10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 16 -
Using Schedule+ on a Network

In this lesson, you will learn how to use Schedule+ on a network and set up access permissions for others to view your schedule.

Working with Access Permissions

The Planner tab, described in Lesson 15, becomes extra useful when youíre networked with other Schedule+ users. It enables you to see the busy schedules of others, coordinate meetings, and track responses of attendees. In this lesson, you learn to set up your schedule for viewing and accessing on a network.

Using Group-Enabled Mode The first time you open Schedule+, you have the option of using the program in group-enabled or stand-alone mode. If youíre using Schedule+ on a network, be sure to select group-enabled mode. If you select the Donít ask me this question again check box, you wonít be able to switch to another mode unless you reinstall Schedule+.

If youíre using group-enabled mode, you can use the Planner view to check out the scheduled blocks of time of other users who publish their schedules on the network. You must have Read permission in order to see the schedules of other users, because after all, they donít want just anybody knowing how busyñor not-so-busyñthey are. The same goes for you; you probably donít want everyone on the network to have full access to your schedule. So the first step in viewing schedules on a network is establishing access permissions.

Viewing Access Permissions

Schedule+ enables you to use different levels of access permissions to view other usersí schedules and let others view your schedule. The level of access permission depends upon what role you assign to the user. Table 16.1 shows the various roles and levels available.

Table 16.1 Access Permissions

Role Permissions
None No viewing permissions.
Read Ability to read all appointments, contacts, tasks, events, and appointment details.
Create Ability to set up appointments, add to contacts, tasks, and events.
Modify Ability to make changes to appointments, contacts, tasks, and events.
Delegate Ability to make changes to parts of schedule, except private items. Can also send and receive meeting messages on your behalf.
Owner Ability to make changes to the schedule, view and change private items, and change usersí permissions to access your schedule.
Delegate Owner Same access as Owner; can also send and receive meeting messages for you.
Custom You specify what permissions you want to allow.

Obviously, you can control how much of your schedule others on the network can access. All of these roles for other users depend on your own network or office situation. For example, if youíre a busy executive, you may want to assign your secretary the role of Delegate Owner in order to keep your schedule organized. In this role, your secretary can make changes to your schedule, coordinate meetings, and control the access permissions that others have to your schedule. On the other hand, another executive in another department may only want to assign his secretary to the role of Read when it comes to accessing his schedule. Or, a team of co-workers may want to grant each other equal or varying roles regarding each individualís schedule.

To view usersí access permissions, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Set Access Permissions.

This opens the Set Access Permissions dialog box, shown in Figure 16.1. To assign or view access permissions, click on the Users tab.

Figure 16.1 The Access Permissions dialog box.

3. To add other users to your list, click on the Add button. This opens the Add Users dialog box, shown in Figure 16.2.

Figure 16.2 The Add Users dialog box enables you to add other network users' names to the Users list in the Set Access Permissions dialog box

4. Choose the name you want to add from the list of users shown in the left column, or type the userís name. To select names from a specific network postoffice, select the address list from the Show Names drop-down list and choose the specific user name you want to add.

Click on the Users button to add the name to the right column list. The right column shows the names of users whose schedules you can currently view in the Planner tab.

Continue following steps 4 and 5 to add more names. Click OK to exit the Add Users box and add the name(s) to the Users list in the Set Access Permissions dialog box.

The Set Access Permissions dialog box reflects your changes. Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Changing Access Permissions

You can change the access permissions that others have to your schedule at any time. Use these steps to change permissions:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Set Access Permissions.

This opens the Set Access Permissions dialog box (Figure 16.3). To assign or change access permissions, click on the Users tab.

Figure 16.3 The Set Access Permissions dialog box lists users and their access permission status

3. A list of users and their access permissions appears in the Users list box. Select the name of the person whose access you want to modify.

The User Name Isnít Shown! If the userís name doesnít appear in the list box, click on the button and choose the userís name from your network mail list. Then click OK to return to the dialog box.

To assign a new predefined role, click on the User role drop-down list box, as shown in Figure 16.4. Select a role from the list.

Figure 16.4 Select a new role from User role drop-down list.

5. Click on the OK button to exit the dialog box. (A warning box pops up on-screen telling you that Schedule+ is merging the changes you selected with the networkís server.)

To customize the roles you assign, select the Custom role option in the User role drop-down list. Next you apply any of the following permission options, which appear below the User role drop-down list:

  • Click on the Appointments list box to select the level of access you want the person to have to your appointments.

  • Click on the Contacts list box to select the kind of access you want the person to have to your contacts.

  • Click on the Events list box to choose the access permission you want the person to have to your events.

  • Click on the Tasks list box to assign the permission role you want the person to have regarding your To Do list.

Schedule Posting Options

To control which parts of your schedule you post on the network, use the Global tab of the Set Access Permissions dialog box. Here you can choose to allow overlapping appointments or recurring appointments, and you can designate how much of your schedule you want to publish on the network. Follow these steps to change global access to your schedule:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Set Access Permissions.

This opens the Set Access Permissions dialog box. Click on the Global tab to bring this tab to the front of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 16.5.

Figure 16.5 The Global tab of the Set Access Permissions dialog box has options for displaying your schedule on the network

3. If you prefer not to allow overlapping appointments in your schedule, click on the Disallow overlapping appointments check box.

If you prefer not to let others set up recurring appointments in your schedule, click on the Disallow recurring appointments check box.

You can control how many months of your schedule you post on the network with the Publish option. Choose 0 if you do not want to post your schedule at all.

Click OK to exit the dialog box and put the options into effect.

Opening Other Usersí Schedules

If you have access, you can open another userís schedule. Depending on what kind of permission you have, you might be able to do more than just read the schedule. In many instances, you may be in charge of managing the userís schedule or maintaining a task list or Contacts list. If you have the proper permissions, once you open the other personís schedule, you can make changes to it and add new items.

To open another schedule, besides your own, use these steps (these steps only apply to networked Schedule+ users):

1. Pull down the File menu and choose Open. In the submenu that appears, choose Otherís Appointment Book.

The Open Otherís Appt. Book dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 16.6. Select the name of the person whose schedule you want to open.

I Donít See the Personís Name in the List! If the name of the person whose schedule you want to open doesnít appear in the list box, click on the Show Names drop-down list and choose the address list containing the name of the person you want. You can also use the Find button to look up the name.

Figure 16.6 The Open Other's Appt. Book dialog box.

3. Click OK to exit the dialog box, and the schedule appears as a second opened program window in addition to your own schedule window. If it doesnít, you may not have the correct access role to open the other personís schedule.

Once you open another userís schedule, you can read or make changes to it only if you have the proper access. You donít see items marked as private unless the user assigned you Owner or Delegate Owner access.

To close the schedule at any time, use the same methods you use to close your own Schedule+ program:

  • Click on the Close button in the upper-right corner.

  • Open the File menu and select Exit.

  • Double-click on the windowís Control-menu icon (upper- left corner).

In this lesson, you learned how to view and change access permissions as well as open other usersí schedules. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to schedule meetings in a network environment.


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