "JavaIDL: A Java Interface to CORBA," to learn more about CORBA.

As part of the effort to keep Java simple, not everything in this object-oriented language is an object. Booleans, numbers, and other simple types are not objects, but Java does have wrapper objects for all simple types. Wrapper objects allow all simple types to be implemented as though they are classes. It is important to remember that Java is unforgivingly object-oriented; it simply does not allow you to declare anything that is not encapsulated in an object. Even though C++ is considered an OOP language, it allows you to develop bad habits and not encapsulate types.

See Chapter 7, "Data Types and Other Tokens," to learn more about types

Object-oriented design is also the mechanism that allows modules to "plug and play." The object-oriented facilities of Java are essentially those of C++, with extensions from Objective C for more dynamic method resolution.

The Java Virtual Machine

The heart of Java is the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. The JVM is a virtual computer that resides in memory only. The JVM allows Java programs to be executed on a variety of platforms as opposed to only the one platform for which the code was compiled. The fact that Java programs are compiled for the JVM is what makes the language so unique. But in order for Java programs to run on a particular platform, the JVM must be implemented for that platform.

See Chapter 48, "Inside the Java Virtual Machine," to learn more about the JVM.

The JVM is the very reason that Java is portable. It provides a layer of abstraction between the compiled Java program and the underlying hardware platform and operating system.

The JVM is actually very small when implemented in RAM. It was purposely designed to be small so that it could be used in a variety of consumer electronics. In fact, the whole Java language was originally developed with household electronics in mind. Gadgets such as phones, PCs, appliances, television sets, and so on will soon have the JVM in their firmware and allow Java programs to run. Cool, huh?

Java Source Code

Java source code is compiled to the bytecode level, as opposed to the bitcode level. The JVM executes the Java bytecode. The javac program, which is the Java compiler, reads files with the .java extension, converts the source code in the .java file into bytecodes, and saves the resulting bytecodes in a file with a .class extension.

The JVM reads the stream of bytecode from the .class file as a sequence of instructions. Each instruction consists of a one-byte opcode, which is a specific and recognizable command, and zero or more operands (the data needed to complete the opcode). The opcode tells the JVM what to do. If the JVM needs more than just the opcode to perform an action, then an operand immediately follows the opcode.

See Chapter 47, "Understanding the .class File," to learn about opcodes.

There are four parts to the JVM:

The Java Stack

The size of an address in the JVM is 32 bits. Therefore, it can address up to 4G of memory, with each memory location contaipØng one byte. Each register in the JVM stores one 32-bit address. The stack, the garbage-collection heap, and the method area reside somewhere within the 4G of addressable memory. This 4G of addressable memory limit isn't really a limitation now, as most PCs don't have more than 32M of RAM. Java methods are limited to 32K in size for each single method.

Java Registers

All processors use registers. The JVM uses the following to manage the system stack:

The Java development team decided that Java would only use four registers because if Java had more registers than the processor it was being ported to, then that processor would take a serious reduction in performance.

The stack is where parameters are stored in the JVM. The JVM is passed the bytecode from the Java program and creates a stack frame for each method. Each frame holds three kinds of information:

Garbage-Collection Heap

The heap is the collection of memory from which class instances are allocated. Any time you allocate memory with the new operator, that memory comes from the heap. You can call the garbage collector directly, but it is not necessary or recommended under most circumstances. The runtime environment keeps track of the references to each object on the heap and automatically frees the memory occupied by objects that are no longer referenced. Garbage collections run as a thread in the background and clean up during CPU inactivity.

The Java Method Area

The JVM has two other memory areas:

There is no limitation as to where these memory areas must actually exist, making the JVM more portable and secure. The fact that memory areas can exist anywhere makes the JVM more secure in the fact that a hacker couldn't forge a memory pointer.

The JVM handles the following primitive data types:

Security and the JVM

This section is organized into six parts. You will explore the issue of security of networked computing in general and define the security problem associated with executable content. I propose a six-step approach to constructing a viable and flexible security mechanism. How the architecture of the Java language implements security mechanisms will also becovered. As with any new technology, there are several open questions related to Java security, which are still being debated on the Net and in other forums.

Executable Content and Security

In this section, you will analyze the concept of security in the general context of interactivity on the Web and security implementation via executable content.

First examine the duality of security versus interactivity on the Web and examine the evolution of the Web as a medium in the context of this duality. Next, you will arrive at a definition of the security problem in the context of executable content.

The Security Problem Defined A program arriving from outside the computer via the network has to be greeted by the user with a certain degree of trust, and allowed a corresponding degree of access to the computer's resources, to serve any useful purpose. But the program was written by someone else, under no contractual or transactional obligation to the user. If this someone was a hacker, the executable content coming in could be a malicious program with the same degree of freedom as a local program.

Chapter 36, "Java Security in Depth," to learn more about Java Security.

Does the user have to restrict completely the outside program from accessing any resource whatsoever on the computer? Of course not. This would cripple the ability of executable content to do anything useful at all. A more complete and viable security solution strategy would be a six-step approach:

  1. Anticipate all potential malicious behavior and attack scenarios.

  2. Reduce all such malicious behavior to a minimal orthogonal basis set.

  3. Construct a programming environment/computer language that implicitly disallows the basis set of malicious behavior and hence, by implication, all potential malicious behavior.

  4. Logically or, if possible, axiomatically prove that the language/environment is indeed secure against the intended attack scenarios.

  5. Implement and allow executable content using only this proven secure language.

  6. Design the language such that any new attack scenarios arising in the future can be dealt with by a corresponding set of countermeasures that can be retrofitted into the basic security mechanisms.

Working backwards from the previous solution strategy, the security problem associated with executable content can be stated as consisting of the following six subproblems:

As you learn, Java has been designed from the ground up to address most (but probably not all) of the security problems as defined here. Before you move on to Java security architecture itself, I identify next the attack targets and scenarios.

Potential Vulnerability
In this subsection, I list the various possible attack scenarios and resources on a user's computer that are likely to be targeted by a potentially malicious, external, executable content module. Attack scenarios could belong to one of the following categories (this is not an exhaustive list):

Table 2.1 lists the resources that could be potentially targeted and the type of attack they could be subject to. A good security strategy will assign security/risk weights to each resource and design an appropriate access policy for external executable content.

Table 2.1 Potential Targets and Attack Scenarios
Targets Damage Integrity Smuggle
Lock Up/
Deny Usage
Nonfatal Distraction Impersonate
File system X X X X X  
Confidential data X X X   X X
Network X X X X   X
CPU   X X X    
Memory X X X X    
Output devices   X X X X  
Input devices   X X   X  
OS, program state X   X X X  

Java Approach to Security

This following discussion is in reference to the six-step approach outlined in the previous section.

Step 1: Visualize All Attack Scenarios
Instead of coming up with every conceivable attack scenario, the Java security architecture posits potential targets of a basic set of attack categories--very similar to the previous attack scenario matrix. Specifically, the Java security model covers the following potential targets:

against the following attack types listed in Table 2.1:

Step 2: Construct a Basic Set of Malicious Behavior Instead of arriving at a basic set of malicious behavior, Java anticipates a basic set of security hotspots, and implements a mechanism to secure each of these:

Step 3: Design Security Architecture Against Previous Behavior Set Construct a programming environment/computer language that implicitly disallows the basic set of malicious behavior and hence, by implication, all potential malicious behavior. You guessed it--this language is Java!

Step 4: Prove the Security of Architecture Logically or, if possible, axiomatically prove that the language/environment is indeed secure against the intended attack scenarios. Security mechanisms built into Java have not (yet) been axiomatically or even logically proven to be secure. Instead, Java encapsulates all of its security mechanism into distinct and well-defined layers. Each of these security loci can be observed to be secure by inspection in relation to the language design framework and target execution environment of Java language programs and applets.

Step 5: Restrict Executable Content to Proven Secure Architecture
The Java class file checker and bytecode verifier achieve this objective.

Step 6: Make Security Architecture Extensible Design the language such that any new attack scenarios arising in the future can be dealt with by a corresponding set of counter- measures that can be retrofitted into the basic security mechanisms. The encapsulation of security mechanisms into distinct and well-defined loci, combined with the provision of a Java SecurityManager class, provides a generic mechanism for incremental enhancement of security.

Security at the Java Language Level

The first tier of security in Java is the language design itself--the syntactical and semantic constructs allowed by the language. The following is an examination of Java language design constructs with a bearing on security.

Strict Object-Orientedness
Java is fully object-oriented, with every single primitive data structure (and, hence, derived data structure) being a first-class, full-fledged object. Having wrappers around each primitive data structure ensures that all of the theoretical security advantages of OOP permeate the entire syntax and semantics of programs written in Java:

Final Classes and Methods Classes and methods can be declared as final, which disallows further subclassing and method overriding. This declaration prevents malicious modification of trusted and verified code.

Strong Typing and Safe Typecasting Typecasting is security checked both statically and dynamically, which ensures that a declared compile-time type of an object is strictly compatible with eventual runtime type, even if the object transitions through typecasts and coersions. Typecasting prevents malicious type camouflaging.

No Pointers This is possibly the strongest guarantor of security that is built right into the Java language. Banishment of pointers ensures that no portion of a Java program is ever anonymous. Every single data structure and code fragment has a handle that makes it fully traceable.

Language Syntax for Thread-Safe Data Structures Java is multithreaded. Java language enforces thread-safe access to data structures and objects. Chapter 13, "Threads," examines Java threads in detail, with examples and application code.

Unique Object Handles Every single Java object has a unique hashcode that is associated with it. This means that the state of a Java program can be fully inventoried at any time.

Security in Compiled Java Code

At compile time, all of the security mechanisms implied by the Java language syntax and semantics are checked, including conformance to private and public declarations, type-safeness, and the initialization of all variables to a guaranteed known value.

Class Version and Class File Format Verification
Each compiled class file is verified to conform to the currently published official class file format. The class file is checked for both structure and consistency of information within each component of the class file format. Cross references between classes (via method calls or variable assignments) are verified for conformance to public and private declarations. Each Java class is also assigned a major and minor version number. Version mismatch between classes within the same program is checked.

Bytecode Verification Java source classes are compiled into bytecodes. The bytecode verifier subjects the compiled code to a variety of consistency and security checks. The verification steps applied to bytecode include:

Namespace Encapsulation Java classes are defined within packages. Package names qualify Java class names. Packages ensure that code which comes from the network is distinguished from local code. An incoming class library cannot maliciously shadow and impersonate local trusted class libraries, even if both have the same name. This also ensures unverified, accidental interaction between local and incoming classes.

Very Late Linking and Binding Late linking and binding ensures that the exact layout of runtime resources, such as stack and heap, is delayed as much as possible. Late linking and binding constitutes a road block to security attacks by using specific assumptions about the allocation of these resources.

Java Runtime System Security

The default mechanism of runtime loading of Java classes is to fetch the referred class from a file on the local host machine. Any other way of loading a class--including from across the network--requires an associated ClassLoader. A ClassLoader is a subtype of the standard Java ClassLoader class that has methods that implement all of the consistency and security mechanisms and apply them to every class that is newly loaded.

For security reasons, the ClassLoader cannot make any assumptions about the bytecode. The bytecode could have been created from a Java program compiled with the Java compiler, or it could have been created by a C++ compiler modified to generate Java bytecode. This means the ClassLoader kicks in only after the incoming bytecode has been verified.

ClassLoader has the responsibility of creating a namespace for downloaded code and resolving the names of classes referenced by the downloaded code. The ClassLoader enforces package-delimited namespaces.

Automatic Garbage Collection and Implicit Memory Management
In C and C++, the programmer has the explicit responsibility to allocate memory, deallocate memory, and keep track of all the pointers to allocated memory. This often is a maintenance nightmare and a major source of bugs that result from memory leaks, dangling pointers, null pointers, and mismatched allocation and deallocation operations. Java eliminates pointers and, with it, the programmer's obligation to manage memory explicitly. Memory allocation and deallocation are automatic, strictly structured, and fully typesafe. Java uses garbage collection to free unused memory instead of explicit programmer-mediated deallocation. Garbage collection eliminates memory-related bugs as well as potential security holes. Manual allocation and deallocation allows unauthorized replication, cloning, and impersonation of trusted objects, as well as attacks on data consistency.

SecurityManager Class SecurityManager is a generic and extensible locus for imple-menting security policies and providing security wrappers around other parts of Java, including class libraries and external environments (such as Java-enabled browsers and native methods). The SecurityManager class itself is not intended to be used directly (each of the checks defaults to throwing a security exception). It is a shell class that is intended to be fleshed out via subclassing to implement a specific set of security policies. Among other features, SecurityManager has methods to determine whether a security check is in progress, and to check for the following:

Security of Executable Code

The major source of security threats from and to Java programs is Java code that comes in from across the network and executes on the client machine. This class of transportable Java programs is called the Java applet class. A Java applet has a very distinct set of capabilities and restrictions within the language framework, especially from the security standpoint.

File System and Network Access Restrictions Applets loaded over the network have the following restrictions imposed on them:

The previous strict set of restrictions on access to a local file system applies to applets running under Netscape Navigator 3.0 versions. The JDK 1.0 Appletviewer slightly relaxes the restrictions by letting the user define a specific, explicit list of files that can be accessed by applets.

External Code Access Restrictions Applets cannot do the following:

System Information Access Applets can read some system properties by invoking System.getProperty(String key). Applets under Netscape 3.0 have unrestricted access to these properties. Sun's JDK 1.0 Appletviewer allows individual control over access to each property. Table 2.2 lists the type of information returned for various values of key.

Table 2.2 System Variable Availability
Key Information Returned
java.version Java version number
java.vendor Java vendor-specific string
java.vendor.url Java vendor URL
java.class.version Java class version number Operating system name
os.arch Operating system architecture
file.separator File separator (such as /)
path.separator Path separator (such as :)
line.separator Line Separator

Inaccessible System Information
The information provided in Table 2.3 is not accessible to applets under Netscape 3.0. JDK 1.0 Appletviewer and the HotJava browser allow user- controllable access to one or more of these resources.

Table 2.3 System Variables Restricted from Applets
Key Information Returned
java.home Java installation directory
java.class.path Java classpath User's account name
user.home User's home directory
user.dir User's current working directory

Applets Loaded from the Local Client
There are two different ways that applets are loaded by a Java system. An applet can arrive over the network, or be loaded from the local file system. The way an applet is loaded determines its degree of freedom. If an applet arrives over the network, it is loaded by the ClassLoader and is subject to security checks imposed by the ClassLoader and SecurityManager classes. If an applet resides on the client's local file system in a directory listed in the user's CLASSPATH environment variable, then it is loaded by the file system loader.

From a security standpoint, locally loaded applets can:

Open Issues

Having examined the issue of security of executable content both in general and specifically in the framework of Java, you now examine some aspects of security that are not fully addressed by the current version of the Java architecture. You also learn if, for some types of threats, 100 percent security can be achieved.

The following components of the Java architecture are the loci of security mechanisms:

However, security provided by each of these layers can be diluted or defeated in some ways with varying degrees of difficulty:

Security issues that cannot easily be addressed within Java (or any other mechanism of executable content, for that matter) include:

One generic way to deal with security problems is for Java applet classes to be sent encrypted and digitally signed. The ClassLoader, SecurityManager, and even the bytecode verifier can include built-in decryption and signature verification methods.

NOTE: These and other open issues related to Java security are topics of ongoing debate and exploration of specific and involved security breach scenarios, especially on online forums. The next and final section of this chapter points to references and sources of further information on this topic.

References and Resources on Java and Network Security

In this section you find some excellent resources available online that reference the Java language and network security. The wealth of information available in UseNet groups is incredible. No matter what questions you may have, feel free to post them, as chances are someone else knows the answer or at least where to refer you to find the answer.

UseNet Newsgroups
One UseNet newsgroup to look for is:*

The* groups are an excellent resource of information and support. JavaSoft watches these groups closely, and often posts announcements of new releases, bugs, and beta programs.

The Java API

The Java Application Programming Interface, or API, is a set of classes developed by Sun for use with the Java language. It is designed to assist you in developing your own classes, applets, and applications. With these sets of classes already written for you, you can write an application in Java that is only a few lines long, as opposed to an application that would be hundreds of lines long if it were written in C. Which would you rather debug?

The classes in the Java API are grouped into packages, each of which may have several classes and interfaces. Furthermore, each of these items may also have several properties, such as fields and/or methods.

While it is possible to program in Java without knowing too much about the API, every class that you develop will be dependent on at least one class within the API, with the exception of java.lang.Object, which is the superclass of all other objects. Consequently, when you begin to develop more complex programs that deal with strings, sockets, and graphical interfaces, it is extremely helpful for you to know the objects provided to you by Sun, as well as the properties of these objects.

TIP: I suggest downloading the Core API in HTML format from JavaSoft and reading through it to really get a good feel of how the language works. As you go through each package, you will begin to understand how easy to use and powerful an object-oriented language like Java can be.

The following list contains several APIs outside of the core API that are available or under development:

Java Core API

The Core API is the API that is currently shipped with Java 1.1. These packages make up the objects that are guaranteed to be available, regardless of the Java implementation:

NOTE: Those packages that were added under 1.1 are only guaranteed to be available on machines supporting the 1.1 API.


The java.lang package consists of classes that are the core of the Java language. It provides you not only with the basic data types, such as Character and Integer, but also the means of handling errors through the Throwable and Error classes. Furthermore, the SecurityManager and System classes supply you with some degree of control over the Java Run-Time System.

See Chapter 26, "java.lang," to learn more about java.lang.

The package serves as the standard input/output library for the Java language. This package provides you with the ability to create and handle streams of data in several ways. It provides you with types as simple as a String and as complex as a StreamTokenizer.

See Chapter 32, "," to learn more.


The java.util package is composed essentially of a variety of useful classes that did not truly fit in any one of the other packages. Among these handy classes are:

See Chapter 33, "java.util," to learn more about the java.util package.

The package is the package that makes Java a networked-based language. It provides you with the capability to communicate with remote sources by creating or connecting to sockets or using URLs. For example, you can write your own Telnet, Chat, or FTP clients and/or servers by using this package.


The java.awt package is also known as the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). It consists of resources that enable you to create rich, attractive, and useful interfaces in your applets and stand-alone applications. The AWT not only contains managerial classes, such as GridBagLayout, but it also has several concrete interactive tools, such as Button and TextField. More importantly, however, is the Graphics class that provides you with a wealth of graphical abilities, including the ability to draw shapes and display images.


The java.awt.image package is closely related to the java.awt package. This package consists of tools that are designed to handle and manipulate images coming across a network.

See Chapter 31, "java.awt.image," to learn more.


The java.awt.peer is a package of interfaces that serve as intermediaries between your code and the computer on which your code is running. You probably won't need to work directly with this package.


The java.applet package is the smallest package in the API, but it is also the most notable as a result of the Applet class. This class is full of useful methods, as it lays the foundation for all applets and is also able to provide you with information regarding the applet's surroundings via the AppletContext interface.

New to 1.1

The following packages were added to Java during the 1.1 upgrade.

java.awt.datatransfer java.awt.datatransfer provides classes for dealing with transfer of data. This includes new classes for clipboards and the ability to send java strings.

java.awt.event Under JDK 1.0 all events used a single class called java.awt.event. This mechanism proved to be fairly clumsy and difficult to extend. To combat this the java.awt.event package provides you the ability to use events whichever way you want.

Chapter 28, "java.awt--Events," to learn more about the java.awt.event package.

java.corba and java.corba.orb
The java.corba and java.corba.orb packages were added to JDK 1.1 to ensure that CORBA was firmly embedded in the Java enviroment. Using these two packages you have access to CORBA objects.

Chapter 37, "JavaIDL: A Java Interface to CORBA," to learn more about CORBA.

java.rmi, java.rmi.registry and java.rmi.server The java.rmi, java.rmi.registry, and java.rmi.server packages provide all the tools you need to perform Remote Method Invocation (RMI). Using RMI you can create objects on a remote computer (server) and use them on a local computer (client) seamlessly.

Chapter 40, "Remote Method Invocation," to learn more about RMI.

java.lang.reflect The java.lang.reflect package provides the tools you need to reflect objects. Reflection allows you to inspect a run time object to determine what its constructors, methods, and fields are.

Chapter 20, "Reflection," to learn more.,, and The packages provide the tools necessary for you to use encryption in your Java programs. Using the packages you can securely transfer data back and forth from a client to a server.

Chapter 36, "Java Security in Depth," to learn more about the packages.

The java.sql package encompases what is known as JDBC or the Java DataBase Connectivity. JDBC allows you to access relation databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, or Sybase SQL Anywhere.

Chapters 43-45 to learn more about JDBC.

NOTE: Printed documentation for all of the APIs is available from the JavaSoft Web site at

Java Enterprise API

The Java Enterprise API supports connectivity to enterprise databases and legacy applications. With these APIs, corporate developers are building distributed client/server applets and applications in Java that run on any OS or hardware platform in the enterprise.

Java Database Connectivity, or JDBCTM, is a standard SQL database access interface that provides uniform access to a wide range of relational databases. I am sure you have heard of ODBC. Sun has left no stone unturned in making Java applicable to every standard in the computing industry today.

Java IDL is developed to the OMG Interface Definition Language specification as a language-neutral way to specify an interface between an object and its client on a different platform.

Java RMI is remote-method invocation between peers or the client and server when applications at both ends of the invocation are written in Java.

Java Commerce API

The JavaCommerce API brings secure purchasing and financial management to the Web. JavaWallet is the initial component, which defines and implements a client-side framework for credit card, debit card, and electronic cash transactions. Just imagine--surfing the Internet will take up all of your spare time...and money!

Java Server API

Java Server API is an extensible framework that enables and eases the development of a whole spectrum of Java-powered Internet and intranet servers. The Java Server API provides uniform and consistent access to the server and administrative system resources. This API is required for developers to quickly develop their own Java servlets--executable programs that users upload to run on networks or servers.

Java Media API

The Java Media API easily and flexibly allows developers and users to take advantage of a wide range of rich, interactive media on the Web. The Media Framework has clocks for synchronizing and media players for playing audio, video, and MIDI. 2-D and 3-D provide advanced imaging models. Animation provides for motion and transformations of 2-D objects. Java Share provides for sharing of applications among multiple users, such as a shared white board. Finally, Telephony integrates the telephone with the computer. This API is probably the most fun of all to explore.

Java Security API

The Java Security API is a framework for developers to include security functionality easily and securely in their applets and applications. This functionality includes cryptography with digital signatures, encryption, and authentication.

Java Management API

Java Management API provides a rich set of extensible Java objects and methods for building applets that can manage an enterprise network over the Internet and intranets. It has been developed in collaboration with SunSoft and a broad range of industry leaders including AutoTrol, Bay Networks, BGS, BMC, Central Design Systems, Cisco Systems, Computer Associates, CompuWare, LandMark Technologies, Legato Systems, Novell, OpenVision, Platinum Technologies, Tivoli Systems, and 3Com.

Java Beans API

The Java Beans API defines a portable, platform-neutral set of APIs for software components. Java Bean components will be able to plug into existing component architectures, such as Microsoft's OLE/COM/Active-X architecture, OpenDoc, and Netscape's LiveConnect. End users will be able to join Java Beans components using application builders. For example, a button component could trigger a bar chart to be drawn in another component, or a live data feed component could be represented as a chart in another component. (Java Beans is currently an internal code name.)

Java Embedded API

The Java Embedded API specifies how the Java API may be subsetted for embedded devices that are incapable of supporting the full Java Core API. It includes a minimal embedded API based on java.lang, java.util, and parts of It then defines a series of extensions for particular areas, such as networking and GUIs.