appendix F

Java Intranet Framework Reference


This appendix is a reference guide for the Java Intranet Framework (JIF) classes that were developed in this book. Listed here are all the public and protected members of each JIF class.

In this appendix, you'll look at each package in JIF and then each class within each package. This appendix is meant as a reference for you to go back to instead of constantly looking at the source code.


The jif.awt package contains many classes that extend and enhance several of the stock Java awt classes. These include a calendar, a three-dimensional container, and a tabbed panel, just to mention a few.


This class is a JifPanel that adds calendar functionality. Each day in the calendar is a button. When pressed, the button sends an ACTION_EVENT event to its parent container. The selected date is passed in the argument.

public class CalendarPanel extends JifPanel
//    Public constructors
    public CalendarPanel();
    public CalendarPanel( int style );
//    Public Methods
    public Date getSelectedDate();
    public void hilightButton( Button button, boolean onOff );


This interface defines the constants that a class can use to provide three-dimensional effects. It contains no methods.

public interface Effects
//    Public Text Styles
    public final static int     TEXT_NORMAL = 0;
    public final static int     TEXT_LOWERED = 1;
    public final static int     TEXT_RAISED = 2;
    public final static int     TEXT_SHADOW = 3;
//    Public Text placements
    public final static int     CENTER = 0;
    public final static int     LEFT = 1;
    public final static int     RIGHT = 2;
//    Public 3D Looks
    public final static int     NONE = 0;
    public final static int     FLAT = 1;
    public final static int     GROOVED = 2;
    public final static int     LOWERED = 4;
    public final static int     ROUNDED = 8;
    public final static int     RAISED = 16;
    public final static int     RIDGED = 32;
    public final static int     CAPTION = 64;



This class extends JifPanel to display a graphic image. You can specify the x and y offset with which the image is displayed within the rectangle.

public class ImagePanel extends JifPanel
//    Protected class variables
    protected Image myImage;
    protected int offset;

//    Public constructors
    public ImagePanel( String imageToUse, int offset )
        throws FileNotFoundException;
    public ImagePanel( String imageToUse )
        throws FileNotFoundException;

//    Public methods
    public void addNotify();
    public void sizeSelf();
    public void paint( Graphics g );


This class extends Java's Checkbox adding tab recognition and SQL code generation. The JifCheckbox produces a Y or N value in SQL. It is perfect for use with indicators.

public class JifCheckbox extends Checkbox implements SQLFactory
//    Protected class variables
    protected String columnName = "";
    protected boolean dataChange = false;
    protected boolean initialized = false;
    protected boolean primaryKey = false;
    protected boolean isNumericData = false;

//    Public constructors
    public JifCheckbox();
    public JifCheckbox( String columnName );
    public JifCheckbox( String columnName, boolean primaryKey );

//    Public methods
    public void setColumnName( String columnName );
    public String getColumnName();
    public void setNumeric( boolean onOff );
    public void setPrimaryKey( boolean primaryKey );
    public boolean isPrimaryKey();
    public void setState( boolean state );
    public boolean didDataChange();
    public void reset();
    public String generateUpdateSQL( boolean addSet );
    public String generateInsertSQL( boolean addParen );
    public String getSQL( boolean forWhere );


This class extends Java's Dialog class and adds the capability to center itself on the entire screen or within its parent's frame.

public class JifDialog extends Dialog
//    Public constructors
    public JifDialog( Frame parent, boolean modal );
    public JifDialog( Frame parent, String title, boolean modal );

//    Public methods
    public void center( boolean onScreen );


This class extends JifPanel to implement a multiline label. The implementation is quite simple, thus the object has no added functionality.

public class JifLabel extends JifPanel
//    Public constructor
    public JifLabel( String s );


This class extends Java's Panel and adds many features-the coolest of which are some three-dimensional effects. These effects are defined by the Effects interface and implemented by this class. In addition, the JifPanel implements the JifMessage interface allowing it to send JifMesssage messages.

public class JifPanel extends Panel implements Effects, JifMessage
//    Constants
    public final static int TAB_KEY;
    public final static int TEXT_OFFSET;

//    Protected class variables
    protected int                textStyle = TEXT_NORMAL;
    protected int                textPlacement = CENTER;
    protected int                style = NONE;
    protected int                thickness = 2;
    protected int                myWidth;
    protected int                myHeight;
    protected String             text = null;
    protected boolean            skipLeft = false;
    protected boolean            skipTop = false;
    protected boolean            skipBottom = false;
    protected boolean            skipRight = false;
    protected int                currentPos = 0;

//    Public constructors
    public JifPanel();
    public JifPanel( int style );
    public JifPanel( String text );
    public JifPanel( int style, String text );
    public JifPanel( int style, int width, int height, String text );
    public JifPanel( int style, int width, int height );

//    Public methods
    public void addNotify();
    public void addWithConstraints( Component comp, String constraints );
    protected String buildComponentList( JifPanel me, Vector valueList,
        Vector columnList, String whereClause );
    public void drawFrame( Graphics g );
    public void drawtext( Graphics g );
    protected Component findChild( JifPanel p, String name );
    protected int findNextComponent( int startPos );
    protected int findPreviousComponent( int startPos );
    public synchronized void focusForward();
    public synchronized void focusBackward();
    public String generateInsertSQL( String tableName );
    public String generateUpdateSQL( String tableName );
    public void getMetrics();
    public boolean isStyleSet( int check );
    public Dimension minimumSize();
    public void paint( Graphics g );
    public Dimension preferredSize();
    public void sendJifMessage( Event event, int msg );
    public void setChildValue( String name, String value );
    public void setChildValue( String name, int value );
    public void setFocus( Component target );
    public void setFont( Font f );
    public void setSkip( String which, boolean onOff );
    public void setStyle( int style );
    public void setText( String newText, int textStyle, int placement );
    public void setText( String newText );
    public void setTextPlacement( int placement );
    public void setTextStyle( int textStyle );
    public void setThickness( int thick );


This class is used by the JifTabPanel to hold all of the panes. It contains a CardLayout to manage them.

public class JifPanePanel extends JifPanel
//    Public constructors
    public JifPanePanel();

//    Public methods
    public void addPane( String name, Component comp );
    public void selectPane( String paneName );


This class implements a tabbed panel by extending the JifPanel and adding some pane management techniques. This class is the master class, and the two helper classes (JifPanePanel and JifTabSelector) implement the pane swapping and the tab selection.

public class JifTabPanel extends JifPanel
//    Protected instance variables
    protected JifPanePanel panePanel = new JifPanePanel();
    protected JifTabSelector selector = new JifTabSelector( panePanel );

//    Public constructor
    public JifTabPanel();

//    Public methods
    public void addPane( String name, Component comp );
    public void selectPane( String name );


This is a helper class for the JifTabPanel object implementing the actual tabs. It is responsible for drawing the tabs and communicating with the JifTabPanel about which tab has been clicked. This class extends Canvas so that it can draw custom tabs.

public class JifTabSelector extends Canvas
//    Public instance variables
    public boolean                fullWidthTabs = false;

//    Protected instance variables
    protected Vector            tabs = new Vector();
    protected int               currentTab = 0;
    protected Font              normalFont = null;
    protected Font              selFont = null;
    protected int               realWidth = 0, realHeight = 0;
    protected JifPanePanel      myPanePanel = null;

//    Public constructors
    public JifTabSelector( JifPanePanel jpp );
    public void addPane( String paneName );
    public Dimension minimumSize();
    public void paint( Graphics g );
    public Dimension preferredSize();
    public void selectPane( String paneName );
    public void selectPane( int which );


This class extends Java's TextArea, adding tab recognition and SQL code generation. JifTextAreas produce a string value in SQL. In addition, you can restrict the data that is entered in a JifTextArea by using the setStyle() method. The types of input restrictions are as follows:

public class JifTextArea extends TextArea implements SQLFactory

//    Constants
    public static final int        ANY = 0;
    public static final int        LOWER = 1;
    public static final int        UPPER = 2;
    public static final int        NUMERIC = 3;

//    Protected instance variables
    protected String            columnName = "";
    protected boolean            dataChange = false;
    protected boolean            initialized = false;
    protected boolean            primaryKey = false;
    protected boolean            isNumericData = false;
    protected boolean            isDateData = false;
    protected int                style = ANY;

//    Public constructors
    public JifTextArea( String s );
    public JifTextArea( String s, String columnName );
    public JifTextArea( String s, String columnName, boolean primaryKey );
    public JifTextArea( int rows, int cols );
    public JifTextArea( int rows, int cols, String columnName );
    public JifTextArea( int rows, int cols, String columnName,
        boolean primaryKey );

//    Public methods
    public boolean didDataChange();
    public synchronized void disable();
    public synchronized void enable();
    public String generateInsertSQL( boolean addParen );
    public String generateUpdateSQL( boolean addSet );
    public String getColumnName();
    public String getSQL( boolean forWhere );
    public boolean isPrimaryKey();
    public void reset();
    public void setColumnName( String columnName );
    public void    setDate( boolean onOff );
    public void setNumeric( boolean onOff );
    public void setPrimaryKey( boolean primaryKey );
    public void setStyle( int style );
    public void setText( String text );


This class extends Java's TextField by adding tab recognition and SQL code generation. JifTextFields produce a string value in SQL. In addition, you can restrict the data that is entered in a JifTextField by using the setStyle() method. The types of input restrictions are as follows:

public class JifTextField extends TextField implements SQLFactory

//    Constants
    public static final int        TAB_KEY = 9;
    public static final int        ANY = 0;
    public static final int        LOWER = 1;
    public static final int        UPPER = 2;
    public static final int        NUMERIC = 3;

//    Protected instance variables
    protected String            columnName = "";
    protected boolean           dataChange = false;
    protected boolean           initialized = false;
    protected boolean           primaryKey = false;
    protected boolean           isNumericData = false;
    protected boolean           isDateData = false;
    protected int               style = ANY;

//    Public Constructors
    public JifTextField()
    public JifTextField( String s )
    public JifTextField( String s, String columnName )
    public JifTextField( String s, String columnName, boolean primaryKey )
    public JifTextField( int cols )
    public JifTextField( int cols, String columnName )
    public JifTextField( int cols, String columnName, boolean primaryKey )

//    Public methods    
    public void setStyle( int style )
    public void setColumnName( String columnName )
    public String getColumnName()
    public void setNumeric( boolean onOff )
    public void setDate( boolean onOff )
    public void setPrimaryKey( boolean primaryKey )
    public boolean isPrimaryKey()
    public boolean didDataChange()
    public void reset()
    public String generateUpdateSQL( boolean addSet )
    public String generateInsertSQL( boolean addParen )
    public String getSQL( boolean forWhere )
    public void setText( String text )
    public synchronized void enable()
    public synchronized void disable()


This class extends the JifDialog class to provide a popup message box. The class can be used to display information to the user, such as warnings, errors, or other informational items. You can optionally display an image in front of the text. There are four built-in images to choose from:

public class MessageBox extends JifDialog
//    Constants
    public static final String     INFO = "Information.gif";
    public static final String     EXCLAMATION = "Exclamation.gif";
    public static final String     STOP = "Stop.gif";
    public static final String     QUESTION = "Question.gif";

//    Public constructors
    public MessageBox( Frame parent, String title, String message,
        String iconToUse );
    public MessageBox( Frame parent, String title, String message,
        String iconToUse, boolean addButtons );
    public MessageBox( Frame parent, String title, String message );


This abstract class can be used to quickly build picklists of data. Simply supply an init() method that fills the List myList with data. You receive an ACTION_EVENT event notifying you of the user's selection.

public abstract class PickList extends JifDialog
//    Protected instance variables
    protected Button            okButton = new Button( "Ok" );
    protected Button            cancelButton = new Button( "Cancel" );
    protected List              myList = new List( 10, false );

//    Public constructor
    public PickList( Frame daddy, String title )

//    Public method
    public abstract void init();


This class extends the MessageBox class to provide the same functionality with a configurable number of buttons. This allows you to produce "Yes, No, or Cancel?" type queries among others. Simply pass a string of button names separated by commas to the constructor.

public class ResponseDialog extends MessageBox
//    Protected instance variables
    protected Button[]          buttonList;
    protected int               buttonCount;

//    Public Constructor
    public ResponseDialog( Frame parent, String title, String message,
        String buttons );


This class implements functionality that can be used in simple database applications.

public abstract class SimpleDBUI extends JifPanel
//    Public instance variables
    public Button                saveButton = new Button( "Save" );
    public Button                clearButton = new Button( "Clear" );
    public Button                newButton = new Button( "New" );
    public Button                deleteButton = new Button( "Delete" );
    public Button                chooseButton = new Button( "Choose" );
    public Button                closeButton = new Button( "Close" );

//    Public constructor
    public SimpleDBUI( SimpleDBJiflet jiflet );

//    Public methods
    public SimpleDBJiflet getJiflet();
    public void setJiflet( SimpleDBJiflet jiflet );
    public abstract void moveToScreen();
    public abstract void clearScreen();
    public abstract void moveFromScreen();


This class implements a single-line, sunken status bar that can be found in almost every microcomputer software package.

public class StatusBar extends JifPanel
//    Public constructor
    public StatusBar();
//    Public Methods
    public void clear();
    public Dimension preferredSize();


The jif.jiflet package contains classes that pull together many of the other packages into one unit. This unit, the Jiflet, can be used as a base for almost any type of application. In addition, it provides many of the niceties of Java applets without the security restrictions.


This interface defines the methods that a Jiflet must provide.

public interface JifApplication
//    Public methods
    public void init();
    public void run();
    public void destroy();


This interface provides the standard JifMessage constants and the method needed to send them. Any class can implement this interface.

public interface JifMessage
//    Constants
    public static final int     NEW = 0;
    public static final int     CLEAR = 1;
    public static final int     SAVE = 2;
    public static final int     DELETE = 3;
    public static final int     CUT = 4;
    public static final int     COPY = 5;
    public static final int     PASTE = 6;
    public static final int     HELP_WINDOW = 7;
    public static final int     HELP_CONTEXT = 8;
    public static final int     HELP_ABOUT = 9;
    public static final int     HELP_HELP = 10;
    public static final int     DATA_chANGE = 11;
    public static final int     chOOSE = 12;
    public static final int     CLOSE = 13;

//    Public method
    public void sendJifMessage( Event event, int msg );


This class is the applet-like class that implements the model intranet application shell as described in Chapter 7, "A Model Intranet Application."

public abstract class Jiflet extends Frame implements JifApplication, Log
//    Protected instance variables
    protected ConfigProperties        configProperties;
    protected String                appName;
    protected boolean                appVerbosity = false;
    protected DiskLog                appLogFile;
    protected ScreenLog            defaultLog;
    protected StatusBar            myStatusBar = null;
    protected boolean                activeFlag = false;

//    Public constructors
    public Jiflet();
    public Jiflet( String title );
    public Jiflet( String title, String name, String args[] );
    public Jiflet( String title, String name, String args[], boolean verbosity );

//    Public methods
    public void run();
    public void destroy();
    public void setVerboseMode( boolean whichWay );
    public void verboseLog( char logLevel, String logEntry );
    public void verboseLog( String logEntry );
    public void errorLog( String logEntry );
    public void log( char logLevel, String logEntry );
    public void log( String logEntry );
    protected boolean handleMenuEvent( Event event, Object arg );
    public boolean shutDown( int level );
    public boolean shutDown();
    public void suicide( Exception e, String logLine, int level );
    public void suicide( String logLine );
    public void suicide( String logLine, int level );
    public void suicide( Exception e );
    public void suicide( Exception e, String logLine );
    public void center();
    public void enableStatusBar( String text );
    public void enableStatusBar();
    public void showStatus( String text );
    public void clearStatus();
    protected void setConnector( DBConnector aConnector );
    public DBConnector getConnector();
    public void startWait();
    public void endWait();
    public String getParameter( String key );
    public String getParameter( String key, String defaultValue );
    public boolean canClose();
    public String getJifletInfo();
    public boolean isActive();


This class, when used in conjunction with the SimpleDBUI class, provides a simple shell for database intranet applications.

public abstract class SimpleDBJiflet extends Jiflet
//    Protected instance variables
    protected Menu                 fileMenu;
    protected Menu                 helpMenu;

//    Public constructor
    public SimpleDBJiflet( String title, String name, String args[] );
//    Public methods
    public void init();
    public void initializeMenus();
    public abstract void initializeUI();
    public void connectToDatabase();
    public void disconnectFromDatabase();
    protected boolean handleMenuEvent( Event event, Object arg );
    public boolean saveRecord();
    public boolean deleteRecord();
    protected void setCopyright( String cpr );
    public boolean canClose();
    public void setDBRecord( DBRecord theRecord );
    public DBRecord getDBRecord();
    public void setUIPanel( SimpleDBUI panel );
    public SimpleDBUI getUIPanel();


The jif.log package contains classes that write entries in common format to either the screen or a disk file.


This class writes commonly formatted entries into a disk file.

public class DiskLog extends RandomAccessFile implements Log
//    Protected instance variable
    protected Log                backupLog = null;

//    Public constructor
    public DiskLog( String name ) throws IOException;
    public DiskLog( String logName, String name ) throws IOException;
    public DiskLog( String logDir, String logName, String name )
       throws IOException;

//    Public methods
    public void setBackupLog( Log sl );
    static public String createLogFileName();
    static public String constructFileName( String path, String name );
    public void log( char logLevel, String logEntry );


This interface defines the constants and methods needed to implement a standard logging mechanism. Any class can implement this interface.

public interface Log
//    Constants
    public static final char     DEBUG = 'D';
    public static final char     INFO = 'I';
    public static final char     WARNING = 'W';
    public static final char     ERROR = 'E';
    public static final char     FATAL = 'F';

//    Public method
    public void log( char logLevel, String logEntry ) throws IOException;


This class provides a common log output to the screen. You can optionally send this information to a window instead of to the standard output (stdout).

public class ScreenLog extends Frame implements Log
//    Public constructors
    public ScreenLog();
    public ScreenLog( String name );
    public ScreenLog( String windowTitle, boolean popup );
//    Public method
    public void log( char logLevel, String logEntry );


The jif.sql package contains classes that implement SQL or JDBC specific functionality. These classes are either new or extend Java's java.sql packaged classes.


This class allows you to quickly look up a code value from a table. A code value can be any column from a row that has a single key value as its primary key. For instance, if you have an employee table with the employee number as the primary key, you can use this class to retrieve the employee's name. Look in the Employee Benefits sample application for a usage example.

public class CodeLookerUpper
//    Protected instance variables
    protected DBConnector       myConnection = null;
    protected String            mySQL = null;

//    Public constructor
    public CodeLookerUpper( DBConnector connector, String tableName,
        String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName );

//    Public method
    public String lookupCode( int code_id );


This interface defines the methods required to become a JDBC/JIF database connector.

public interface Connector
//    Public methods
    public boolean connect( String user, String password, String server );
    public boolean disconnect();
    public boolean connected();
    public String getConnectionURL();


This class implements the Connector interface and provides several of the methods. However, some remain abstract so that you can derive your own database connectors from them.

public abstract class DBConnector implements Connector
//    Protected instance variables
    protected Jiflet            myJiflet;
    protected Connection         myConnection;
    protected boolean            isConnected = false;
    protected Statement         myStatement;
    protected String            lastError;

//    Public constructors
    public DBConnector( Jiflet jiflet );
    public DBConnector();

//    Public methods
    public boolean connect( String user, String password, String server );
    public boolean disconnect();
    public boolean connected();
    public Statement getStatement();
    public void errorLog( String logEntry );
    public void log( String logEntry );
    public boolean commit();
    public boolean rollback();
    public boolean close();
    public String getLastError();


This abstract class encapsulates a row of data from a table. It can be used as a base class for your own table data.

public abstract class DBRecord
//    Protected instance variables
    protected boolean            dataChange = false;
    protected boolean            isNewRecord = false;

//    Public constructors
    public DBRecord();
    public DBRecord( ResultSet rs );

//    Public methods
    public boolean parseResultSet( ResultSet rs );
    public abstract boolean update( DBConnector theConnector, JifPanel ap );;
    public abstract boolean deleteRow( DBConnector theConnector );;
    public boolean setDataChange( boolean onOff );
    public void clear();
    public boolean canSave();
    public boolean didDataChange();
    public void setNewStatus( boolean how );
    public boolean getNewStatus();


This class implements the remaining methods from DBConnector to provide access to an MSQL data source using JDBC.

public class MSQLConnector extends DBConnector
//    Protected instance variable
    protected String            dbUrl;

//    Public constructors
    public MSQLConnector( Jiflet jiflet, String host, int port, String instance );
    public MSQLConnector( String host, int port, String instance );
//    Public method
    public String getConnectionURL();


This class implements the remaining methods from DBConnector to provide access to a Microsoft SQL Server data source using JDBC.

public class MSSQLServerConnector extends DBConnector
//    Public constructors
    public MSSQLServerConnector( Jiflet jiflet );
    public MSSQLServerConnector();
//    Public method
    public String getConnectionURL();


This class implements the remaining methods from DBConnector to provide access to an ODBC data source using JDBC.

public class ODBcconnector extends DBConnector
//    Public constructors
    public ODBcconnector( Jiflet jiflet, String dsInfo );
    public ODBcconnector( String dsInfo );
//    Public method
    public String getConnectionURL();


This class implements the remaining methods from DBConnector to provide access to an Oracle data source using JDBC.

public class OracleConnector extends DBConnector
//    Public constructors
    public OracleConnector( Jiflet jiflet );
    public OracleConnector();
//    Public method
    public String getConnectionURL();


This class encapsulates access to an Oracle sequence. A sequence is an automatic counter that is maintained by the database server. It can be used to generate employee IDs for instance.

public class OracleSequence
//    Public constructor
    public OracleSequence( OracleConnector connector, String sequenceName );
//    Public method
    public int getNextValue();
    public int getCurrentValue();
    protected synchronized int getDBSequenceValue( boolean currentVal );


This class implements a mock database counter for databases that do not provide native sequences.

public class SequenceGenerator
//    Public constructors
    public SequenceGenerator( DBConnector connector, String table,
        String column );
    public SequenceGenerator( DBConnector connector );
//    Public method
    public int getNextValue();
    public int getCurrentValue();
    protected synchronized void getDBSequenceValue();


This interface defines the methods required for a class to provide SQL generation capabilities.

public interface SQLFactory
//    Public methods
    public String generateUpdateSQL( boolean addSet );
    public String generateInsertSQL( boolean addParen );
    public String getColumnName();
    public void setColumnName( String colName );
    public boolean isPrimaryKey();
    public String getSQL( boolean forWhere );


This class implements the remaining methods from DBConnector to provide access to a Sybase data source using JDBC.

public class SybaseConnector extends DBConnector
//    Public constructors
    public SybaseConnector( Jiflet jiflet );
    public SybaseConnector();
//    Public method
    public String getConnectionURL();


The jif.util package contains classes that are simply utilitarian in nature. They provide functionality that can be used by almost any software project.


This class implements a timer that calls back the owner when the alarm goes off.

public class CallbackTimer extends Thread
//    Public constructor
    public CallbackTimer( TimeOut target, int interval )

//    Public method
    public void run()


This class extends the Java Properties class to do two things. First it reads the application configuration file. Second, it merges any properties passed in at construction with the read in properties.

public class ConfigProperties extends Properties
//    Protected instance variable
    protected Properties            argProperties = new Properties();

//    Public constructor
    public ConfigProperties( String args[], String fileName );

//    Public methods
    public int parseArguments( String args[] );
    public int parseConfigFile( String appdefaultConfigFile );
    protected void setProperties( Properties prop );


This class implements a timer that generates an event to the owner when the alarm goes off.

public class EventTimer extends Thread
//    Public constructor
    public EventTimer( Component target, int msInterval )

//    Public method
    public void run()


This class is an all-purpose date formatting class. It allows you to convert the date into a variety of formats.

public class FileDate extends Date
//    Constants
    public final static int        MDY = 0;
    public final static int        DMY = 1;
    public final static int        YMD = 2;
    public final static int        MMMDY = 3;
    public final static int        DMMMY = 4;
    public final static int        YMMMD = 5;
    public final static int        MDYYYY = 6;
    public final static int        DMYYYY = 7;
    public final static int        YYYYMD = 8;
    public final static int        MMMDYYYY = 9;
    public final static int        DMMMYYYY = 10;
    public final static int        YYYYMMMD = 11;

//    Public constructors
    public FileDate();
    public FileDate( java.util.Date date );
    public FileDate( java.sql.Date date );
    public FileDate( int y, int m, int d );

//    Public methods
    public String toFileString();
    public static String toFileString( String s );
    public static String toFileString( java.util.Date d );
    public static String toFileString( java.sql.Date d );
    public String toOracleString();
    public static String toOracleString( String s );
    public static String toOracleString( java.util.Date d );
    public static String toOracleString( java.sql.Date d );
    public String toNormalString();
    public static String toNormalString( String s );
    public static String toNormalString( java.util.Date d );
    public static String toNormalString( java.sql.Date d );
    public static FileDate valueOf( String s ) throws IllegalArgumentException;
    public String formatDateToString();
    public String formatDateToString( String delimiter, int fmtOpt );
    public static String formatDateToString( String s );
    public static String formatDateToString( String s, String delimiter );
    public static String formatDateToString( String s, String delimiter,
        int fmtOpt );
    public static String formatDateToString( int y, int m, int d );
    public static String formatDateToString( int y, int m, int d,
        String delimiter );
    public static String formatDateToString( int y, int m, int d,
        String delimiter, int fmtOpt );


This interface defines the method that a class must implement to receive callback notification of events when using the CallbackTimer class.

public interface TimeOut
//    Public method
    public void timeOut( CallbackTimer timer );