10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 14 -
Printing Your Schedule

In this lesson, you will learn how to preview and print portions of your schedule, including appointments, To Do lists, and the Contacts list.

Printing with Schedule+

Being able to print out portions of your schedule is an important part of using Schedule+. There are times when you arenít sitting in front of your computer with your daily schedule ready to use. You may have to travel or work at home, and you want a copy of your schedule on hand. Or perhaps you need to give a friend or co-worker a copy of your To Do list or Contacts list.

Schedule+ offers you several ways to print portions of the various features. You find all the options listed in the Print dialog box, shown in Figure 14.1.


Figure 14.1 The Print dialog box.

Elements of the Print Dialog Box

Letís go over the Print dialog box in more detail so you can learn how to use its options. Take a look at the Print dialog box again in Figure 14.2. This time callouts label the elements of the dialog box to show you what each element controls. 

Figure 14.2 Each part of the Print dialog box controls how Schedule+ prints your item.

  • At the top of the dialog box, you find a listing for your default printer. To change this to another printer, click on the Setup button and select another printer from the Printer drop-down list box.

  • The Print layout list box lists all the parts of your Schedule+ program that you can print out. Use the scroll bar to view different items in the list. (More about this later in the lesson.)

  • The Paper format drop-down list box enables you to choose to print the selected item on paper, a Filofax page (a personal organizer), or on labels.

  • The Schedule range options enable you to select the date(s) you print out for the selected item (when applicable). For example, if youíre printing your weekly schedule, you can choose the exact week you want to print out.

  • The options at the bottom of the dialog box enable you to control how Schedule+ prints the item. For example, if you select the No shading check box, the top of your printout isnít shaded with the default design (which tends to use up a lot of your printerís ink).

  • The three drop-down list boxes to the right of the Print layout list box enable you to control print quality, font size, and private items on your schedule.

  • Use the Preview command button to preview how the selected item looks before printing it out. (Learn more about this feature later in this lesson.)

Speedy Printing By default, Schedule+ prints each item with shaded areas (sometimes these areas are located at the top of the page; other times theyíre scattered on your page). To speed up printing, be sure to select the No shading check box. This keeps the printer from printing the shaded background, which makes it easier for you to read the text from the shaded areas.

Using the Print Layout List Box

The Print layout list box displays the parts of your Schedule+ program you can select for printing. Simply highlight the layout you want to print and click on theOK button to print it out. By default, the dialog box is set up to print a full page of the selected item in its current date.

Each of the items in the Print layout list box enables you to print certain portions of your Schedule+ features. To use these items effectively, you need to know what each item prints. Table 14.1 explains what kind of printout you receive after selecting the item for printing.

Table 14.1 Print Layout List Box Options

Option Result
All text Prints out all the text items in your daily schedule.
Contact List Prints the entire list of contacts you have in the Contacts List.
Dailyñdynamic Prints the daily schedule in its most current state of change on your network.
Dailyñfixed Prints the daily schedule.
Monthly Prints the monthly view of your schedule.
Monthly on Prints three elements on a single page, Tri-fold graphical including the daily schedule, all 12 months, and the To Do list.
To Do Listñmini Prints the tasks associated with the selected date.
To Do Listñnormal Prints the entire To Do list, including all the details associated with each task.
To Do Listñtext Only prints the text descriptions of the tasks.
Option Result
Weekly 5 day Prints five days of the week on a single page.
Weekly 7 day Prints seven days of the week on a single page.

There are a few additional details to keep in mind when printing the different layouts:

  • All tentative appointments that you schedule appear in italics on the printout.

  • If you scheduled lots of appointments in the daily schedule you print, the appointments may not fit in the designated space. If this happens, you find that Schedule+ carries the overflow of appointments into the Other Appointments box on the printout.

  • If you print the To Do list or Contacts list, the printout reflects any sorts you performed on the columns.

Previewing Your Schedule

One of the best parts of the Print dialog box in Schedule+ is the Preview feature. It enables you to see what your information looks like in printed form before you actually go to the trouble of printing it out. The Print Preview window enables you to preview any of the layout items in the Print layout list box. Follow these steps to preview your layout:

1. Open the Print dialog box. (Click on the Print button on the toolbar, or open the File menu and select Print.)

In the Print layout list box, choose the item you want to print. Click on the layout to highlight the selection.

Choose any additional options you want to apply.

When youíre ready to preview the layout, click on the Preview button.

The Print Preview window appears on-screen, as shown in Figure 14.3. Use the scroll bars to view different portions of the layout.

Figure 14.3 The Print Preview window.

6. You can use theFirst Page and Next Page buttons at the top of the window to view other pages. Click on the Zoom In button to get a closer look, as shown in Figure 14.4.

To zoom back out again, click on the Zoom Out button.

8. When youíre ready to exit the Print Preview window, click on the Close button to return to the Print dialog box. 

Figure 14.4 You can get a better look at the layoutís contents by using the zoom control.

Remember, the layout you see in the Print Preview window varies depending on the item you select in the Print layout list box. You can preview To Do lists, Contacts Lists, and more.

Printing Your Schedule

Depending on what layout you select, your printout shows different elements and page orientation. You may be quite surprised by the professional-looking printout that comes out of your printer. In the top-left corner of every page is the schedule name (usually your name, if thatís the schedule you chose to print). At the very bottom of the printed page, you find a footer (text line) indicating when you printed the page, complete with date and time.

To print out a copy of your schedule or any other Schedule+ features, follow these steps:

1. Open the Print dialog box by pulling down the File menu and selecting Print. (You can also access the box by clicking on the Print button on the toolbar.)

The Print dialog box appears on your screen. Select the layout you want to print from the Print layout list box. (Click on the item to highlight it.)

If necessary, select from any of the other printing options.

Click OK, and Schedule+ prints the schedule layout you selected.

Whatís the Print to File Option For? You can print other schedules besides the one you open in your program, such as another userís schedule on a network. Select the Print to File option; this opens a dialog box that enables you to choose other schedules to print. You can also use this option to save your own schedule in another folder or file.

 In this lesson, you learned how to print parts of your schedule and other items. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to work with the Planner.


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