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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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After you have all the scheduling parameters entered, click the Create button to schedule the task. If you need to modify the task later on, click the task name from the main Tasks page and make the edits on the Edit Scheduler Task page (which looks exactly like the page in Figure 34.13). When you’re done making your changes, click the Update button to apply them.

FIGURE 34.13  ColdFusion templates can be run automatically according to schedules that you create.

NOTE:  Tasks are automatically deleted after the end date specified in the task duration has passed. If you did not specify an end date, you can delete the task by going to the Edit Scheduler Task page and clicking the Delete button.

Using the Verity Search Engine

ColdFusion comes bundled with a version of the popular Verity search engine, making it easy to set up searchable sets of documents. In Verity vernacular, these sets of documents are called collections, and you can create your own collections from the ColdFusion Administrator’s Verity page (see Figure 34.14).

The Verity page is divided into two parts. The top part shows any existing Verity collections and enables you to perform different operations on those collections. The most common task is to index a collection. When you click the Index button, you get the option of specifying (by file extension) which type of files you want to index, the directory you want to index, and whether you want to recursively index subdirectories. When Verity indexes a collection, it examines the contents of each file and builds a database to support search engine queries against those files.

The lower part of the Verity page enables you to create a new Verity collection. To do this, you type in a name for the collection, specify the directory where ColdFusion should store the collection, and provide a language context for the collection.

FIGURE 34.14  Verity collections are groups of searchable documents that you can access through ColdFusion.

Registering Applets

ColdFusion works well with Java applets, but only after you have registered the applet with the ColdFusion Administrator. To do this, go to the Applet page in the Administrator, type in a name for the applet, and click the Register New Applet button. When you do, you’ll see the page shown in Figure 34.15.

The information you have to provide on the Register New Applet page may look familiar to you if you use the <APPLET> tag a lot. The values for the CODE, CODEBASE, METHOD, HEIGHT, WIDTH, VSPACE, HSPACE, and ALIGN attributes are exactly what you would put in the corresponding fields on the registration page. ColdFusion will use this information to write out an <APPLET> tag for you. The text entered in the Java Not Supported Message is exactly what you might specify in an ALT attribute, except what you enter through the ColdFusion Administrator can be marked up with HTML code.

In the applet parameters section, you can specify the parameter/value pairs that get passed to the applet. This is analogous to using the <PARAM> tag to pass parameters to an applet placed with the <APPLET> tag.

Stopping and Starting ColdFusion

One other important piece of ColdFusion administration that does not appear as an option in the main Administrator interface is stopping and starting the ColdFusion Application Server. Occasionally, you’ll need to stop the Application Server to update a database file or to refresh the service in the event of a crash. To do this, direct your browser to This will load an HTML page with an embedded Java applet that will present you with buttons that stop and start the Application Server (see Figure 34.16).

FIGURE 34.15  You can embed Java applets in your ColdFusion templates after you register them.

FIGURE 34.16  The ColdFusion Administrator also comes with a simple two-button control panel that you can use to stop and start the ColdFusion service.

NOTE:  You will need to enter the ColdFusion Administrator password before being able to stop and start the ColdFusion Application Server.

The ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)

Now that you are familiar with the basics of ColdFusion administration, you can begin to learn CFML—the language used to develop ColdFusion applications. Two important things to remember about CFML are

  CFML code is located in the same file as HTML code.
  CFML is a tag-based language, so if you’re comfortable with HTML, it will be easier to pick up CFML.

As you read earlier, CFML also comes with more than 175 functions for processing specific data structures. These functions are used within tags and make ColdFusion application development that much easier.

The next two major sections look at the most useful CFML tags and functions in the context of common tasks you would need to code when developing a ColdFusion application. Documentation covering every CFML tag and function can be found in ColdFusion’s built-in help and reference material ( or in the Help section of the ColdFusion Studio Resource Tab.

  See “Using ColdFusion Studio,” later in this chapter, p. 928.


CFML tags are similar to HTML tags in that

  They can occur as standalone tags or in an opening tag/closing tag pair.
  They have attributes that modify the effect of the tag.

One thing common to all CFML tags is that the keyword for each tag always begins with the letters CF. This is especially important to remember because some CFML tags, such as <CFFORM> and <CFTABLE>, would be reduced to regular HTML tags if you left the CF off the keywords.

The next several sections examine many of the useful tags that make up CFML, including

  Assigning values to ColdFusion variables with <CFSET> and printing their values with <CFOUTPUT>
  Querying, inserting, updating, and deleting records in a database using <CFQUERY>
  Implementing conditional logic with <CFIF>
  Creating looping constructs with <CFLOOP>
  Sending email using <CFMAIL>
  Using several other useful tags such as <CFINCLUDE>, <CFLOCATION>, <CFCOOKIE>, <CFTRANSACTION>, and <CFFORM>

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