Chapter 33

Securing Your Native Method Libraries


Native methods are an important mechanism for extending the base functionality of the Java virtual machine. Sometimes they are absolutely crucial to an application. However, carelessly written native method libraries can open security holes in your application, so native methods must be written and used with care. There are important safeguards that you need to be aware of, whether you're writing a new native method library or simply writing an application that uses new native methods. This chapter explains those steps and the reasons for them.

Native methods don't stand alone. Typically, some methods of some classes in a particular Java package are written as native methods. It will be rare for all the methods in a given class to be native methods. Usually, several methods that perform core functions for a class will be native, but others will be ordinary Java methods. This chapter assumes that native methods will be associated with a Java package that provides the interface to those native methods. When the chapter refers to "a native method library," that phrase includes the Java classes and methods that make up the package within which the native methods operate. It's possible to write a package that uses more than one native method library, or multiple packages that use a single native method library, but this chapter assumes (for the sake of simplicity) that there is a one-to-one relationship between packages and native method libraries.

Security in Native Method Libraries

As explained in Part 6, "Security," the Java library is partially responsible for making sure that valuable or sensitive system resources are secured. The security manager ultimately makes decisions about whether access to a resource will be permitted, but the classes in the library must ensure that the security manager is called at the appropriate times; otherwise, the security manager won't have the opportunity to decide. If the File class, for example, did not call the security manager in the methods that provide access to local files, the security manager would be unable to deny file access to those classes that should not be trusted with such access.

Native methods can provide access to new system resources beyond those provided by the core Java library. In fact, that's one of the main reasons you might want to write native methods. Because native methods are not written in Java, they don't have to abide by Java's protection rules, and they aren't required to use the existing library classes (although they should do so unless there are compelling reasons to do otherwise). This means that native methods can open the way for untrusted, malicious code to access local system resources, either by providing access to new resources and failing to secure them properly or by bypassing the existing security checks.

Take, for example, the task of providing access to a database management system. Although at the lowest level access to the DBMS might be accomplished with the same system interprocess communication primitives that are already provided (and secured) by the Java library, typical database systems provide a special interface, usually in the form of C language routines, to make access easier. In fact, the C access routines might be the only documented interface. To permit Java programs to access the database, therefore, a native method library would be required. The native methods would call the C routines to perform database functions and would take care of data format conversions to and from appropriate Java formats.

Ultimately, the database is stored in one or more files. Communication with the database system might also occur with a socket. Both of those resources are protected by the Java library. That doesn't matter, however, because the new native methods, which are interfacing with the database system, will bypass the security checks in the Java library. The native methods (or the Java classes of which they are part) must take care to perform the necessary checks.

There's also another issue involved. Although it would be possible to treat the security of the database system as an issue of files and interprocess communication mechanisms, that would not be a good idea. Those are incidental details; the real resources involved are the databases, the tables within them, and possibly individual records within those tables. Basing your database security model on such incidental mechanisms as files and Ipc channels would be unnecessarily complicated. It wouldn't be robust (the mapping of databases to filenames, for example, might change with a new release of the DBMS). It might not be possible, depending on how much you can learn about the way the DBMS is implemented. Last, but definitely not least, such a strategy would not be useful.

As you have probably realized, there are a lot of issues involved in making a native method library secure. You should make good use of existing security checks, where possible. If that's not possible, you must identify the security-sensitive resources that can be accessed using the new native methods, then choose appropriate representations of those resources to be the subject of new security checks. You must carefully add those checks at all the appropriate places and document them so that application authors can add support to security managers. Finally, it's important to take care that the security-sensitive portions of your library are protected using the Java language protection mechanisms so that they cannot be defeated by subclassing or overriding.

The rest of this chapter covers all those issues in detail.

Avoiding the Problem

The best way to solve any problem, of course, is to avoid it altogether. That's certainly possible with some native method libraries. It all depends on what the methods are for.

Providing access to local system resources is not the only reason to write native methods. You might want to make use of an existing library of useful routines, which is written in C or some other language that is accessible from C. At least at this early stage in the lifetime of the Java language, native methods are the best way to implement functionality that is computationally expensive. For example, the Java language and core library provide all the facilities you need to implement MPEG video or military-grade encryption libraries, but until good optimizing compilers for Java appear, such mathematically intensive tasks need to be written in C-Java is currently too slow.

If those are the kinds of native methods that you will be writing, you might not have to worry about security issues at all. If you're not providing access to local system resources that could be stolen, destroyed, or abused, you don't have anything to worry about.

You might be able to nearly avoid the security issue even if your methods do provide access to system resources. If the new resources handled by your native methods map nicely to the kinds of security checks that are already supported by the Java library, you can simply use those built-in security facilities. This still requires a little work on your part, and you must consider language-level protection facilities to make sure that your security checks cannot be bypassed by subclassing, for example. You can avoid the most difficult part, however, which is designing and implementing entirely new kinds of security facilities.

Identifying Security-Sensitive Resources

Once you decide that your new native methods probably represent a security concern, the first step is to identify the ways in which your library could be used to access sensitive resources. Depending on the complexity and size of your library, those ways could be obvious or subtle.

There are two ways to think about sensitive resources. At the lowest levels of your library, you think of low-level system resources. At the level that interfaces with Java applications, you might want to present a completely different, more abstract view. Both are important.

No matter how powerful your library or what high-level functions it provides, at the low end it must make use of primitive system resources such as files, threads, processes, tasks, or communication channels. By paying attention to your library's use of such primitive resources, you can begin to understand the kinds of security risks your library might represent. You can also start to map out part of your protection strategy-every place in your library that uses those primitive resources must be protected from use by unauthorized, untrusted Java classes.

Much of your library's use of system resources might be hidden in other high-level C libraries. The database access APIs mentioned are a good example of this. The principle is the same, however: at the lowest level of your library, you need to be conscious of the resources being used.

At the highest level, where your library is called and used by Java applications, those low-level resources might be the wrong level of abstraction. You can get valuable clues from the low end of your implementation, but you should choose the units of protection to match the kinds of resources present at the high end. This isn't really difficult; if you have designed the library interface, you will be comfortable with those application-level concepts, and it will probably be easy to see how the security architecture should be structured. The hard part is linking the two levels so that security policies designed in terms of application-level resources result in the proper protection of real, primitive system resources.

Security Checks

Once you identify the resources that need to be protected and decide on the application-level structure of your security support, you must implement the security checks. This turns out to be the tricky part, due to the lack of flexibility in the current Java security architecture.

The Java security manager, which is a part of the core library, supports a predefined set of security checks (see Chapter 21, "Creating a Security Policy," for details). If the concepts implemented by your library map nicely to one of those checks, your task will be easy. Chances are, however, that those checks won't really be the right ones for your needs. You have to do some work to provide security checks that match the concepts your library deals with, and even then it's not a perfect solution, because other library authors (or application authors) may have made their decisions differently. This is one of the things that really needs to be done in the same way by everyone, and it's unfortunate that the Java library doesn't take the lead (as of this writing).

The following sections describe one possible way of providing an extensible security manager architecture that can adapt to new native method libraries. If you're writing your library for use in your own standalone Java application, this solution might be good enough for you. If your library is intended for wide use in many different applications, however, there will still be problems until a standard security manager architecture exists that supports at least the features that this example does. Hopefully such a standard will emerge.

Security Manager Support

Because it's best to implement security checks in terms of application-level concepts rather than low-level system facilities, there is no way to design a good, all-encompassing set of security checks that will suit the needs of all native method libraries. Therefore, what's required is an extensible security manager, to which each native method library can add its own security checks.

Deficiencies of the Default Security Manager

In one sense, the security manager built into the core Java library is extensible, because subclasses can add their own methods to perform specialized security checks. In fact, some of the crucial methods in the SecurityManager class (which are used to examine the execution environment before making access decisions) are protected, so you can use them only by creating a subclass (or by placing your new class within the java.lang package, which is not a good idea). However, extending SecurityManager by subclassing isn't really good enough for building specialized security managers for native method libraries.

For one thing, security managers built that way don't compose well. Consider two security-sensitive native method libraries-let's call them DBlib and MIDIlib. DBlib provides access to database systems, so it needs to protect the various databases, tables, and records managed by the system. MIDIlib provides sound synthesis services using the local sound card, so it needs to provide a way to restrict access to sound generation facilities. (The resources protected by MIDIlib might not seem quite so dangerous as the data stored in local databases, but a malicious applet could really make a nuisance of itself with free access to the computer's sound generation facilities.) Imagine that each of these libraries contains a specialized subclass of SecurityManager, each with a few new methods defining the security checks specific to its associated native method library. Let's call those classes DBSecurityManager and MIDISecurityManager (in reality, they would probably each be in a separate package, along with the other classes in their libraries).

This works well for an application that needs to use only one custom library. If the application just needs DBlib, but not MIDIlib or any other custom native method library, the authors of the application can implement their security policy in a subclass of DBSecurityManager. If the application needs both libraries, the authors of the application have a problem. They must create a completely new security manager class that contains instances of DBSecurityManager and MIDISecurityManager as instance variables. The new class must implement all the specialized methods of each, forwarding method calls appropriately. Furthermore, there will be typing problems: the methods in DBlib that perform security checks will expect the system security manager to be a subtype of DBSecurityManager, and the corresponding methods in MIDIlib will expect a subtype of MIDISecurityManager. The new security manager class cannot be both.

Multiple inheritance is one obvious solution. As implemented in C++, it would permit the new class to inherit the implementations of DBSecurityManager and MIDISecurityManager, and things would be rather easy. The equivalent Java solution would be to use interfaces; DBSecurityManager and MIDISecurityManager would be interfaces, and the new security manager class would implement them while actually inheriting from SecurityManager. That would solve a lot of the problems; the new class would be a subtype of all three security manager classes, and it would contain all the necessary methods. In addition to the interfaces, the libraries could provide real security manager implementations in the form of classes DBSecurityManagerImpl and MIDISecurityManagerImpl, which would implement the specialized security manager interfaces. The new, combined security manager class for the application could implement both interfaces, forwarding the specialized security check methods to instances of the implementation classes.

The interface approach has a problem, however: it doesn't work well with dynamically linked libraries. The application authors must decide in advance which native method libraries they will support, and then they must build their security manager to implement all the access checks required by those libraries. Extensibility through dynamically linked native method libraries is still possible, but those libraries won't be covered by the application's security policy without rewriting and recompiling the application security manager.

An Extensible Security Manager

Fortunately, there's a solution that solves most of these problems. It involves a security manager that is extensible through a more dynamic mechanism than inheritance. The native method libraries must be written to use the new features of the security manager; this interdependence is the reason why it would be best if the Java community were to adopt a standard extensible security manager architecture. This section describes one possible implementation of an extensible security manager.

The ExtensibleSecurityManager class manages a collection of specialized security managers, each of which provides special security checks for a particular native method library. (Because the name is so long, I'll refer to it as just ESM.) ESM is a subclass of java.lang.SecurityManager.

Whenever a new native method library is loaded into the Java virtual machine, a specialized security manager that defines a security policy for that native method library should be registered with the system security manager, which should be a subclass of ESM. In the case of libraries that are statically linked into the virtual machine implementation, the registration should occur during application initialization, just after the system security manager is installed. For dynamically loaded libraries, the registration should occur as soon as the library is loaded, before any untrusted code has the opportunity to run. (See the section Registering Specialized Security Managers, later in this chapter, for more information about the registration process.)

The ESM class permits specialized security managers to be registered by a name, which is a string, and then retrieved using that same name. Once the appropriate security manager is registered, methods in the native method library that perform security checks can retrieve the security manager by name and call the appropriate security check method on that specialized security manager.

The Java library faces a chicken-and-egg problem where installation of the system security manager is concerned. Obviously, installing a new security manager is a security-sensitive operation, but there's not yet a security manager to pass judgment on the operation. The solution in the Java library is to allow the installation the first time, but never to allow the security manager to be replaced. The application should initialize the system security manager before any untrusted code is run within the virtual machine, and once that is done it is always considered a security violation to attempt to replace it.

The ESM class, however, really doesn't face that problem where registration of a new specialized security manager is concerned. It would be easy to require that an ESM be installed as the system security manager before any registrations are done, thus ensuring that a security manager would be in place to verify all registration attempts. It seems a reasonable restriction that security managers of all sorts be required to be permanent, however, so this version of ESM follows the same approach as the Java library, while also performing an explicit security check if a system security manager has been installed. The design ensures that untrusted code cannot install specialized security managers, but it also permits the system security manager to be configured with registrations for statically linked libraries prior to being installed as the system security manager, which is a useful flexibility.

One additional design issue concerns the appropriate action to take when an attempt is made to register a new specialized security manager with an instance of ESM, but it turns out that another object (possibly not even an ESM) is installed as the system security manager. Should that be an error, or should it be allowed? If it's not allowed, what kind of error is it? Because registering a specialized security manager with a nonauthoritative ESM doesn't really make any sense (the registration won't ever be used), it should be treated as an error. Because it is an error related to modifying the security policy, it seems appropriate to throw a SecurityException to signal the problem. Listing 33.1 contains a sample implementation of ExtensibleSecurityManager.

Listing 33.1.
 *     1.0 96/02/31 Glenn Vanderburg

package COM.MCP.Samsnet.tjg;

import java.util.Hashtable;

 * A Security Manager which can manage specialized Security
 * Managers for native method libraries.
 * @version     1.0, 02 Feb 1996
 * @author      Glenn Vanderburg

public abstract
class ExtensibleSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
    // Specialized security managers are stored here
    private Hashtable specials = new Hashtable();

     * Constructs a new ExtensibleSecurityManager.
     * @exception SecurityException If the security manager cannot be created.
    protected ExtensibleSecurityManager() {
        // The superclass constructor can take care of everything.

     * Checks whether registration of a new specialized security
     * manager is allowed.
     * @param name The name that the security manager is being
     * registered under.
     * @param manager The specialized security manager object.
     * @exception SecurityException If a security error has occurred.
    public void
    checkRegisterSpecializedSecurityManager (String name,
                                         & nbsp;   SecurityManager manager) {
        // As with the security checks in java.lang.SecurityManager,
        // the default decision is to disallow it.
        throw new SecurityException("registering a specialized security "
                                    + "manager not allowed.");

     * Register a specialized security manager.
     * @param name The name of the security manager.  This should
     * be related to the library which the security manager serves.
     * @param manager The specialized security manager.
    public void
    registerSpecializedSecurityManager(String name, SecurityManager manager) {
        ExtensibleSecurityManager security;

        // I might not be the real security manager!!
        try {
            security = (ExtensibleSecurityManager) System.getSecurityManager();
        catch (ClassCastException e) {
            // A ClassCastException here means the real security
            // manager is not an ExtensibleSecurityManager, and
            // that in turn means that this object is not the real
            // security manager.  Something's fishy.
            throw new SecurityException("specialized security "
                                        + "managers not allowed.");

        if (security != null) {
            if (security != this) {
                throw new SecurityException("attempt to register "
                                          &nbs p; + "specialized security "
                                         & nbsp;  + "manager with "
                                          &nbs p; + "non-authoritative "
                                         & nbsp;  + "security manager.");

            // Now that we know this is the real security manager,
            // we can call our own methods.
            checkRegisterSpecializedSecurityManager(name, manager);
        else {
            // This object is obviously not the system security manager,
            // since there isn't one installed.  But it could be that
            // we're being prepared for installation, so go ahead and
            // allow the registration.
            ;                   // Do nothing.
        // We don't allow replacing an already registered manager.
        if (specials.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new SecurityException("attempt to replace an existing "
                                        + "specialized security manager.");

        // The error handling is all taken care of, so we finally
        // get to actually perform the registration ...
        specials.put(name, manager);

     * Retrieve a specialized security manager for a particular
     * library, if it exists.
     * @param libname The name by which the security manager was registered.
     * @return The requested specialized manager, or null if no
     *         manager has been registered by that name.
    public SecurityManager
    getSpecializedSecurityManager (String name) {
        return (SecurityManager) specials.get(name);

Each native method library should provide a specialized security manager that implements a default, conservative security policy, in the same way that java.lang.SecurityManager provides an extremely conservative security policy for the core Java library. Such a policy makes it easier for applications to deal with dynamic native method libraries with a minimum of special support. Many native method libraries will be able to provide significant new functionality even with the extremely conservative default security policy in effect.

Checking Each Access Attempt

Once an instance of ESM has been installed as the system security manager, and an appropriate specialized security manager is registered to handle the security policy, the package that contains the native method library will use that specialized security manager to implement security checks for the library.

The specialized security managers will have special methods that implement security checks for their associated native method libraries. The libraries must be written to take advantage of those specialized checks. Although native method libraries should be written to take advantage of the default security checks in the core Java library where appropriate, specialized checks will also be necessary in most cases.

Security-sensitive methods in the core Java library all use a variant of the following code to perform security checks:

SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (security != null) {

Security-sensitive methods in native method libraries perform a similar procedure, which is slightly more complicated. Assuming that the security manager for DBlib is registered under the name DBlibSM, the code might look like this:

ExtensibleSecurityManager security;
try {
    security = (ExtensibleSecurityManager) System.getSecurityManager();
catch (ClassCastException e) {
    // Case 1
    throw new SecurityException("no special access allowed for"
                                + "native method libraries.");
// No security manager means no security ...
if (security != null) {
    try {
        DBlibSecurityManager dbsecurity = (DBlibSecurityManager)
    catch (ClassCastException e) {
        // Case 2
        throw new SecurityException("registered security manager"
                                    + "is of inappropriate type.");

    if (dbsecurity != null) {
        // Case 3
    else {
        // Case 4
        // On the other hand, if there is a security manager, but
        // no specialized security manager for this library, we'll
        // be conservative ...
        throw new SecurityException();
// Case 5 (fall-through)

This code is written to handle five cases:

  1. If there is a system security manager, it is assumed that there might be untrusted code executing in the application. If that is the case, but the system security manager is not an ExtensibleSecurityManager, the code assumes that security for native method libraries has not been taken into account by the application. The code therefore takes a conservative approach and denies the operation.
  2. If the system security manager is an ExtensibleSecurityManager, but the specialized security manager registered for this library is not of the expected type, something is amiss. On the assumption that there is some mistake, a conservative approach is taken.
  3. If there is a system security manager, and if there is an appropriate specialized security manager registered, it is given the opportunity to make the access decision. This is the ideal case.
  4. If there is a system security manager, but no specialized security manager registered to handle this library, a conservative approach is taken, and the operation is denied.
  5. If there is no system security manager at all, it is assumed that there will be no untrusted code in the application, so no security is in force and the operation is allowed. This matches the behavior of the core Java library when no system security manager is installed.

Compared to the equivalent code in the core Java library, this code is pretty complicated. It would be helpful to encapsulate the code in one place as much as possible so that it wouldn't have to be duplicated for every security check in your native method library. The best way to do that is by using a static method.

Let's use the DBlib library for an example and assume that DBlib is defined in a package called COM.MCP.Samsnet.tjg.DBlib. Earlier, I suggested that native method libraries provide a default, conservative security policy via a specialized security manager supplied with the package. In the case of DBlib, that default security manager might be called COM.MCP.Samsnet.tjg. DBlib.DBlibSecurityManager. That class would make a nice repository for the static method that encapsulates most of this code, especially because it must be a superclass of any valid specialized security manager for that library. Here is a sample implementation of the getSecurityManager method in class COM.MCP.Samsnet.tjg.DBlib.DBlibSecurityManager (the cases are labeled just as before):

public static DBlibSecurityManager
getSecurityManager() {
    ExtensibleSecurityManager security;
    try {
        security = (ExtensibleSecurityManager) System.getSecurityManager();
    catch (ClassCastException e) {
        // Case 1
        throw new SecurityException("no special access allowed for"
                                    + "native method libraries.");
    // No security manager means no security ...
    if (security != null) {
        try {
            DBlibSecurityManager dbsecurity = (DBlibSecurityManager)
        catch (ClassCastException e) {
            // Case 2
            throw new SecurityException("registered security manager is of "
                                        + "inappropriate type.");

        if (dbsecurity != null) {
            // Case 3
            return dbsecurity;
        else {
            // Case 4
            // On the other hand, if there is a security manager,
            // but no specialized security manager for this
            // library, we'll be conservative ...
            throw new SecurityException();
    // Case 5
T>    return null;

Once you have that static method available within the package, the code to request a security check within the native method library is much simpler-and much closer to the equivalent code in the core Java library. Final responsibility for doing the right thing in the third and fifth cases listed previously lies here, rather than in the static method in DBlibSecurityManager, so those cases are labeled here as well:

DBlibSecurityManager security =
if (security != null) {
    // Case 3
// Case 5 (fall-through)

Similar code, with an appropriate method call in place of checkSomething, should appear in every method that provides access to a security-sensitive resource.

Registering Specialized Security Managers

We've discussed the extensible security manager, specialized library-specific security managers, and the mechanism by which library methods query the specialized security managers for security authorization. There are still a few pieces left to this puzzle: where do the specialized security managers come from, and who's responsible for registering them? How does the application know that these specialized security managers can really be trusted? A complete answer to these questions requires the development of a full-fledged application security framework, which is beyond the scope of this chapter, but here are some tips.

I recommended earlier that native method libraries come with default security managers that implement an extremely conservative security policy, just as the default security manager in the core Java library does. Because native method libraries are not written entirely in Java, they must (by definition) be trusted, so it makes sense for an application to trust the library's default security manager.

When do the specialized security managers get registered? If untrusted code can load libraries (by using System.load or System.loadLibrary), it's important that the appropriate specialized security manager be somehow automatically registered when that happens so that it's in place by the time the untrusted code can call any of the newly loaded native methods.

The solution to the registration problem involves the application security policy. The application security policy should ensure that libraries can be loaded only through trusted "gateway" methods that take responsibility for registering any specialized security managers that are required.

As a part of this scheme, the library can actually register the security manager on its own. The Java library documentation recommends that native method libraries actually be loaded automatically by the Java classes that depend on them, using static initializers. For example, the network library (a dynamically loaded portion of the core Java library) is loaded transparently by the following code:

 * Load net library into runtime.
static {

That same static initializer appears in three separate class definitions: InetAddress, PlainSocketImpl, and DatagramSocket. Each of those classes depends on having the network library loaded, so each ensures through its static initializer that the library will be loaded when the class is initialized. Thus, applications that use the network facilities don't need to take any special action to load the library; they just use the classes, and the library is there. Applications that don't use the network facilities don't incur the overhead.

Because the network library is a part of the core Java library, its security needs are taken care of by the SecurityManager class. A custom native method library that requires a specialized security manager might include the security manager registration code in a static initializer along with the code that loads the library. Here's how it might look for DBlib:

 * Load DBlib library and register security manager
static {
    ExtensibleSecurityManager security;
    try {
        security = (ExtensibleSecurityManager) System.getSecurityManager();
    catch (ClassCastException e) {
        // Can't register without an ESM

    if (security != null) {
        security.registerSpecializedSecurityManager("DBlib", new DBlibSM());

If the application security policy prohibits untrusted code from loading the library explicitly, ensuring that this code is always executed when the library is loaded, the library cannot be used without the appropriate security manager registration.

Now there's only one remaining problem: what if the default specialized security manager for the library is too conservative, and a different one is desired? It turns out that choosing a specialized security manager is a good application for a factory object (see Chapter 17, "Network-Extensible Applications with Factory Objects," for details). The static initializer block could be extended to call a factory object first, passing the name of the library, to see whether the factory could locate a specialized security manager to use instead of the default implementation supplied with the library (only trusted locations such as CLASSPATH would be consulted for this purpose, of course). If the factory returned null, the default implementation would be used. The interface to the factory might take the form of a createSpecializedSecurityManager method in the ESM class. Assuming that ESM has been modified to include such a factory object interface, the final if statement in the previous example could be rewritten to use the factory as follows:

if (security != null) {
    DBlibSM specialsm = security.createSpecializedSecurityManager("DBlib");
    if (specialsm == null) {
        specialsm = new DBlibSM();
    security.registerSpecializedSecurityManager("DBlib", specialsm);

Language Protection Mechanisms

Just as with other security-related Java code, authors of native method libraries must take care to ensure that their security measures cannot be circumvented by subclassing or creating new classes in the same package. Without proper use of Java language protection features, untrusted code could use such tactics to gain direct access to lower-level methods or fields that could be used to bypass the security checks.

For example, methods that actually perform security-sensitive operations should be declared private so that they cannot be accessed from outside the class in which they are defined. They should be called by other, public methods that perform the security checks. Those public methods can be overridden in subclasses, but the original versions with the security checks must ultimately be called to gain access to the methods that do the real work.

The relationship between the Java security architecture and Java's language-level access-control features is complex. It pays to give careful thought to the ways in which subclasses and other classes installed in the same package might be able to bypass your carefully written security checks.


Native method libraries are an invaluable means of extending the functionality of the Java runtime, but they also pose a danger-they can bypass the security checks that protect the local system from untrusted Java code. If you are implementing a native method library, it is important to integrate that library into the Java security model.

You must first identify sensitive resources that might be exposed by your library. Then you can design a security interface for your library and implement a default, conservative security policy.

Currently, there is no standard way for native method libraries to add their own specialized security checks to the Java security model. The ExtensibleSecurityManager class presented in this chapter is one possible solution; you may wish to use it in your own applications and native method libraries until a standard mechanism appears.