CD-ROM Installation Instructions The Visual Basic 6 Database Programming Bible contains sample files that are designed to be used with Visual Basic, SQL Server 7, Oracle 8i, and Access 2000. These files are stored in the \VB6DB directory and do not require any special installation procedures, other than the sample database. Simply copy the files to a directory on your hard disk and load them using Visual Basic. The instructions for installing the sample databases are listed below. The CD-ROM also contains a full version of the book in electronic format, which can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Instructions for installing Adobe Acrobat Reader can be found in the Appendix. \VB6DB In the \VB6DB directory the following subdirectories are included. The ChapterXX directories contain the sample code discussed in the corresponding chapter. The SampleDB directory contains the SQL statements and sample data that you can use to create the sample database used in this book. * Chapter07: Codeless Database Programming * Chapter08: More About Bound Controls * Chapter09: Programming with Data Environments * Chapter10: Building Reports with Microsoft Data Reporter * Chapter12: Connecting to a Database * Chapter13: Using Commands and Stored Procedures * Chapter14: Working with Recordsets Part - I * Chapter15: Working with Recordsets Part - II * Chapter16: Working with Recordsets Part - III * Chapter17: Building Your Own Bound Controls * Chapter18: Creating COM+ Database Transactions * Chapter19: Taking Advantage of Message Queues * Chapter20: Introducing XML * Chapter21: The Document Object Model * Chapter22: Integrating XML with Internet Explorer 5 * Chapter25: Stored Procedures in SQL Server * Chapter26: Overview of Oracle8i * Chapter29: Overview of Microsoft Jet * SampleDB: contains the information to build the sample database used in this book. Installing the Sample Databases Follow these instructions for the specific database server to create the sample database. Access The file ToyDB.MDB contains the sample database in its entirety. Simply copy it to your hard disk and it is ready to use. Oracle8i Start SQL*Plus with the a user that has DBA privileges and run the Oracle.SQL script to create the data structures. SQL Server 7 Create a database using Enterprise Manager (see Chapter 24) and then run the SQLServer.SQL script in Query Analyzer to create the data structures.