10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 3 -
 Getting Help

In this lesson, you will learn how to access Help to get answers to your questions about Schedule+.

Working with the Help System

If you ever get in a jam, you can call for help without dialing 911 by using Schedule+ís Help system. Help is an online system that assists you in times of trouble. Every Microsoft program has a Help menu on its menu bar. The Help menu offers several choices for looking up various topics with which you need assistance.

To display the Help menu, click on the wordHelp on the menu bar. This action opens the Help menu, which is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 The Help menu.

The Help menu has several options to choose from:

  • Microsoft Schedule+ Help Topics Opens a dialog box of Help topics.

  • Answer Wizar Opens a dialog box where you can type in a specific question, which the Answer Wizard then answers. Learn more about this unique feature later in this lesson.

  • Seven Habits Help Topics Schedule+ comes with helpful information from the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. You learn more about this information in Lesson 23.

  • The Microsoft Networ If your computer has a modem, and you have an account with the Microsoft Network online service, you can use this feature to help you connect to the network. Once you connect, you can access online help forums to assist you with any problems.

  • About Microsoft Schedule Opens a window containing information about the program version and maker.

Whatís a Wizard? Microsoft calls many of its automated features wizards. In short, a wizard is a step-by-step guide that leads you through a task or problem. When you select a wizard feature, such as the Answer Wizard, on-screen prompts appear asking you to choose from a variety of options.


Using the Help Topics Dialog Box

One way to access online Help is to use the Help Topics dialog box, shown in Figure 3.2. Within the dialog box are tabs with options for looking up online Help topics.

To open the Help Topics dialog box, follow these steps:

1. Open the Help menu and select Microsoft Schedule+ Help Topics.

The Help Topics dialog box opens, revealing its help options. To bring any tab to the front of the box, simply click on the tab name.

Exiting Dialog Boxes You can exit a dialog box at any time with any of these methods: click on the Close button in the upper-right corner of the dialog box; click on the dialog boxís Cancel button; or press the Esc key.


Figure 3.2 Help is on its way with the online Help system.

Using the Contents Tab

Click on the Contents tab in the Help Topics dialog box to view a list of available help topics (see Figure 3.3). To choose a topic, just double-click on its name or icon. This reveals a sublist of more topics, or opens up a help window detailing the topic. If you double-click on a topic and a sublist opens, keep double-clicking on related topics until you find the exact topic about which you want to view information. Note the several different icons that appear in the lists:

  • A closed book icon next to a topic means thereís a more-detailed list to view.

  • An opened book icon next to a topic means the sublist for the topic is already in view.

  • A question mark icon next to a topic means thereís detailed text to view about the topic.

When viewing Help information, you see some terms with an underline and others with a dotted underline. When you click on an underlined word or phrase, Schedule+ jumps to a related help topic. When you click on a dotted underlined word or phrase, Schedule+ reveals a definition of the term.

Figure 3.3 To select a topic from the list, double-click on a topic.

To use the Contents tab, follow these steps:

1. Double-click on the topic icon or topic phrase/word you want to view from the Contents list. (You can also select the topic and click on the Open button.)

If a sublist appears, double-click on the topic in the sublist thatís related to the topic you want to view.

When you select a specific topic, Schedule+ displays the topicís Help window. The Help window reveals information pertaining to your topic, plus a menu bar and buttons. Figure 3.4 shows a Schedule+ Help window.

To close the Help window, click on the Close button. 

Figure 3.4 Information about the selected topic appears in the window.

Using the Index Tab

Click on theIndex tab in the Help Topics dialog box to open another avenue for seeking help. The Index tab enables you to look up terms from a thorough index list (see Figure 3.5). Simply type in the word you want to look up, and the index scrolls alphabetically to the word or similar words in the list. From there you can double-click to display topics.

1. In the top text box in the Index tab, type in the first few letters of the word you want to look up.

The Index list box scrolls through the terms alphabetically the word you typed. When you see the entire word you want to look up in the list, just double-click on the word, or select the word and click on the Display button.

Information pertaining to the term appears in the Help window. To exit the Help window, click on the Close button.


Figure 3.5 The Index tab.

Looking Up Topics with the Find Tab

Yet another way to look up Help topics is with the Find tab (see Figure 3.6), which is part of Microsoftís wizard collection. The Find tab helps you look up a specific topic based on words you type in. All the topics are in alphabetical order. You type in a word and use the drop-down list boxes to narrow your search.

To use the Find tab, follow these steps:

1. Type the word youíre looking for in the step 1 text box. The drop-down lists in the step 2 and 3 boxes change to display words and topics related to what you type.

To narrow your search, select matching words from the step 2 list.

To select a word or phrase in the step 3 list box, click on the word or phrase and click on the Display button. This opens a window with information about the word or topic.


Figure 3.6 The Find tab.


Figure 3.7 The Answer Wizard tab.

Using the Answer Wizard

By far, the most innovative part of the Help system is the Answer Wizard. To open the Answer Wizard, you click on its tab in the Help Topics dialog box (which you open from the Help menu) or choose the Answer Wizard option directly from the Help menu. Figure 3.7 shows the Answer Wizard tab.

Inside the Answer Wizard tab, all you do is type in your request and click on the Search button, and the list box displays the answer. For example, if youíre having trouble backing up a Schedule+ file, you can type in a question like "How do I backup a schedule?," and Answer Wizard answers you.

You can type in any kind of question, and Answer Wizard tries to respond to it. The Answer Wizard looks for key terms or words in the question and searches the online Help information for terms that meet the search criteria. Then the Answer Wizard supplies you with a list box of related topics, as shown in Figure 3.8. If you see something close to your request listed in the box, double-click on it to see detailed information about the subject matter.


Figure 3.8 The Answer Wizardís answers.

To use the Answer Wizard, follow these steps:

1. Open the Answer Wizard tab. You can do this by opening the Help menu and selecting Answer Wizard. You can also select Microsoft Schedule+ Help Topics and select the Answer Wizard tab.

Type your question in the step 1 box and click on the Search button.

The results of the search appear in the step 2 box. To choose a topic, double-click on it.

To exit the dialog box, click on the Cancel button or the Close button.

Other Help Routes

Aside from the Help menu and Help Topics dialog box, there are other ways to find help. Another way to get help is to press F1 on the keyboard. This opens the Help Topics dialog box directly. And speaking of dialog boxes, you can get help using them, too. Look for the help buttons (marked with a question mark icon) in the dialog boxes you work with to view more information about using the dialog box.

In this lesson, you learned how to access online Help. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to use the Daily view tab.


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