10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 22 -
Backing Up and Archiving Schedules

In this lesson, you will learn how to back up and archive your schedules to keep your data safe.

Back Up Your Schedule

In case you havenít noticed by now, Schedule+ doesnít use a traditional way to save data. Thereís no File, Save command to use every time you exit the program. Instead, Schedule+ saves the data you enter automatically.

Although Schedule+ saves the data automatically, the data isnít always safe. You may have hardware or software complications that result in lost data. For this reason, itís always a smart idea to back up your schedule frequently. In case something ever happens to your current file, you have a copy of all the important appointments, contacts, and tasks saved in the backup file. When you back up your schedule, youíre backing up every item in the schedule, including reminders and private data.

You can store your backup file on your hard drive or save it on a floppy disk. By far, the safest way is to store it on a floppy disk. That way, if something happens to your hard drive, you can still access the data.

To back up your schedule, follow these steps:

1. Open the File menu and select Backup.

The Select Backup File dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 22.1. From the Save in drop-down list or list box, select a folder or drive in which to back up the file.

Figure 22.1 The Select Backup File dialog box.

3. Click inside the File name text box and type a file name for the backup. All backup files use a .SCD file extension. By default, Schedule+ names the file BACKUP (or BACKUP.SCD if youíre viewing file extensions) unless you type another name.

Click OK, and Schedule+ copies your entire schedule onto the backup file.

Restoring a Backup File

Whenever you need the backup copy of your data, you can use Schedule+ís Restore command to bring it back to your schedule. The Restore command uses the same password to protect the backup file that you use to protect your Schedule+ program. You need to use this password to restore the backup file.

Use these steps to restore a backup file to your Schedule+ program:

1. Open the File menu and select Restore.

The Restore Backup File dialog box appears (see Figure 22.2). Locate the backup file. Use the Look in drop-down list box to find the file in other folders or drives. You can also type the name of the backup file in the File name text box.

Figure 22.2 The Restore Backup File dialog box.

3. Once you locate the file and select it for opening, click on the Open button.

The Enter Password dialog box pops up (see Figure 22.3) if you use a password to access Schedule+. Type the password and click OK. (The backup file uses the same password as your Schedule+ program.)

Figure 22.3 Type your password to restore the file.

5. Next, a warning box appears (see Figure 22.4) telling you that Schedule+ will replace the contents of your schedule with the backup data. Click on Yes to continue, and Schedule+ restores your backup file.


Figure 22.4 The restore warning box.

Archiving Schedules

What do you do with the old parts of your schedule that you no longer need to access? With Schedule+, you can archive outdated information. For example, if you no longer need to use the past four months of appointments, you can archive the appointments so you can access the information for reference purposes, but the appointments no longer take up space on your schedule.

By default, Schedule+ prompts you to archive old data every three months. When you archive data, you must specify the dates you want to archive. Schedule+ then stores the data in an archive file.

To archive your data, follow these steps:

1. Open the File menu and select Archive.

The Create Archive dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 22.5. Schedule+ assigns a default archive location and file name; however, you can type a new name and location in the File name text box.

Figure 22.5 The Create Archive dialog box.

Looking for Another Folder? If you want to archive the data in another file or folder, click on the Browse button and choose a location for the data from the drives and folders available.

3. To select the dates you want to archive, click on the Archive data before drop-down list box to display a calendar from which you can select a date (see Figure 22.6).

Figure 22.6 Select an archive from the calender.

4. Click OK, and Schedule+ removes the data from your schedule and stores it in the archive file.

Archive files use a .SCD file extension, which means you can open the archive files like a schedule to view the data at any time.

Archive Reminder By default, Schedule+ reminds you to archive every three months, but you can change how often Schedule+ prompts you to archive. Open the Tools menu and select Options. Click on the General tab to find an option for controlling how often Schedule+ reminds you to archive.

In this lesson, you learned how to back up and archive data. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to use a special feature called the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.


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