10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 8 -
Adding Events to Your Schedule

In this lesson, you will learn how to add, reschedule, and edit events in your schedule with the Event feature.

Using the Event Scheduler

Need to schedule a big event or an annual event on your busy calendar? Use the Event Scheduler to help you. Events show up a little differently on your schedule than appointments do. Events appear at the top of your daily schedule, right under the day and date. Events do not affect your time slots. For example, if you set up the schedule to show a Sales Recognition Day as an event, it appears at the top of your schedule, as shown in Figure 8.1. (If you switch over to weekly view, which youíll learn about in Lesson 9, events appear at the top of the day of the week on which they occur.)

What constitutes a big event? I consider my vacation to be a very big event, so Iím always trying to work it into my busy schedule. Other events might include out-of-town conferences or conventions, weddings, training classes, seminars, company trips, birthdays, and more. Events can be a one-day thing, or they can span days, weeks, or even months. With Schedule+, you can set recurring events so that they show up each week, month, or year. Recurring events are called Annual Events in Schedule+.

Figure 8.1 Schedule+ enables you to add events to your schedule.

Hereís a list of events you may have a use for in your own schedule:

  • Conferences and conventions

  • Classes and seminars

  • Vacations and holidays

  • Birthdays

  • Weddings and anniversaries

  • Retirements

  • Promotional events (such as End-of-Month Sale)

  • Office events (such as Staff Recognition Day)

Birthday Events Be sure to set up the birthdays of your friends and family members as events in your calendar. That way, you can spot them right away. If you set them up as recurring events, those birthdays appear on your schedule every year!

Adding Events

Hereís what you do to add an event to your schedule:

1. Click on the Event icon at the top of your schedule, as shown in Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2
Add an event to your personal schdulewith the event feature

2. When you click on the Event icon, a submenu appears (see Figure 8.2) with the options Insert event or Insert annual event. (If you select Insert annual event, you make the event a recurring part of your schedule.)

Choose Insert Event or Insert annual event for the event you want to add. Either the Event or Annual Event dialog box appears on your screen. Figure 8.3 shows the Event dialog box.

In the dialog box, choose the event start date. If you insert an event with the Event dialog box, you should also choose an end date. You can use the arrow buttons next to the dates to choose other dates, or you can type in the dates you want.

Figure 8.3 The Event dialog box.

Use the Menu Approach You can also open the Insert menu and select Event to open the Event dialog box. If youíre setting an annual event, select Annual Event from the Insert menu to open the Annual Event dialog box.

 Click in the Description text box and type in a description of the event.

1. Add any additional options, such as a reminder or a private icon.

Click OK to exit the dialog box. The event appears on your schedule as a heading at the top of the event day column, as shown in Figure 8.4.

When you set an event in your schedule, the Event icon looks like it has writing on it. Thatís one way you can tell you planned an event that day. An event day also appears in bold type on the Date Navigator calendar.

Editing and Rescheduling Events

You can easily edit events at any time by reopening the Event or Annual Event dialog box and making your changes. To edit an event, follow these steps:  

Figure 8.4 Hereís an example of how events appear on your schedule.

1. Click on the Event icon. This time, your eventís description appears in the submenu. You can also click directly on the Event description at the top of your daily schedule to view the submenu.

Double-click on the eventís description in the submenu to open the Event or Annual Event dialog box.

Make your changes in the dialog box. For example, to change the description, edit the description text. To change any options, simply turn the option check boxes on or off.

Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Listing Events

Another way to edit your events or to see a list of events is to use the Edit menu. This is especially helpful when you want to edit events that do not appear on the current day in your schedule. To edit or list your events, use these steps:

1. Open the Edit menu and select Edit List of. Schedule+ displays a submenu.

From the submenu, select Events or Annual Events, depending on which type of event you want to edit.

An Events list box opens up, listing all of the events you have scheduled, along with their descriptions and start dates. (See Figure 8.5.)

Figure 8.5 The Events list box.

4. To make changes to a specific event, select it and click on the Edit button. This opens the Event dialog box, shown previously in Figure 8.3. Make your edits to the event and click OK.

To add a new event to the list, click on the New button. This opens a new Event dialog box where you can enter detailed information about the event.

Delete It! You can easily delete an event from the Events list by selecting it and clicking on the Delete button.
6. To exit the Events list box, click on the Close button.

To reschedule or move an event, you can open up the Events list box again and change the date by editing the event itself.

In this lesson, you learned how to add, reschedule, and edit events in your daily schedule. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to use the Weekly and Monthly view tabs.


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