10 Minute Guide to
Schedule+ for Windows 95


Lesson 1 Starting and Exiting Schedule+

  • Starting Schedule+
  • Logging On with the Logon Box
  • Setting Up Passwords
  • Exiting Schedule+

Lesson 2 Navigating the Schedule+ Screen

  • Looking Around the Schedule+ Screen
  • Working with Schedule+ Tabs
  • Using the Schedule+ Toolbar

Lesson 3 Getting Help

  • Working with the Help System
  • Using the Help Topics Dialog Box

Lesson 4 Using the Daily View Tab

  • Parts of the Daily View Tab
  • Changing Dates in the Appointment Book
  • Changing the Time Display
  • Changing the Appointment Bookís Appearance

Lesson 5 Scheduling Appointments

  • Making an Appointment
  • Using the Appointment Dialog Box

Lesson 6 Setting Up Appointment Options

  • Setting a Reminder
  • Setting Recurring Appointments
  • Setting Private and Tentative Appointments

Lesson 7 Juggling Appointments

  • Editing Appointments
  • Rescheduling Appointments
  • Adding Notes to Appointments

Lesson 8 Adding Events to Your Schedule

  • Using the Event Scheduler
  • Adding Events
  • Editing and Rescheduling Events

Lesson 9 Using the Weekly and Monthly Tabs

  • Viewing Appointments with the Weekly Tab
  • Adding Schedule Items in Weekly View
  • Viewing Your Schedule by Month

Lesson 10 Creating a To Do List

  • Using the To Do List
  • Working with Task Categories
  • Reading the To Do List Grid
  • Adding Tasks

Lesson 11 Working with Tasks and Projects

  • Turning Tasks into Projects
  • Grouping Tasks
  • Editing Tasks
  • Tracking Tasks

Lesson 12 Building a Contacts List

  • Using the Contacts List
  • Entering Contacts
  • Editing Contacts

Lesson 13 Sorting and Grouping Contacts

  • Sort Through Your Contacts List
  • Grouping Contacts
  • Using Contact Information in Appointments or Tasks
  • Dial íEm Up!

Lesson 14 Printing Your Schedule

  • Printing with Schedule+
  • Using the Print Layout List Box
  • Previewing Your Schedule
  • Printing Your Schedule

Lesson 15 Working with the Planner

  • Using the Planner Tab
  • Changing the Planner Display
  • Reading the Planner Schedule

Lesson 16 Using Schedule+ on a Network

  • Working with Access Permissions
  • Schedule Posting Options
  • Opening Other Usersí Schedules

Lesson 17 Preparing to Schedule Meetings on a Network

  • Scheduling Group Meetings
  • Using the Invite Button
  • Viewing Free and Busy Times
  • Selecting a Meeting Time

Lesson 18 Sending Meeting Requests on a Network

  • Calling a Meeting

Lesson 19 Customizing Your Schedule

  • The Options Dialog Box
  • Changing Default Options
  • Specifying Workweek and Workday
  • Customizing Tabs

Lesson 20 Importing and Exporting Files

  • Exporting Data
  • Importing Data

Lesson 21 Exporting Data to the Timex Data Link Watch

  • Using Schedule+ with a Watch
  • Copying Data onto a Timex Data Link Watch

Lesson 22 Backing Up and Archiving Schedules

  • Back Up Your Schedule
  • Archiving Schedules

Lesson 23 Using the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

  • What Are the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?
  • Using the Seven Habits Tools

Appendix A Windows 95 Primer

  • A First Look at Windows 95
  • Getting Help
  • Starting a Program
  • Using Menus
  • Navigating Dialog Boxes
  • From Here...


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