10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 21 -
Exporting Data to the Timex Data Link Watch

In this lesson, you will learn how to export data from your Schedule+ program onto the Timex Data Link watch.

Using Schedule+ with a Watch

If youíre the lucky owner of a Timex Data Link watch, you can use it in conjunction with your Schedule+ program. Microsoft and Timex teamed up to create this technologically advanced system that goes wherever you do. By downloading your calendar onto a watch, you donít have to worry about being near your computer to know when your appointments areñyou just carry the data on your wrist wherever you go.

The catch to this technology is that you have to own a Timex Data Link watch. Schedule+ doesnít export data onto any other watches.

You can choose to export certain parts of your Schedule+ data, such as appointments, a task list, or phone numbers from a Contacts list, onto the watch. For example, if you copy your Contacts list phone numbers onto the watch, you can access the phone numbers when youíre traveling or making sales calls. If you lose your way to an appointment, you can look up the phone number of the person youíre supposed to meet at a momentís notice. All you have to do is access the data on your watch. As you can imagine, this technology goes a long way in making you more productive and giving you the information you need when you need it.

Copying Data onto a Timex Data Link Watch

How do you begin to copy your schedule onto a wrist watch? Itís easy with the Timex Watch Wizard. This wizard leads you through the process, helping you set up data to copy by asking you questions along the way.

To use the Timex Watch Wizard, follow these steps:

1. Open the File menu and select Export. In the submenu that appears, select Timex Watch. You can also click on the Timex Watch Wizard button on the toolbar, as shown in Figure 21.1.

Figure 21.1 You access the Timex Watch Wizard from a menu orthe toolbar.

2. The Timex Watch Wizard dialog box appears on your screen (see Figure 21.2). Select the data you want to copy onto the watch and click on the Next button.

Figure 21.2 The Timex Data Watch dialog box.

3. In the next few dialog boxes, which may vary depending on the data you choose to export, select from the options to designate what dates and data you want to use. Click on the Next button each time youíre ready to continue.

After you select all the necessary options, youíre ready to copy the data onto the watch. Click on the Finish button.

The Export to Watch dialog box appears, shown in Figure 21.3. Set your watch to COMM mode with three presses of the green button on the watch. Hold the watch face up to the monitor screen (about two to four inches from the screen) and click the OK button in the dialog box.

The monitor screen changes to the Microsoft Transmission mode and starts flashing lines, and the watch beeps as it receives data. The bottom of the screen tells you how far along you are in the transfer process. (Hold your watch steady during the export procedure.)

When the export is complete, the monitor screen switches back to the Schedule+ program, and a prompt appears asking you if the export was a success. Click on Yes

Figure 21.3 When youíre ready to copy the data, hold the watch up to the screen and click the OK button in the dialog box.

Transfer Not Successful? If the transfer was not successful, you need to clear the watch memory and start all over again. Make sure you follow each step carefully.

Be sure to consult your Timex Data Link watch manual for more information about using the watch and the data you export to it.

In this lesson, you learned how to export Schedule+ data onto a Timex Data Link watch. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to back up and archive data.


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