10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 23 -
Using the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People


In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People feature to help you make the most of Schedule+.

What Are the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?

Stephen Covey is a best-selling author of business and personal organization books and a leading expert in the field of leadership development. One of his most famous books, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, explores strategies for helping people prioritize responsibilities and manage a myriad of tasks. These principles are helpful not only in the business field, but also in your personal life.

Coveyís book encourages you to develop a personal mission statement to describe what you want to do with your life and define the roles you play in both your work and personal life. Another part of being effective is being able to clearly define goals, both personal and professional. Once you nail down this information, you can begin to put first things first, and achieve greater productivity and fulfillment.

Here are the seven habits you can apply to your own life and personal schedule:

  • Be proactive

  • Begin with the end in mind

  • Put first things first

  • Think win-win

  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood

  • Synergize

  • Sharpen the saw

The Seven Habits Tools explain each of these habits in greater detail as you use the tools. Schedule+ incorporates the principles in Coveyís book. You can apply the principles by opening the Tools menu and selecting Seven Habits Tools. With the help of several Seven Habits Wizards, you can integrate these habits for effectiveness to your own schedule and practices.

I Havenít Read the Book! You donít have to read the book in order to use the Seven Habits Tools. You can access a Help menu in the Seven Habits Tools dialog box that contains more information about using these principles in your life and schedule.

Using the Seven Habits Tools

The first step in applying the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is to open the Seven Habits Tools. The very first time you use the Seven Habits tools, Schedule+ prompts you to use the Overall Wizard for an orientation to the Seven Habits philosophy.

After you work your way through the first wizard series, Schedule+ prompts you to go through three more wizard series to assemble a personal mission statement, establish your daily roles, and develop personal goals. In each wizard series, you walk through each step to define your goals and responsibilities. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can always go back and change your answers by opening the wizard series again.

If you are using the Seven Habits Tools for the first time, use these steps to guide you:

1. Pull down the Tools menu and select Seven Habits Tools.

This opens the Seven Habits Wizard dialog box, shown in Figure 23.1. (The first time you use this tool, the Wizard feature opens automatically. If the Wizard dialog box does not appear, click on the Wizard button in the Seven Habits Tools window to open the feature.) Select the Overall Wizard option and click on the Next button.

Figure 23.1 The Seven Habits Wizard dialog box.

3. The Overall Wizard leads you through a series of dialog boxes. Some dialog boxes contain informational material to read; others contain questions that you can answer to set up your own Seven Habits (see Figure 23.2). Click on the Next button in each dialog box to progress through the series.

The final Overall Wizard dialog box prompts you to continue with the other wizards by clicking on the Finish button.

Figure 23.2 As you progress through the Overall Wizard's dialog boxes, you encounter some that require you to answer questions.

5. Select the next wizard series to go through and click on the Next button.

Again, a wizard leads you through a series of different dialog boxes with questions to answer, as shown in Figure 23.3. Keep clicking on the Next button to continue.

Figure 23.3 In each wizard series, you find questions that help you set up your own seven habits.

7. When you finish going through each of the wizard series, click on the Finish button. The Seven Habits Tools dialog box appears (see Figure 23.4) with four tabs containing the information you entered in the dialog boxes.

Figure 23.4 After you complete each of the wizards, the Seven Habits Tools dialog box apperas on-screen

    Hereís a description of each tab in the Seven Habits Tools dialog box:

    Mission Use this tab to view and edit your personal mission statement.

    Roles View and edit the important roles in your life and evaluate how effective you are.

    Goals Use this tab to plan activities that correspond to your goals and ideas.

    Wisdom Access documentation to help encourage and enlighten your personal management system and ideas.

8. To reopen any of the Seven Habits wizards, click on the Wizard button in the bottom right corner. To close the Seven Habits Tools box and return to the Schedule+ screen, click on the Close button.

Keep in mind that each person uses the Seven Habits Tools in a different way.

You can read more about using each of the tabs and the Seven Habits by accessing the Seven Habits documentation. Click on the Help button while in the Seven Habits Tools dialog box to display a large list of topics focusing on using the tools. In the Help documentation, you find all kinds of information about the Seven Habits principles and what they can do for you.

In this last lesson, you learned how to use the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People feature of Schedule+. Now that you know the ins and outs of using the program, have fun creating your own schedules.


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