-- 7 --

Accessing Personal Oracle7 with SQL*Plus

SQL*Plus is a component of Personal Oracle7 and is used for executing SQL statements. SQL*Plus can also function as a rudimentary report writer with the capability to subtotal, total, and suppress repeating values.

SQL*Plus plays an important role in developing applications for Personal Oracle7. You'll use SQL*Plus to develop scripts for constructing tables, indexes, and other database objects. It's also valuable for prototyping the SQL statements that your application will use. After you've refined the appropriate SQL statements, you can incorporate them into whatever application tool you're using--;PowerBuilder, Oracle Forms, or Visual Basic. Another advantage of using SQL*Plus is that it offers a consistent environment for the execution of scripts, regardless of the operating system in which it resides.

Both this chapter and the online Oracle SQL*Plus User's Guide use the term SQL*Plus session to refer to commands and responses that occur from the time you connect to SQL*Plus until the time that you disconnect from SQL*Plus.

Distinguishing SQL Statements from SQL*Plus Commands

To master the use of SQL*Plus, you need to understand the difference between Oracle SQL statements and SQL*Plus commands.

SQL statements fall into three categories:

No formal categories exist for SQL*Plus commands, but here is a convenient way to group them:


You can use SQL*DBA to issue SQL statements to Personal Oracle7. However, SQL*DBA doesn't recognize any SQL*Plus commands and lacks a command buffer that can be edited or saved.

SQL statements differ from SQL*Plus commands in several ways. SQL statements are terminated with a semicolon and don't require a continuation character at the end of each line; if a SQL*Plus command requires more than a single line of input, you must use the hyphen character (-)to tell SQL*Plus that another line of input follows.

SQL statements can be used in fourth-generation languages (4GLs), programs built with an Oracle precompiler, and ad hoc query tools and report writers; SQL*Plus commands cannot be used outside of SQL*Plus.

Many SQL*Plus commands remain in effect until new settings override them.

Looking at a Table Definition with DESCRIBE

DESCRIBE is an indispensable command that displays a table definition. The information returned by DESCRIBE includes each column's name, its datatype, its length and scale, and whether or not it is mandatory.

SQL> desc Depot

 Name                            Null?    Type

 ------------------------------- -------- ----

 DEPOT_ID                        NOT NULL NUMBER(4)

 COMPANY_NAME                             VARCHAR2(30)

 STREET_ADDRESS                           VARCHAR2(60)

 CITY                                     VARCHAR2(30)

 STATE                                    VARCHAR2(2)

 ZIPCODE                                  VARCHAR2(9)

 TELEPHONE                                VARCHAR2(10)

 FAX                                      VARCHAR2(10)

 PRIMARY_CONTACT_NAME                     VARCHAR2(30)

 CREATED_DATE                             DATE

 CREATED_BY                               VARCHAR2(30)

 MODIFIED_DATE                            DATE

 MODIFIED_BY                              VARCHAR2(30)

However, the DESCRIBE command does not indicate which columns are part of the primary key, which columns are foreign keys, or which (if any) table or column constraints have been defined.

You can also use the DESCRIBE command to display the calling sequence for a function, procedure, or package.

The Command Buffer

SQL*Plus maintains the current SQL statement in a command buffer. Each line in this command buffer is numbered. You can edit, invoke, and save the contents of the command buffer; you can also display the buffer's contents by typing L (for list) at the SQL*Plus prompt.

SQL> list

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3* order by Customer_ID

SQL> l

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3* order by Customer_ID

You can edit the contents of the command buffer in three ways:


If you're trying to build a large SQL statement, use a text editor (such as Windows Notepad or Write) or a word processor. The editing limitations of SQL*Plus can be quite frustrating. You should build your SQL statement in another tool and either copy the lines or execute them from SQL*Plus.

Copying and Pasting the Command Buffer

For new SQL*Plus users, the most intuitive method for manipulating the command buffer is through copying and pasting. For example, you could highlight valid SQL statements from an open file in the Windows Notepad and paste the text into SQL*Plus.

To copy and paste text in SQL*Plus, do the following:

  1. Highlight the text using the mouse or keyboard. Be sure to highlight only text segments that consist of valid SQL statements; do not include the SQL*Plus prompt SQL>.
  2. Select Edit [vb] Copy or press Ctrl+Ins.
  3. Select Edit [vb] Paste or press Shift+Ins.

Editing the Command Buffer with an Editor

As an alternative to the copy-and-paste method, SQL*Plus furnishes an item in the Edit menu that invokes an Editor selection. Under the Editor menu item, you may either invoke the editor that's been defined or define a different editor. By default, Windows Notepad is the defined editor. (See Figure 7.1.) *

Figure 7.1. Using Notepad to edit the SQL*Plus command buffer.

Editing the Command Buffer with Commands

A set of commands is available to you for editing the command buffer. People who used SQL*Plus before the advent of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were forced to rely on these commands. Although these editing commands are not intuitive or user-friendly, I have included them here for the sake of completeness: using them is a matter of preference.

As with all editor commands, these commands are based on the concept of the current line in the command buffer. For example, you can type L to see the contents of the command buffer.

Command	Description

L(LIST)	To list the contents of the command buffer.

N (where N is a number)	Make N the current line to be edited.

I(INSERT)	Insert a new line after the current line. The new line becomes the current line.

D(DELETE)	Delete the current line.

A(APPEND) text	Append text to the current line.

C(CHANGE)/string1/string2/	Change the first occurrence of string1 to string2.

The following paragraphs explain how these commands are actually used. If you want to edit the second line, you type a 2 at the SQL prompt.

SQL> l

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3* order by Customer_ID

SQL> 2

  2* from Customer

Now that line 2 is the current line, insert a new line.

SQL> 2

  2* from Customer

SQL> i

  3i where

  4i Last_Name like 'J%'


SQL> l

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Last_Name like 'J%'

  5* order by Customer_ID

You've added a WHERE clause to the query, but now you realize that you want to add an additional criterion on line 4.

SQL> 4

  4* Last_Name like 'J%'

SQL> a  or First_Name like '%e%'

  4* Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'

You should notice two things about the APPEND command. First, if you need a space between the end of a line and what you plan to append, you'll need two spaces between the A or APPEND and whatever it is you are adding. Second, the APPEND command echoes the line.

Finally, you realize that you want to change the last line so that the output is ordered by Last_Name instead of by Customer_ID.

SQL> 5

  5* order by Customer_ID

SQL> c/Customer_ID/Last_Name/

  5* order by Last_Name

In SQL*Plus, you can execute a SQL statement in one of three ways:

SQL> select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name
2 from Customer
3 where
4 Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'
5 order by Last_Name;
----------- ------------------------------ ----------
1005 Horace Michelle
6104 Jensen Rachel
1001 Johnson Samuel
1002 Martinez Steve
1007 McClintock Harvey
1003 Smyth Julie
6 rows selected.

SQL> r
1 select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name
2 from Customer
3 where
4 Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'
5* order by Last_Name

----------- ------------------------------ ----------
1005 Horace Michelle
6104 Jensen Rachel
1001 Johnson Samuel
1002 Martinez Steve
1007 McClintock Harvey
1003 Smyth Julie
6 rows selected.

SQL> /
----------- ------------------------------ ----------
1005 Horace Michelle
6104 Jensen Rachel
1001 Johnson Samuel
1002 Martinez Steve
1007 McClintock Harvey
1003 Smyth Julie
6 rows selected.

Saving SQL Statements to a File

You can use either of two methods to save SQL statements to an MS-DOS file:

The SQL*Plus SAVE Command

The SAVE command stores the contents of the SQL*Plus command buffer into the specified MS-DOS file. If the file already exists, the SAVE command will not automatically override it.

SQL> l

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'

  5* order by Last_Name

SQL> save c:\fraywire\custqry

Created file c:\fraywire\custqry

By default, the SAVE command uses a file extension of .SQL. You can override the default by specifying a different file extension. If you try to save the command buffer to an existing file, SQL*Plus returns this message:

SQL> save c:\fraywire\custqry

File "c:\fraywire\custqry.SQL" already exists.

Use another name or "SAVE filename REPLACE".

SQL> save c:\fraywire\custqry replace

Wrote file c:\fraywire\custqry

Using GET to Obtain a SQL Statement

Presumably, you've saved a SQL statement using the SAVE command so that you can use it again. With the SQL*Plus GET command, you can retrieve the contents of the command buffer that were stored to a file with the SAVE command. This example starts with an empty command buffer, uses the GET command to retrieve a file containing a valid SQL statement, and executes the statement when the user types an R.

SQL> l

No lines in SQL buffer.

SQL> get c:\fraywire\custqry

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'

  5* order by Last_Name

SQL> r

  1  select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Last_Name like 'J%' or First_Name like '%e%'

  5* order by Last_Name


----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

       1005 Horace                         Michelle

       6104 Jensen                         Rachel

       1001 Johnson                        Samuel

       1002 Martinez                       Steve

       1007 McClintock                     Harvey

       1003 Smyth                          Julie

6 rows selected.

You can also use the / command to execute the contents of the command buffer. The difference between the / command and the R or RUN command is that the / doesn't echo the contents of the command buffer before executing the SQL statement. Remember that if you don't specify an extension for the filename, GET assumes that it is .SQL.

Saving Output to a File

The SPOOL command saves query results to a file. The following code shows you how to invoke the SPOOL command at the SQL*Plus prompt:

SQL> spool c:\fraywire\qry_oput

SQL> select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Manufacturer_ID = 'SEN101'

  5  order by Product_ID;


------------ ------



A504         SEN101


A509         SEN101


B801         SEN101


B9310        SEN101

Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS

C3002        SEN101


D301         SEN101

6 rows selected.

SQL> spool off

As shown in the previous example, the SQL*Plus command to stop spooling is

SQL> spool off

The version of SQL*Plus supplied with Personal Oracle7 also enables you to invoke the SPOOL command as a menu item. (See Figure 7.2.)

Figure 7.2. Specifying a spool file in SQL*Plus.

Running a Script

A SQL*Plus script consists of SQL*Plus commands and SQL statements. You can use several methods to invoke a SQL*Plus script:

start script


Figure 7.3. Properties of a shortcut that invokes a SQL*Plus script.

Nesting SQL*Plus Scripts

A SQL*Plus script can contain a START command to invoke another SQL*Plus script. For example, you could write a SQL*Plus script that calls four other SQL*Plus scripts in this way:

start c:\fraywire\cust_ca

start c:\fraywire\cust_mi

start c:\fraywire\cust_wa

start c:\fraywire\prod_sen

Here's the output from invoking the MASTER.SQL script:

SQL> start c:\fraywire\master

SQL> start c:\fraywire\cust_ca

SQL> select Customer_ID

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Input truncated to 13 characters

State = 'CA';




SQL> start c:\fraywire\cust_mi

SQL> select Customer_ID

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Input truncated to 13 characters

State = 'MI';





SQL> start c:\fraywire\cust_wa

SQL> select Customer_ID

  2  from Customer

  3  where

  4  Input truncated to 13 characters

State = 'WA';




SQL> start c:\fraywire\prod_sen

SQL> select Product_ID

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Input truncated to 27 characters

Manufacturer_ID = 'SEN101';









6 rows selected.

Formatting Output

The formatting that this section covers is achieved via SQL*Plus commands. These commands enable you to specify formats, totals, and subtotals and to suppress repeating values. The formatting commands are temporal; they remain in effect only for SQL statements processed during the same SQL*Plus session.

Formatting a Column with the COLUMN Command

The COLUMN command offers many options for formatting a column's display. The COLUMN command can override the default output formatting that SQL*Plus provides.

Specifying a Column's Format

Each column, depending on its datatype, has a format that can be specified for displaying output. For example, a numeric column used for storing price information can be formatted in many ways, including: With a dollar sign

With negative values enclosed in parentheses
With leading zeros

In your database application, you might need to display the estimate returned by a depot in this way:

SQL> column Total_Cost format '$9,999'

SQL> r

  1  select Repair_ID, Item_Number, Total_Cost

  2  from Depot_Estimate

  3* order by Repair_ID


--------- ----------- ----------

     2003           1       $523

     2004           1       $316

     2005           1       $142

     2006           1       $217

     2006           2        $66

As you can see, the format used for the Total_Cost column didn't include a decimal point; as a result, cents aren't displayed. You can use the COLUMN command to change the format.

SQL> column Total_Cost format '$9,999.99'

SQL> r

  1  select Repair_ID, Item_Number, Total_Cost

  2  from Depot_Estimate

  3* order by Repair_ID


--------- ----------- ----------

     2003           1    $522.75

     2004           1    $315.68

     2005           1    $141.94

     2006           1    $216.76

     2006           2     $65.59

For character columns, you can use the FORMAT option to specify the displayed width of a column. For the Product table, you might want a report in which the product description wraps after displaying up to 30 characters.

SQL> column Description format a30

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3* order by Product_ID


------------ ------ ------------------------------

A2001        TES801 AMPLIFIER, 100W PER CHANNEL, R


A504         SEN101 AMP 300W PER CHAN, RMS

A509         SEN101 AMP 600 WATTS PER CHANNEL, RMS



B311         TES801 Pre-amp, 120 W per channel

B384         TES801 PREAMP, 460 W/RMS



B901         TES801 Preamplifier, 200 W per channe

                    l, RMS

B9310        SEN101 Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS


C2005        MIT501 5-DISK CD PLAYER

C3002        SEN101 JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK CAPACIT


D301         SEN101

TR901        TES801 Tuner

14 rows selected.

Of course, you really don't want the description to wrap to the next line if you're in the middle of a word. To prevent midword wrapping, you add the phrase WORD_WRAP to the COLUMN command in this way:

SQL> column Description format a30 word_wrap

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3* order by Product_ID


------------ ------ ------------------------------

A2001        TES801 AMPLIFIER, 100W PER CHANNEL,


A504         SEN101 AMP 300W PER CHAN, RMS

A509         SEN101 AMP 600 WATTS PER CHANNEL, RMS



B311         TES801 Pre-amp, 120 W per channel

B384         TES801 PREAMP, 460 W/RMS

B801         SEN101 PRE AMPLIFIER 150


B901         TES801 Preamplifier, 200 W per

                    channel, RMS

B9310        SEN101 Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS


C2005        MIT501 5-DISK CD PLAYER

C3002        SEN101 JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK


D301         SEN101

TR901        TES801 Tuner

14 rows selected.

As an alternative to word wrapping, you can use the TRUNC option to truncate the display of a column's contents.

SQL> column Description format a30 trunc

SQL> select Prodct_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3  order by Product_ID;


------------ ------ ------------------------------

A2001        TES801 AMPLIFIER, 100W PER CHANNEL, R

A504         SEN101 AMP 300W PER CHAN, RMS

A509         SEN101 AMP 600 WATTS PER CHANNEL, RMS


B311         TES801 Pre-amp, 120 W per channel

B384         TES801 PREAMP, 460 W/RMS


B901         TES801 Preamplifier, 200 W per channe

B9310        SEN101 Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS


C2005        MIT501 5-DISK CD PLAYER

C3002        SEN101 JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK CAPACIT

D301         SEN101

TR901        TES801 Tuner

14 rows selected.


Remember that if you set a column's format with the COLUMN command, SQL*Plus uses that format for all columns with the same name--;even if they occur in different tables. You can either reissue the COLUMN command with a different format before each SELECT statement or specify an alias so that each column name is unique.

Changing a Column's Heading

When you specify a list of columns to be displayed in a query, SQL*Plus uses the column name as the column heading. If you want to use a different column heading, you have two choices: either use a column alias or use the COLUMN command to specify a different column heading.

A column alias is specified after the column expression. This example specifies the alias Depreciated_Amount for the column expression Initial_Retail_Value --; Current_Used_Value.

SQL> select Product_ID, Initial_Retail_Value - Current_Used_Value

  2  Depreciated_Amount

  3  from Product

  4  order by Product_ID;


------------ ------------------

A2001                       100

A504                        195

A509                        175

A903                        225

If you want to use more than one word as a column heading, enclose the column heading in double quotes. In this case you aren't using an underscore (_) character between the words Depreciated and Amount.

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Initial_Retail_Value - Current_Used_Value

  2  "Depreciated Amount"

  3  from Product

  4* order by Product_ID

PRODUCT_ID   Depreciated Amount

------------ ------------------

A2001                       100

A504                        195

A509                        175

A903                        225

Here's an example of how to change a column heading with the FORMAT command.

SQL> column Manufacturer_ID format A20 heading "Manufacturer"

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID

  2  from Product

  3  where Description like '%CD%'

  4* order by Product_ID

PRODUCT_ID   Manufacturer

------------ --------------------

C2002        MIT501

C2005        MIT501

C3002        SEN101

Totals and Subtotals

Personal Oracle7 provides a built-in function for computing a total--;the SUM function--;but SQL*Plus also provides the BREAK and COMPUTE commands for printing summary lines, including subtotals, averages, and totals. Suppose you want to display the average value of repair depot estimates along with the details of each estimate.

SQL> break on Depot_ID skip 1

SQL> compute avg of Total_Cost on Depot_ID

SQL> select Depot_ID, Labor_Cost, Parts_Cost, Total_Cost

  2  from Depot_Estimate

  3  order by Depot_ID;


--------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1001        240        260    $522.75

                  83        123    $216.76

                  21         41     $65.59

*********                       ----------

avg                                $268.37

     1002        183        122    $315.68

                  93         45    $141.94

                  89        139    $240.16

*********                       ----------

avg                                $232.59

     1003        320        310    $657.13

                  91         93    $192.14

*********                       ----------

avg                                $424.64

     1004        119        212    $349.55

                  21         46     $71.03

*********                       ----------

avg                                $210.29


--------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1005         91        251    $363.96

                  55         81    $143.09

*********                       ----------

avg                                $253.53

12 rows selected.

The preceding example uses the BREAK command to suppress repeating values of Depot_ID and to skip a line whenever the value of Depot_ID changes. The COMPUTE command computes the average of Total_Cost for each Depot_ID.

Suppressing Repeating Values with the BREAK Command

The BREAK command instructs SQL*Plus to suppress the display of repeating values for a column. The following code shows you how to specify multiple columns for suppressing repeating values.

SQL> break on Repair_ID on Depot_ID

SQL> select Repair_ID, Depot_ID, Item_Number, Total_Cost

  2  from Depot_Estimate

  3  order by Repair_ID, Depot_ID, Item_Number;


--------- --------- ----------- ----------

     2003      1001           1     522.75

     2004      1002           1     315.68

     2005      1002           1     141.94

     2006      1001           1     216.76

                              2      65.59

     4001      1003           1     657.13

     4002      1004           1     349.55

     4003      1005           1     363.96

     4004      1004           1      71.03

     4005      1005           1     143.09

     4006      1002           1     240.16

     4007      1003           1     192.14

12 rows selected.

Remember that the BREAK command does not affect the ordering in which the SELECT statement returns the rows. Use the ORDER BY clause to specify the columns to be used in ordering the query results.

Other Examples of the COMPUTE Command

You can compute more than one function using the COMPUTE command. The following example computes the average and total of Total_Cost for each Depot_ID:

SQL> break on Depot_ID skip 1

SQL> compute avg sum of Total_Cost on Depot_ID

SQL> select Depot_ID, Labor_Cost, Parts_Cost, Total_Cost

  2  from Depot_Estimate

  3  order by Depot_ID;


--------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1001        240        260    $522.75

                  83        123    $216.76

                  21         41     $65.59

*********                       ----------

avg                                $268.37

sum                                $805.10

     1002        183        122    $315.68

                  93         45    $141.94

                  89        139    $240.16

*********                       ----------

avg                                $232.59

sum                                $697.78

     1003        320        310    $657.13

                  91         93    $192.14

*********                       ----------

avg                                $424.64

sum                                $849.27

     1004        119        212    $349.55


--------- ---------- ---------- ----------

     1004         21         46     $71.03

*********                       ----------

avg                                $210.29

sum                                $420.58

     1005         91        251    $363.96

                  55         81    $143.09

*********                       ----------

avg                                $253.53

sum                                $507.05

12 rows selected.

Adding Titles to SQL*Plus Output

In conjunction with its other formatting commands, SQL*Plus provides two commands for producing titles: TTITLE for specifying the title at the top of each page and BTITLE for specifying the title at the bottom of each page.

In the next example TTITLE and BTITLE display a title, a date, and the current page number.

SQL> ttitle left 'Frayed Wires Product Report' center 'May 9, 1997' -

> right 'Page' format 99 sql.pno

SQL> btitle center 'FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY'

SQL> select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3  order by Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID;

Frayed Wires Product Report   May 9, 1997                      Page  1


-------------------- --------------- ------------------------------

A2001                TES801          AMPLIFIER, 100W PER CHANNEL, R

A504                 SEN101          AMP 300W PER CHAN, RMS

A509                 SEN101          AMP 600 WATTS PER CHANNEL, RMS

A903                 TES801          AMP, PROFESSIONAL 800W RMS PER

B311                 TES801          Pre-amp, 120 W per channel

B384                 TES801          PREAMP, 460 W/RMS

B801                 SEN101          PRE AMPLIFIER 150 WATTS/CHANNE

B901                 TES801          Preamplifier, 200 W per channe

B9310                SEN101          Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS

C2002                MIT501          CD PLAYER, SINGLE-DISK

C2005                MIT501          5-DISK CD PLAYER

C3002                SEN101          JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK CAPACIT

D301                 SEN101

TR901                TES801          Tuner

                         FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY

The TTITLE command specifies three separate strings:

The page number refers to a SQL*Plus variable named SQL.PNO. Another SQL*Plus variable that you might want to reference in a report is SQL.LNO, the current line number.

As you can see, BTITLE uses the same syntax as TTITLE.

SQL*Plus System Variables

SQL*Plus employs a number of system variables that control the characteristics of each SQL*Plus session. The SET command, for example, sets a system variable to a particular value; the SHOW command views the current setting of a system variable. You can also use the SHOW command to view all system variable settings.

SQL> show all

arraysize 15

autocommit OFF

autoprint OFF

blockterminator "." (hex 2e)

btitle OFF and is the 1st few characters of the next SELECT statement

closecursor OFF

colsep " "

cmdsep OFF

compatibility version NATIVE

concat "." (hex 2e)

copycommit 0

copytypecheck is ON

crt ""

define "&" (hex 26)

echo OFF

editfile "afiedt.buf"

embedded OFF

escape OFF

feedback ON for 6 or more rows

flagger OFF

flush ON

heading ON

headsep "|" (hex 7c)

linesize 100

lno 24

long 80

longchunksize 80

maxdata 60000

newpage 1

null ""

numformat ""

numwidth 9

pagesize 24

pause is OFF

pno 0

recsep WRAP

recsepchar " " (hex 20)

release 702020301

serveroutput OFF

showmode OFF

spool OFF

sqlcase MIXED

sqlcode 0

sqlcontinue "> "

sqlnumber ON

sqlprefix "#" (hex 23)

sqlprompt "SQL> "

sqlterminator ";" (hex 3b)

suffix "SQL"

tab ON

termout ON

time OFF

timing OFF

trimout ON

trimspool OFF

ttitle OFF and is the 1st few characters of the next SELECT statement

underline "-" (hex 2d)

user is "SYSTEM"

verify ON

wrap : lines will be wrapped

As you can see, SQL*Plus has several system variables. A discussion of the more important ones follows.


AUTOCOMMIT controls how SQL*Plus commits transactions. If AUTOCOMMIT is set to ON, SQL*Plus performs a commit after each SQL statement is processed. The default setting for AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. With AUTOCOMMIT set to ON, if you accidentally delete some rows from a table, you can't roll back from the transaction. You generally want to leave AUTOCOMMIT set to OFF.


If you don't want to echo the SQL statements that SQL*Plus processes, set ECHO to OFF. OFF is commonly used to prepare reports in which you want to see only the desired results without the SQL statements that produced the results.


The system variable FEEDBACK controls when and whether SQL*Plus indicates the number of records returned by a query. The default setting of FEEDBACK is 6. In other words, if a query retrieves six or more rows, SQL*Plus displays the number of rows. If the query returns less than six rows, SQL*Plus will not provide this feedback. You can set the number of rows that will trigger FEEDBACK.


By default, SQL*Plus displays column headings. To disable the display of headings, simply set HEADING to OFF.


LINESIZE controls the maximum number of characters that appear on a line of output. However, if you want to increase the LINESIZE, you'll also need to increase the width of the screen buffer. (See Figure 7.4.)

Figure 7.4. Changing the SQL*Plus screen buffer width.


If you absolutely need to store more than 2,000 characters in a column, you'll need to define the column using Oracle's LONG datatype. Please be aware that SQL*Plus will not display more than 80 characters of a LONG column unless you increase the LONG system variable. If you need to display a large number of characters--;say, up to 5,000--;you'll need to set LONG to 5000. In addition, you'll probably need to reduce ARRAYSIZE to 1.


SQL*Plus uses the value of NUMWIDTH to determine the width to use when displaying numbers. The default value of NUMWIDTH is 10. You can increase this value if your application requires it.


PAGESIZE defines the number of lines on a page, which determines when column headings and page titles should be displayed. If you want to suppress all titles and column headings, set PAGESIZE to 0.


If you submit a query that retrieves many records, the default behavior of SQL*Plus is to send the results zipping by you on the screen. If you set PAUSE to ON or to a string, SQL*Plus waits for you to press the Return key before continuing with the next screen's worth of output.

SQL> set pause More?

SQL> select *

  2  from Customer;


CUSTOMER_ID LAST_NAME                      FIRST_NAME                     SALUT

----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----

STREET_ADDRESS                                               CITY

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------


--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --- ---------


------------------------------ --------- ------------------------------

       1001 Johnson                        Samuel                         Mr.

1922 Bedford Blvd.                                           Santa Margherina

91010     7145559876            7145550123

       1002 Martinez                       Steve                          Mr.

9303 Channel Drive.                                          Williamshire

12912     6025559133 6025553811 6025553833

       1003 Smyth                          Julie                          Ms.

39121 Pillar Ave.                                            Portsmith

03991     5035553843            5035551283


SQL*Plus prompts you to press the Return key after displaying the number of lines defined in the system variable PAGESIZE.


You can include the current time in the SQL*Plus prompt by setting TIME to ON. You may find this setting useful when spooling output to a file.

SQL> set time on

18:39:48 SQL>


TIMING sets the display of timing statistics for each SQL command to ON or OFF. If you're trying to collect performance information about Personal Oracle7, you can set TIMING to ON and spool the statistics to a file.

SQL> set timing on

SQL> select count(*) from Product;




 real: 1210

Establishing Default SQL*Plus System Variables

In the ORAWIN95\PLS32 directory, you will find a file named GLOGIN.SQL. You can incorporate additional SQL*Plus commands by adding lines to this file. These system variable settings take effect for each SQL*Plus session.

Writing Flexible Queries with Substitution Variables

Within SQL*Plus, you can reference substitution variables in your SQL statements. Substitution variables enable you to rerun the same SQL statement with a different set of values. You denote a substitution variable by preceding a user variable name with a single or double ampersand (&). For instance, a query is more flexible when it references a substitution variable.

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Initial_Retail_Value

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Initial_Retail_Value > &init_value

  5* order by Product_ID

Enter value for init_value: 500

old   4: Initial_Retail_Value > &init_value

new   4: Initial_Retail_Value > 500


------------ ------ --------------------

A504         SEN101                  585

A509         SEN101                  850

A903         TES801                 1050

B384         TES801                  740

C3002        SEN101                 2150

By embedding a substitution variable inside a text string, you will avoid having to include quotes around the value. The following example illustrates the use of two different substitution variables--;the first substitution variable is used for specifying a numeric value and the second substitution variable is placed inside a text string:

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Initial_Retail_Value

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Initial_Retail_Value > &init_value and

  5  Manufacturer_ID like '%&Manuf_ID%'

  6* order by Product_ID

Enter value for init_value: 400

old   4: Initial_Retail_Value > &init_value and

new   4: Initial_Retail_Value > 400 and

Enter value for manuf_id: SEN

old   5: Manufacturer_ID like '%&Manuf_ID%'

new   5: Manufacturer_ID like '%SEN%'


------------ ------ --------------------

A504         SEN101                  585

A509         SEN101                  850

B9310        SEN101                  430

C3002        SEN101                 2150

When SQL*Plus prompts you to supply a value for a substitution value, you must supply a value that corresponds to the appropriate datatype. For example, if you want to retrieve products whose Manufacturer_ID is like '%SEN%', you must remember surround the string with single quotes.

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Initial_Retail_Value

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Manufacturer_ID like &Manuf_ID

  5* order by Product_ID

Enter value for manuf_id: %SEN%

old   4: Manufacturer_ID like &Manuf_ID

new   4: Manufacturer_ID like %SEN%

Manufacturer_ID like %SEN%


ERROR at line 4:

ORA-00911: invalid character

The convenience of a substitution variable is that it enables you to rerun the same SQL statement with different values. You should use substitution variables with INSERT statements to reduce your keystrokes. Remember to give your substitution variables meaningful names.

Passing Values to SQL*Plus Scripts with Substitution Variables

The START command invokes a specified SQL*Plus script that contains SQL statements and SQL*Plus commands. You can also use the START command to pass values to the script that you want to run.

Suppose that you want to create a report containing customer information for customers living in a specific state. However, you want to be able to specify the state when you run the report. The following SQL*Plus script, named custstat.sql, shows you how to implement these specifications:

set echo off

spool c:\fraywire\custstat

select Customer_ID, Last_Name, First_Name

from Customer


State = '&1'

order by &2;

spool off

Notice that instead of having meaningful names, the substitution variables are named &1 and &2. From SQL*Plus, you invoke the custstat.sql script with the START command in this way:

SQL> start c:\fraywire\custstat 'MI' Last_Name

old   4: State = '&1'

new   4: State = 'MI'

old   5: order by &2

new   5: order by Last_Name


----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------

       1009 Chen                           Laura

       1008 Moran                          Sarah

The name of each substitution variable corresponds to its order in the START command: &1 corresponded to 'MI', and &2 corresponded to Last_Name. In general, the syntax for the START command is

START script [sub1] [sub2] ... [subN]

where script is the filename of the SQL*Plus script to be executed and sub1 through subN are arguments to be used as values in substitution variables.

Other Ways of Setting User Variables

SQL*Plus provides two commands for setting user variables: DEFINE and ACCEPT.

With the DEFINE command, you can create a user variable and assign a character value to it.

SQL> define Selected_Mfgr = "SEN101"

SQL> r

  1  select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Manufacturer_ID = '&Selected_Mfgr'

  5* order by Product_ID

old   4: Manufacturer_ID = '&Selected_Mfgr'

new   4: Manufacturer_ID = 'SEN101'

Frayed Wires Product Report   May 9, 1997                      Page  1


-------------------- --------------- ------------------------------

A504                 SEN101          AMP 300W PER CHAN, RMS

A509                 SEN101          AMP 600 WATTS PER CHANNEL, RMS

B801                 SEN101          PRE AMPLIFIER 150 WATTS/CHANNE

B9310                SEN101          Pre amp, 250 W/channel, RMS

C3002                SEN101          JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK CAPACIT

The ACCEPT command specifies a user variable, its datatype, and the text to be used in a user prompt.

SQL> accept Descrip_Pattern char -

> prompt 'Enter Description text to search for: '

Enter Description text to search for: CD

SQL> select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

  2  from Product

  3  where

  4  Description like '%&Descrip_Pattern%';

old   4: Description like '%&Descrip_Pattern%'

new   4: Description like '%CD%'

Frayed Wires Product Report   May 9, 1997                      Page  1


-------------------- --------------- ------------------------------

C2002                MIT501          CD PLAYER, SINGLE-DISK

C2005                MIT501          5-DISK CD PLAYER

C3002                SEN101          JUKEBOX, CD - 100 DISK CAPACIT

If you want to provide multiple lines of information when prompting the user, use the PROMPT command in conjunction with ACCEPT. Here's a SQL*Plus script that contains the PROMPT and ACCEPT commands:

column Description format a20 trunc

set echo off

prompt Please enter the pattern to search

prompt product descriptions. You may use the percent sign

prompt as a wildcard and the underscore as a placeholder

accept Descrip_Pattern char prompt 'Pattern: '

select Product_ID, Manufacturer_ID, Description

from Product


Description like '&Descrip_Pattern'

order by Product_ID;

Here is how the SQL*Plus script behaves when invoked:

SQL> @c:\fraywire\accept

Please enter the pattern to search

product descriptions. You may use the percent sign

as a wildcard and the underscore as a placeholder

Pattern: %AMP%

old   4: Description like '&Descrip_Pattern'

new   4: Description like '%AMP%'


------------ ------ --------------------

A2001        TES801 AMPLIFIER, 100W PER

A504         SEN101 AMP 300W PER CHAN, R

A509         SEN101 AMP 600 WATTS PER CH

A903         TES801 AMP, PROFESSIONAL 80

B384         TES801 PREAMP, 460 W/RMS

B801         SEN101 PRE AMPLIFIER 150 WA

6 rows selected.

The SQL*Plus COPY Command

One SQL*Plus command that you'll find quite useful is the COPY command. At first glance, COPY seems to offer the same capability as the INSERT and CREATE TABLE statements; that is, it copies data from an existing table to another existing table or a new table. The COPY command does have one major advantage over the INSERT statement; see Chapter 9, "Using SQL to Modify Data," for a thorough discussion.


SQL*Plus--;a Personal Oracle7 tool that offers an interactive SQL interface--;is suitable for creating database objects such as tables, indexes, triggers, and stored procedures. In addition, you can use SQL*Plus for prototyping SQL statements for use in an application development tool such as PowerBuilder or Visual Basic.

SQL*Plus can process SQL statements interactively, or it can invoke a script that contains SQL statements and SQL*Plus commands.

Each SQL statement is stored in a command buffer that can be executed repeatedly or modified.