10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 4 -
Using the Daily View Tab

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Daily view tab and work with its different features.

Parts of the Daily View Tab

By default, Schedule+ always opens to the Daily view tab so you can see your dayís appointments at a glance. Take a look at the Daily view tab in Figure 4.1.


Figure 4.1 The Daily view tab.

There are several distinct parts of your Daily view tab. Three of them stand out in particular:

  • The Appointment Book (the biggest part of your screen with all the times and lines in it) shows your daily schedule. You can use it to note appointments, meetings, and other items.

  • Use the Date Navigator (the monthly calendar in the upper-right corner) to change the date in the Appointment Book.

  • Use the To Do list, which appears right under the Date Navigator, to display a list of what you need to do on this date.

You can change the size of the display for the Appointment Book, Date Navigator, and To Do List by moving the lines that separate them. Follow these steps to resize the features:

1. Move your mouse pointer over any line between the Appointment Book, Date Navigator, or To Do list until the pointer becomes a double-headed arrow.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer to resize the screen items.

When the border reaches the desired new location, release the mouse button, and Schedule+ resizes the screen area.

Changing Dates in the Appointment Book

The Daily view tab always displays the current date on the Appointment Book when you first open Schedule+. To view other dates, you need to switch to other dates in your schedule. There are several ways to change the day that you view. Take a look at the Daily view tab screen again, shown in Figure 4.2.


Figure 4.2 There are several ways to change the date you display in the Appointment Book.

Use the two tiny buttons with arrows on them (at the top of the Appointment Book area) to move backward and forward in your schedule as described here:

  • A click on the left arrow button moves your schedule back one page to the previous date.

  • A click on the right arrow button moves your schedule forward one page to the next date.

  • Click on either the left or right arrow button and hold your mouse button down to speed through your schedule pages backward and forward, respectively.

Back to Today To quickly return to the current date, click on the Today button on the toolbar.

Another way to change dates quickly is to use the Date Navigator calendar. You simply click on a date on the calendar, and Schedule+ displays that date in the Appointment Book. Like the

Appointment Book area, the Date Navigator has two arrow buttons on the top of the calendar that enable you to view previous or future months.

  • Click on the left arrow button to display the previous month.

  • Click on the right arrow button to view the next month.

  • To shuffle quickly through the months in either direction, position your mouse pointer so it touches the appropriate arrow and hold down the left mouse button. Let go of the mouse button when you reach the month youíre looking for.

Faster Calendar Selection You can also open a calendar quickly by clicking on the Go To Date button on the toolbar. When you click on this button, a calendar drops down, and you can select other dates to display.

Changing the Time Display

Not only can you change the days that you display in the Appointment Book, but you can also change the times. The scroll bar at the right of the Appointment Book enables you to scroll through the increments of time that appear in your daily schedule.

The Schedule+ program starts out with default settings for the time increments. The time frame the Appointment Book displays is set for typical use, and for most of us, this setting works just fine. For example, the Appointment Book typically shows an 8:00 a.m.ñ5:00 p.m. time frame broken down into 30-minute blocks in its window. However, you can always change this time frame to meet your own needs.

You change the time frame to suit the hours you keep using the Options dialog box. When you open this dialog box, you can use its four tabs to adjust settings for your schedule and screen display, and even to reset your time zone.

Follow these steps to change the Appointment Bookís time display:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears on your screen. Click on the General tab to bring the time controls to the front of the dialog box (see Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 The General tab of the Options dialog box.

3. To change what time the day display begins, set a time in the Date starts at drop-down list by clicking the up or down spinner buttons, or by clicking in the text box and typing a new time.

To change what time the day display ends, set a time in the Day ends at drop-down list the same way you set the start time in step 3.

To change how the Appointment Book displays minute increments, open the Appointment Book time scale drop-down list and select a new increment.

Click OK to save your changes and exit the dialog box.

Changing the Time Zone

You can also use the Options dialog box to change the Appointment Bookís time zone. For example, you might find it useful to view your schedule in another time zone if you do business across the country or across the world. You can even display a secondary time zone to help you as you arrange appointments with colleagues in other time zones.

To change the time zone, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears on your screen. Click on the Time Zone tab to bring it to the front of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4. The time tab zone

3. To change the time zone, click on the Primary time zone drop-down list and select a time zone for your Appointment Book (see Figure 4.5). You can type a description for the time zone, like EST, in the text box next to the Primary time zone drop-down list. This information then appears on your daily schedule.

Click OK to close the box.


Figure 4.5 Choose a new time zone from the Primary time zone drop-down list.

Changing the Appointment Bookís Appearance

You can control how your Appointment Book looks with the Display tab in the Options dialog box, shown in Figure 4.6. You can change the background color of the daily schedule, and even change the point size of the text you use in the schedule.

Follow these steps to change the Appointment Bookís appearance:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Options.

The Options dialog box appears on your screen. Click on the Display tab to bring this tab to the front of the dialog box.

Figure 4.6
The display tab

3. To change the background, click on the Appointment Book drop-down list in the Backgrounds area and select a color.

To change font size for the appointment text (which youíll learn to enter in the next lesson), click on the Font size button you want to use.

Click OK to close the dialog box.

In this lesson, you learned about the various parts of the Daily view tab. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to set up appointments in the Appointment Book.


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