10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 9 -
Using the Weekly and Monthly Tabs


In this lesson, you will learn how to view your schedule with the Weekly and Monthly tabs.

Viewing Appointments with the Weekly Tab 

Itís time to switch views. How about looking at your busy schedule in a weekly format? You need to click on the Weekly tab. When you do this, your screen displays the Appointment Book in a slightly different view, as shown in Figure 9.1.

Figure 9.1 To change to the Weekly view, click on the Weekly tab.

By default, Schedule+ shows you five days of the week in Weekly view. You no longer see the Date Navigator or the To Do list. Your screen looks a little crowded in Weekly view, and some of your appointments may not fit completely into your weekly columns. Donít forget, you can enlarge the Schedule+ screen by clicking on the Maximize button. (If your appointment text is too long to fit in Weekly view and you still canít see the full appointment text, switch back to Daily view to read it all.) You can also double-click on an appointmentís border in Weekly view to open the Appointment dialog box and see details about the appointment.

The schedule you see in the Weekly view is the same as the schedule in Daily view; however, you see more days of the week in the Weekly view. You can perform the same functions in your Weekly view as in Daily view. The scroll bar at the far right side of the Weekly view screen enables you to scroll through the time slots on the schedule.

Changing Weeks

At the top of the Weekly view tab are two arrow buttons, shown in Figure 9.1, one on the left and one on the right. Like the arrow buttons in Daily view, you can use these arrow buttons to move your Weekly view back a week or forward a week.

To change weeks, use any of these methods:

  • To move forward to the next week, click once on the right arrow button.

  • To move back to the previous week, click once on the left arrow button.

  • If you hold down your mouse button while selecting the appropriate arrow button, you move quickly forward or backward through the weeks of the month.

Changing the Day Display

You can easily change the number of days that Schedule+ displays in the Weekly view tab. To change the day display, follow these steps:

1. Open the View menu and select Number of Days (see Figure 9.2).

Figure 9.2 Use the View menu to change the day display. For example, to view all seven days of the week, choose 7 from the list

2. In the submenu that appears, choose the number of days you want to display in the Weekly view tab. The Weekly view changes to reflect your selection, as shown in Figure 9.3. 

Figure 9.3 You can change the number of days Schedule+ displays by using the View menu.

Specify Your Workweek and Work Hours

The General tab in the Options dialog box holds settings that affect when your schedule week starts, which days of the week are work days or non-work days, which hours are daily work hours and non-work hours, and what time increments are displayed, among other options. (Youíve already learned how to change the time increments back in Lesson 4.)

The day your workweek starts affects the display of days in the Date Navigator calendar and the days of the week that show in the Weekly view tab. The workdays and hours also affect the background colors of your schedule. As you may notice, the workweek appears in a brighter shade of color on the schedule, and non-work days and non-work hours appear in a darker shade.

Not everybody uses the same workdays and work hours, so you can adjust these settings to help you tailor the program to your situation. To change the settings for workweeks and workdays, you use the Options dialog box. To change what day of the week your workweek starts on, and what work hours you want to focus on, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Options.

Click on the General tab in the Options dialog box to bring it to the front and locate the Week starts on option, as shown in Figure 9.4. To change the day, click on the arrow in the drop-down list and select the appropriate day to start your workweek.

Figure 9.4 Click on the arrow to display a drop-down list of the days of the week.

3. To change the hours that you designate as your work hours and non-work hours, change the settings in the Day starts at and Day ends at boxes.

To exit the dialog box and put the settings in effect, click OK.

Adding Schedule Items in Weekly View

You insert, move, delete, and edit appointments and events in Weekly view just as you do in Daily view. The only difference is how you view the items on the daily schedule. You have a better picture of how busy your schedule is for any given week when you switch over to Weekly view.

Making Appointments on the Weekly Tab

You use the same methods for adding appointments to the Weekly view tab as you do in Daily view. You can insert appointments with the Insert New Appointment button on the toolbar, or you can add them directly to your schedule.

To add an appointment in Weekly view, follow these steps:

1. Double-click on the time slot where you want to add an appointment. This opens the Appointment dialog box. (You can also click on the Insert New Appointment button, or open the Insert menu and select Appointment.)

In the Appointment dialog box, set any start and ending times, type a description of the appointment, and include any options.

Click OK to exit the dialog box.

You can edit appointments at any time from Weekly view. Use the same editing techniques that you apply to appointments when you edit in Daily view.

  • Double-click on the appointment to open the Appointment dialog box. You use this dialog box to make changes to the appointment.

  • Another way to open the Appointment dialog box is to select the appointment and click on the Edit button on the toolbar.

  • You can also make changes directly to the appointment as it appears on the schedule. Just click on the appointment you want to edit and make your changes to the text.

  • Use the toolbar buttons to add reminders or to make your appointments private or tentative.

  • You can use the editing commands and schedule options available on the Edit menu.

Adding Events in Weekly View

In Weekly view, each day has an Event icon at the top. You can use this icon just like the Event icon in Lesson 8. To insert an event to any day on your Weekly schedule, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Event icon at the top of the day to which you want to insert an event.

In the submenu that appears, choose the appropriate type of event. This opens an event dialog box.

In the Event or Annual Event dialog box, choose the event start date and end date, type in a description, and add any other options you want to apply.

Click OK to exit the dialog box.

You can edit and add new events to the Weekly view tab at any time. (Turn back to Lesson 8 for tips on scheduling events.)

Viewing Your Schedule by Month

Want to see your entire monthís worth of appointments? Switch over to Monthly view by clicking on the Monthly tab. Your screen opens, and you see the entire month, as shown in Figure 9.5.

Figure 9.5 Use the Monthly tab to view an entire monthís worth of appointments.

Mind you, things are a little crowded in Monthly view. If you want to see details about any appointment listed in your schedule, double-click on the appointment. This opens the Appointment dialog box where you can see details about the appointment. If itís an event you want to see, double-click on it to open an event dialog box to view the details.

You can edit schedule items in Monthly view at any time; however, itís a little harder to see everything on-screen, so youíre better off switching to Daily or Weekly view to do editing.

Changing Months

At the top of the Monthly view tab you see two arrow buttons (one on the left and one on the right), shown in Figure 9.5. Like the arrow buttons in Daily and Weekly view, you can use these to move your schedule view back or forward a month.

To change months, use any of these methods:

  • To move forward to the next month, click once on the right arrow button.

  • To move back to the previous month, click once on the left arrow button.

  • If you hold down your mouse button while selecting the arrow buttons, you move quickly through the months of the year.

In this lesson, you learned how to view your schedule using the Weekly and Monthly tabs. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to use a To Do list.


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