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Database Developer's Guide with Visual Basic 4, Second Edition

book cover

Imprint: SAMS
Author: Roger Jennings
Publication Date: Jan-96
ISBN: 0-672-30652-2
Retail Price: $59.99 US

This revised and updated edition of a bestseller shows developers how to optimize their applications for desktop and client/server databases, write queries in ANSI SQL and Access SQL with Visual Basic code, and create front end databases using MIDI forms.

Covers Latest Version for Windows
1,300 pp.

What's New in This Edition

What's New in This Edition

About the Author

- 1 -Positioning Visual Basic 4.0 in the Database Front-End Market

- 2 -Understanding the Jet 3.0 Data Access Object

- 3 -Using Visual Basic's Data Control

- 4 -Optimizing the Design of Relational Databases

- 5 -Learning Structured Query Language

- 6 -Connecting to Other Desktop Database Tables

- 7 -Running Crosstab and Action Queries

- 8 -Designing a Decision-Support Front-End

- 9 -Using Advanced Data-Aware OLE Controls

- 10 -Graphing Summary Data Created with Crosstab Queries

- 11 -Printing Reports with Code and Crystal Reports

- 12 -Extending Your Use of the Data Access Object

- 13 -Designing Online Transaction-Processing Applications

- 14 -Integrating Database Applications with OLE 2.1

- 15 -Using OLE Automation with Productivity Applications

- 16 -Creating Local OLE Automation Servers and DLLs

- 17 -Translating Access Basic and VBA Code to Visual Basic 4.0

- 18 -Running Visual Basic Database Applications on Networks

- 19 -Using the Open Database Connectivity API

- 20 -Creating Front-Ends for Client/Server Databases

- 21 -Integrating Databases with Intranets and the Internet

- 22 -Using the Remote Data Object

- 23 -Creating and Managing Remote Automation Objects

- 24 -Managing Large Projects with Visual SourceSafe 4.0

- 25 -Documenting Your Database Front-Ends

- 26 -Creating Help Files for Database Applications

- 27 -Making Distribution Diskettes with the Visual Basic Setup Kit

- A -Resources for Visual Basic Database Front-Ends

- Appendix B -The Leszynski Naming Conventions for Microsoft Visual Basic

- Glossary -

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