10 Minute Guide to Schedule+ for Windows 95

- Lesson 2 -
Navigating the Schedule+ Screen

In this lesson, you will learn how to move around and use the on-screen elements in Schedule+.

Looking Around the Schedule+ Screen

The whole Schedule+ program (see Figure 2.1) resembles one of those fancy personal organizer/planner books you buy at office stores, complete with tabs to separate your data. However, the pages of your organizer arenít held together by an expensive leather binder, and you donít have to lug it around with you. This organizer is all electronic, simple to use, and right by your side when you work on your computer.

The Schedule+ screen contains the same Windows 95 elements you use in other Windows 95 programs. Menus, toolbars, and scroll bars are in the familiar locations. But the Schedule+ program window looks a lot different from those of the other programs you use. For starters, thereís a daily schedule (Appointment Book) on the screen, accompanied by a monthly calendar (Date Navigator) and a To Do list.

New to Windows 95? If youíre new to the Windows 95 environment, you may want to browse the "Windows 95 Primer" at the back of this book. If you find you need more guidance than the primer offers, you might want to try the 10 Minute Guide to Windows 95 by Trudi Reisner to get up and running quickly.


Figure 2.1 The Schedule+ screen.

Hereís a description of each of the on-screen elements:

  • Title bar Notice that the title bar displays your name. Thatís because itís your schedule. If someone else starts a schedule on your computer, she sees her name on the title bar when she logs on.

  • Minimize, Maximize, and Close button Use these buttons to control the size of the program window.

  • Menu bar You find all of your Schedule+ commands on the various menus on the menu bar. To open a menu, simply click on its name.

  • Toolbar A faster way to activate commands and tasks is to click on the corresponding toolbar buttons. Each button on the toolbar controls a specific task or command. To activate a button, click on it with your mouse pointer. (You learn more about the toolbar later in this lesson.)

  • Windows 95 taskbar This is the bar at the bottom of your Windows 95 desktop (not part of the Schedule+ program). With Windows 95, you can have several programs open at once, and Windows 95 represents each open program with a button on the taskbar. Anytime you minimize a program, it reduces to a button on the taskbar.

  • Tab The left side of your Schedule+ window holds vertical tabs. Each tab represents a different feature of the program. For example, the Daily view tab enables you to view your Appointment Book in daily view. To view a different tab on your screen, click on the tab name.

  • Appointment Book Use the Appointment Book to keep track of your daily schedule. You learn more about this feature in Lessons 4 and 5.

  • Date Navigator To see the page for another date in the Appointment Book, you click on the date in the Date Navigator monthly calendar.

  • To Do list Use this area to help you keep track of daily tasks you have to complete. (See Lesson 10 for more information.)

What Day Is It? If you suddenly forget what day it is, look at your Schedule+ status bar for help. It always displays the current date and time.

You can use the mouse to move around the Schedule+ screen and select items, or you can use the keyboard shortcut keys and selection keys. Many of the on-screen items you work with have shortcut menus for accessing commands quickly. (You can right-click on an item to display a shortcut menu, when applicable.) For more information about using the mouse or keyboard to select on-screen items, or for more information about working with menus and dialog boxes, turn to the "Windows 95 Primer" in the back of this book.

When you first start Schedule+ you may notice that it doesnít make full use of your whole monitor screen (see Figure 2.1). You can use the program window control buttons to change how your Schedule+ window appears.

  • If you prefer Schedule+ to fill your screen, simply click on the Maximize button.

  • To return a maximized program window to its original size, click on the Restore button. (When you maximize a program, the Restore button appears so you can return the window to its previous size.)

  • If you want to keep Schedule+ running but you want to move it out of the way while you work on other programs, minimize the program window to a button on the Windows 95 taskbar. Click on the Minimize button to do so.

  • If you minimize Schedule+, you can open it again by simply clicking on its button on the taskbar.

Working with Schedule+ Tabs

There are six tabs along the left side of your screen. Each of these tabs enables you to use and view a specific Schedule+ feature. By default, Schedule+ is set up to open to the Daily view tab so that you can see the dayís schedule of activities. However, you can open any tab by simply clicking on its name.

Hereís a description of each tab and the feature it displays:

  • Daily Click on this tab to view your daily schedule. You can quickly see your appointments and meetings arranged by times.

  • Weekl Use the Weekly tab to view several consecutive days of your schedule at a glance.

  • Monthl To see your schedule for an entire month, like a calendar, click on the Monthly tab. As you can see in Figure 2.2, this view enables you to see several weeks of your schedule at a time.

Figure 2.2 The Monthly view tab.

  • Planner To see your schedule in blocks of busy and free times, use the Planner view. With this view, you can also see the time blocks of other users on your network. See Lessons 16 and 17 for more on using Schedule+ on a network.

  • To Do Use this view to track and manage the tasks and projects that go along with your schedule. You can include a note to pick up the dry cleaning, you can write a grocery list, or you can list the complex project steps you must complete at work.

  • Contact With Schedule+, you can compile a database of people you contact the most. You can keep an address book of clients, friends, and family that includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Youíll learn more about each of these tabs in the lessons to come.

Using the Schedule+ Toolbar

The toolbar enables you to use shortcuts to common tasks such as printing or copying. To use the toolbar tools, click on the button you want to activate. Many of these buttons, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, are the same as those in other Microsoft programs. However, there are plenty of new buttons on the toolbar as well.

Use this table to learn what each toolbar button does. (Youíll learn more about these commands as we cover them in later lessons, but use this table as a reference.)

Table 2.1 Schedule+ís Toolbar Buttons


Name Description

Today Opens your Appointment Book to the current dateís schedule.

Go To Date Enables you to open your Appointment Book to a specific date.

Oeen Opens another personís schedule file.

Print Opens the Print dialog box so you can select portions of your schedule to print out.

Cut Cuts the data you selected and places it on the Windows Clipboard.

Copy Copies the data you selected and places the copy on the Windows Clipboard.

Paste Pastes data from the Windows Clipboard into your schedule at the insertion point.

Undo Undoes your last action.

Insert New Appointment Opens a dialog box so you can insert an appointment into your schedule.

Delete Enables you to delete an appointment or task from your schedule.

Edit Opens a dialog box so you can edit appointments.

Recurring Helps you set up an appointment as a recurring event on your schedule.

Reminder Adds a reminder icon to your appointment or task.

Private Adds a private icon to your appointment or task.

Tentative Schedules the appointment as a tentative item on your schedule.

Meeting Wizard Leads you through the necessary steps for scheduling meetings on a network. (This button is only available in group-enabled mode.)

Timex Watch Wizard Enables you to upload schedule information onto your Timex Data Link watch.

View Mail Enables you to view your e-mail on the network mail system. (This button is only available in group-enabled mode.)


Using ToolTips

If you ever have any doubt about what a toolbar button does, you can always find out by moving your mouse pointer over the button, pausing while the mouse pointer touches the button, and reading the ToolTip name that appears. If you donít see the ToolTip name, you may not have this feature turned on. To turn it on, follow these steps:

1. Open the Tools menu and select Options.

In the Options dialog box that appears (see Figure 2.3), click on the Display tab to bring this tab to the front of the dialog box.

Figure 2.3 The Options dialog box.

3. Select the Show ToolTips check box. A check mark in the check box means the ToolTips feature is on. (To turn it off, deselect the check box.)

Click OK to exit the Options dialog box.

In this lesson, you learned about the different elements of the Schedule+ screen and how to use the toolbar buttons. In the next lesson, youíll learn how to find online help.


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